Rules and Regulations

Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Table of Contents
Authority and Purpose
Professional Conduct and Personal Bearing
Responsibilities and General Conduct on Duty
Public Activities
Protection of Prisoners, Their Rights & Their Property
Civil, Criminal, Judicial and Investigative Actions
Uniforms, Equipment and Appearance
Effective Date
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Section 100
Authority and Purpose
101. Authority and Purpose
The Rules and Regulations of the Pocola Police Department are promulgated by the Chief of
Police and approved by the legislative body of the Town of Pocola.
The Rules and Regulations of the Pocola Police Department are designed to promote efficiency,
discipline, and good public relations by setting forth rules governing the conduct of every
member (full-time officer, reserve officers, and dispatchers) of the police department, both on
and off duty. The terms “sworn member” and “officer” refer to any person commissioned as a
police officer pursuant to authority of state law and under the ordinances of the Town of Pocola.
102.1 Where reference is made to the “office of the Chief of the Police”, that term shall mean
the Chief, and/or any staff officer/s designated by the Chief of Police.
The provisions of these Rules and Regulations, Policies and Procedures, Standard Operating
Procedures, and written directives shall apply to all members of the Police Department.
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Section 200
The provisions of these Rules and Regulations shall be observed by all members of the
department in order to maintain the confidence, respect and support of the community.
Violation of these Rules and Regulations, the ordinances of the Town of Pocola and/or laws of
the State of Oklahoma or the United States, or Departmental orders, policies and directives shall
subject the offender to disciplinary action which may take the form of a verbal or written
reprimand, reduction in rank and/or suspension, or discharge from employment. Action taken
will depend on the severity of the offense, the record of the offender, and the seriousness of the
consequences of the violation.
Disciplinary action under these Rules and Regulations shall be in accordance with the Town of
Pocola's Rules and Regulations.
It shall be the duty of all supervisors, officers, and members to take corrective action and submit
a written report to an immediate supervisor whenever they learn through personal observation
or report any violation of these Rules and Regulations, the ordinances of the Town of Pocola
and/or laws of the State of Oklahoma or the United States by any member of the Department.
204.1 Should the violation involve an incident of a serious nature, the supervisor or
commanding officer detecting the violation shall relieve the offender from duty and take
custody of any credentials and firearms issued by the Department. Should the observing
officer be of lesser rank than the offender, he/she shall notify a supervisor of equal or
superior rank. The offender shall be instructed to keep himself/herself immediately
available to the office of the Chief of Police and shall not perform any police duties while
being relieved of duty.
204.2 A written report of the incident shall be submitted by the reporting supervisor, through
the proper chain of command, to the Office of the Chief of Police.
When a violation does not involve gross misconduct but could cause discredit to the
Department or any member thereof, an initial investigation and report shall be made in writing
setting out the known facts of the case and a thorough investigation will be initiated to
determine the nature and degree of the violation.
Minor violations which do not involve gross misconduct and which will not reflect discredit upon
the Department but which indicate a need for some form of discipline and/or training may be
handled by the offender’s supervisor.
Pursuant to the authority granted by the legislative body of the Town of Pocola, the Chief of
Police shall have the right to suspend any employee who may be under his/her jurisdiction and
control for failure or refusal to obey lawful orders given by proper authority or the orders, rules
and regulations and directives promulgated by the Chief of Police.
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Scope- Continued
No member shall procure appointment in the Department by means of willful misrepresentation
or omission of any material fact concerning his/her personal employment history, qualifications
for employment, or physical condition.
Upon receipt of written notification from the Chief of Police of a dismissal and/or demotion or a
qualifying suspension which has a length of time that is established by state law or town
ordinance, the member shall have ten (10) days to exercise his/her right of appeal to the Town
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Section 300
Professional Conduct and Personal Bearing
Dereliction of duty on the part of any member that is detrimental to the proper performance of
the functions of the Department is cause for disciplinary action. The offender shall be punished
according to the severity of the violation, the results brought by the dereliction, and the effect it
has upon the discipline, good order, and the best interest of the Department. Although not an
exhaustive list, the following described sections constitute dereliction of duty:
301.01 Failure of a supervisor to take immediate action when a violation of these Rules and
Regulations comes to his/her attention, regardless of the supervisor’s or violator’s
assignment or rank within the Department.
301.02 Failure to observe and adhere to the Rules and Regulations, Policies and directives of
the Department.
301.03 Failure to deliver to the official departmental evidence custodian any property found or
confiscated by or relinquished to officers of this Department without undue delay and,
in any event, before the officer’s tour of duty ends.
301.04 Failure to place evidence in officially designated place for preservation and storage.
301.05 Failure to give name, badge number and/or employee number to any person upon
301.06 To be under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance or to be a user of a
controlled substance when such are not prescribed by a physician or dentist or to take
drugs in a manner not prescribed by a physician or dentist.
301.07 Unnecessary violence toward any person
301.08 Disrespect shown towards any supervisory officer, any civilian supervisor or
301.09 Use of unnecessarily loud, indecent, profane, or rude language in the performance of
official duties or in the presence of the public.
301.10 To accept, agree to accept, or solicit a bribe. (A bribe shall be defined as a gift, money,
thing of value, testimonial, appointment or personal advantage, or the promise or
solicitation of same for the purpose of obtaining special privileges or personal gain by
the donor or other person.)
301.11 Cowardice or failure to perform police duties because of danger.
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Professional Conduct and Personal Bearing- Continued
Officers shall not engage in any conduct which constitutes conduct unbecoming an officer or
neglect of duty.
Members shall not engage in any personal act or conduct which, if brought to the attention of
the public, could result in justified criticism of that member or the Department. No member
shall be personally involved in disturbances or police incidents to his/her discredit.
Members shall treat supervisors, subordinates and associates with respect. Members shall
be courteous and civil at all times in their relationships with one another. When on duty, in the
presence of the public or other members, officers shall be referred to by rank or proper
Members shall not publicly criticize or ridicule the Department, its policies or other employees
by speaking, writing or expressing in any manner which:
305.01 Is defamatory.
305.02 Is obscene.
305.03 Is unlawful.
305.04 Tends to impair the operation of the Department by interfering with its efficiency, with
the ability of supervisors to maintain discipline or by a reckless disregard for the truth.
Members shall not ridicule, mock, taunt, or belittle any person at any time. Neither shall he/she
willfully embarrass, humiliate, nor shame any person nor do anything that might incite any
person to violence.
Members shall not conduct himself/herself in the offices and buildings of the Department in a
manner which would discredit the member or the Department.
Members shall not engage in any form of gambling in or upon any police facility.
Members shall not engage in "horseplay" or the playing of pranks while on duty. This conduct is
prohibited while in any vehicle or upon any police facility.
Members shall not solicit any funds for the purpose of buying a gift for any member of the
Department. However, members may solicit funds for retirement gifts or special circumstances
with permission from the Office of the Chief of Police.
Members shall not receive any money or gifts from any type of solicitation except when retiring
from the Department or for special circumstances previously approved by the Office of the Chief
of Police.
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Professional Conduct and Personal Bearing- Continued
Members shall not under any circumstances solicit any gift, gratuity, loan, fee or other
consideration where there is any direct or indirect relationship between the solicitation and
their department membership except as provided by law and approved by the Office of the
Chief of Police.
Members shall not use their position, badge or uniform or solicit or accept gifts or gratuities that
could, in the public mind, be interpreted as capable of influencing his/her judgment in the
discharge of his/her duties or that would reflect favoritism by the member or department
towards any particular person, group, or business. This rule does not prohibit:
313.01 Unsolicited discounts or services offered to all members so long as the
member does not profit by reselling the item or offering the service to another.
313.02 Acceptance of awards, including money, given to a member by a publicly recognized
organization in recognition of outstanding service or achievement.
313.03 Acceptance by a member of any money or gifts on behalf of the department with
approval of any command level supervisor. Such items accepted shall be of benefit to
the department as a whole or for some worthy cause that is sponsored in whole or part
by the department.
Disposition of Unauthorized Gifts: Any unauthorized gift, gratuity, reward, or other material
benefit which comes into the possession of any employee shall be forwarded to the Chief of
314.01 The Chief shall consult with legal counsel and a determination made whether to arrange
for the return of the gift and/or initiate an investigation.
314.02 The member involved shall be notified in writing of the disposition.
Members shall not receive any gift or gratuity from members, junior in rank, without permission
from the Office of the Chief of Police.
Members shall not purchase from or sell anything to any complainant, suspect, witness,
defendant, prisoner or other person involved in any case which has come to their attention
through their employment with the Department. Officers cannot act as intermediary in the
payment of a reward for the return of stolen property without prior written authorization by the
Chief of Police. This does not prohibit officers from dealing with legitimate businesses.
Officers in uniform shall render the proper military salute to the flag of the United States and
the national anthem at appropriate times. Officer in civilian dress shall render proper civilian
honors to the flag of the United States and national anthem at appropriate times.
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Section 400
Responsibilities and General Conduct on Duty
For the purpose of protecting life and property, officers shall always be considered on duty
while in the Town of Pocola and shall be prepared to act any time circumstances indicate their
services are required.
Officers shall respond without delay to all calls for police assistance. Emergency calls take
precedence. However, all calls shall be answered as soon as possible, consistent with normal
safety precautions and traffic laws. Except under the most extraordinary circumstances, officers
shall not fail to answer any call for service directed to him/her. Should an officer be unable to
respond to a call for service, the circumstances must be immediately reported to a supervisor
for approval and the supervisor will then be responsible for the reassignment of the call.
Within the Town of Pocola, officers shall, at all times, take appropriate action to:
403.01 Protect life and property.
403.02 Preserve the peace.
403.03 Prevent crimes.
403.04 Detect and arrest violators of the law.
403.05 Enforce all appropriate federal, state and local laws and ordinances.
The ranking on-duty supervisor at the scene of any police incident shall be in charge and
responsible for the proper conclusion of that incident. In the absence of a supervisor, the senior
officer present shall be in charge and responsible for the handling of the incident. The supervisor
or senior officer shall remain at the scene until such time as the incident is under control, and is
being properly handled in accordance with existing policies and sufficient instructions have been
issued to ensure proper conclusion of the incident. The arrival of an investigator does not relieve
the on-scene supervisor from the proper conclusion of the incident.
Officers shall, at all times, respond to the lawful orders of supervisors and others in lawful
authority as well as requests for police assistance from the public. The administrative delegation
to particular agencies or departments of the enforcement of certain laws and ordinances does
not relieve other officers from the responsibility of taking prompt, effective police action within
the scope of those laws and ordinances when circumstances require. Officers assigned to special
duties are not relieved from taking necessary enforcement action outside the scope of their
special assignment. All members shall perform their duties as required or directed by law,
departmental rule, and policy, directive or by order from a supervisory officer.
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Responsibilities and General Conduct on Duty-Continued
Failure or deliberate refusal of any officer to obey a lawful order given by a supervisory officer of
this Department shall be considered insubordination.
Officers, while within their jurisdiction, are required to take appropriate action to aid any law
enforcement officer exposed to danger or in a situation of impending danger.
The hours of all police employees shall be regulated by the Chief of Police, who has the
authority to call any police member back to duty, regardless of the hours assigned that member.
Members shall not be absent without leave. (Absent without leave shall mean either a failure to
report for duty at the time and place of duty or the leaving of a place of duty or assignment
without the prior authorization of a supervisor.)
Officers shall be in the proper and complete assigned uniform and have all necessary
equipment. They shall give careful attention to orders and instructions
It shall be the responsibility of members who cannot report for duty due to illness (personal or
family) to notify an on-duty supervisor, within their division, at least one (1) hour prior to their
scheduled reporting time. The supervisor shall contact the officer to confirm the nature of the
illness and approve the type of leave for payroll purposes.
411.01 Where the pattern of sick leave usage indicates abuse of the Town’s sick leave policies,
the Chief of Police or his/her designee may verify the illness of the member by
telephone or personal visits.
When a member becomes sick while on duty to the extent that he/she must leave their
assigned duties, the member shall notify his/her supervisor immediately, prior to leaving their
assigned duties.
Any member of the Department who is absent from duty and reports sickness as the reason
for such absence, shall at the discretion of the Chief of Police, submit to an examination by a
physician selected by the Town of Pocola.
Supervisory officers shall make diligent inquiry into every case of unexplained tardiness and
shall document such tardiness with a view toward possible disciplinary action.
In cases of extended illness, reports and statements from the physician attending the member
shall be immediately furnished as to the member’s illness, condition and expected time to
return to duty. It shall be the responsibility of the member concerned to ensure that this
documentation is prepared and presented to the member’s immediate supervisor who will
forward the documentation to the Office of the Chief of Police.
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Responsibilities and General Conduct on Duty- Continued
Members shall furnish the Department an address and telephone number at which they may be
reached in the event of an emergency.
Police members shall report changes in home address, telephone number, emergency phone
number and name changes within seventy-two (72) hours of such change to their immediate
supervisor for forwarding to the Office of the Chief of Police.
Officers shall not work at any outside or extra employment within twenty-four (24) hours from
the end of a shift that they failed to report for duty due to illness, injury or sickness in the family.
Officers shall remain alert, observant, and occupied with police business during their tour of
duty. While on duty, officers shall devote their entire time and attention to the business of the
Officers are prohibited from engaging in the following activities while on duty:
420.01 Sleeping, loafing, or idling.
420.02 Recreational reading.
420.03 Conducting personal business.
420.04 Carrying any articles which distract from the proper performance of police
420.05 Drinking intoxicating beverages or gambling. (Except in the performance of a police duty
and then only with the specific prior written consent of the Chief of Police and never in
420.06 Any sexual conduct or act.
Members are prohibited from participating in any other vocation or business activity which
might conflict or interfere with their responsibilities to the Department. Members must receive
permission from the Office of the Chief of Police before engaging in off-duty employment or
business activities.
Officers shall promptly submit reports which are required by the performance of their duties,
departmental policies and directives or by competent authority.
Members shall not consume intoxicants while off-duty to the extent that evidence of such
consumption is apparent when he/she reports for duty or to the extent his/her job
performance is impaired.
Members in uniform shall not drink intoxicants while on-duty or off-duty.
Members shall not be intoxicated while on-duty. They shall not, at any time, be intoxicated in
public view.
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Responsibilities and General Conduct on Duty- Continued
Members shall not bring or keep intoxicating liquor on departmental premises, except for liquor
brought to the Department in the furtherance of a police task and such shall be properly
identified and stored according to policy.
Members on duty or in uniform shall not enter taverns, bars, lounges or other similar public
places except to perform a police service. Loitering and unnecessary conversation are prohibited
in such places.
Members shall not smoke, chew tobacco or gum while making personal contacts with the public
in the performance of his/her duties.
No expenditure of money shall be made or liability incurred in the name of the Town of Pocola
or the Department unless authorized by the Office of the Chief of Police.
Members shall not permit any person to enter any police facility whose purpose it is to sell
goods, offer them for sale, canvas or solicit for any purpose without permission from the Office
of the Chief of Police.
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Section 500
Public Activities
No member of the Department or person seeking admission thereto, shall be appointed,
refused appointment, reduced, removed or in any way favored or discriminated against because
of political or religious opinions or affiliations.
Permitted Political Activities
Members of the Pocola Police Department may engage in the following political activities:
(a) Run for political office;
(b) Contribute to and campaign for ballot issues during non-duty time ("ballot issues" include
constitutional amendments, bond issues, and other such issue elections).
(c) Participate, voluntarily, off-duty, in uniform, in campaigns for municipal ballot issues that
have been officially endorsed by a majority vote of the Town Council of the Town of Pocola.
Prohibited Political Activities
Members of the Pocola Police Department shall not engage in the following political
(a) Campaign at any time for elected political office, either on behalf of themselves or for
others, when on duty, or in uniform, or when acting in an official capacity as a police officer;
(b) Campaign for elected political office, either on behalf of themselves or for others, at
anytime, anywhere, or in any manner which implies endorsement by the Town of Pocola or
its Police Department;
(c) Solicit campaign contributions while in uniform or by identifying themselves as a member of
the Pocola Police Department, or by any other manner which implies endorsement by the
Town of Pocola or its Police Department of any candidate or position;
(d) Compel or otherwise place pressure of any kind upon a subordinate to contribute to, or
campaign for, any ballot issue or candidate for public office; or
(e) Place campaign material on any Town of Pocola property, including Pocola Police
Department uniforms.
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Public Activities-Continued
If a member covered by these rules and regulations is elected to an office, or is appointed to
complete the unexpired term of an elective office, which causes a conflict or negatively impacts
the member’s performance with his or her town position, as determined by the Police Chief, the
member will be required to either resign his or her position with the Police Department or the
office to which he or she was elected or appointed. Additionally, such member shall not serve or
perform in the elected or appointed position while in uniform or in any other way by identifying
themselves as an employee of the Police Department or by any other manner which implies
endorsement by the Town of Pocola or its Police Department.
Members shall not seek the influence or intervention of any person outside the Department for
purposes of personal preferment, advantage, transfer or advancement. Should any member
learn of any intervention in his/her behalf, he/she shall notify the Chief of Police of such in
Members shall not become a member of any organization, association, movement or group that
commits or advocates acts of force or violence to deny others their rights under the Constitution
of the United States or which seeks to alter the form of government of the United States by
unconstitutional means.
Members shall not participate in any type of disruptive protest demonstration nor shall any
member act as a spokesman, representative or agent for any group engaged in or planning to
engage in any type of disruptive protest demonstration.
Except for official police duties, no member shall knowingly associate with persons of immoral
character, convicted felons, gamblers or other persons who habitually commit violations of the
law. This does not exclude a member from associating with immediate members of his/her
family if they fall within the aforementioned category.
Members shall not permit their name or photograph to be used to endorse any product or
service which is in any way connected with law enforcement without permission from the Office
of the Chief of Police. Members shall not, without permission from the Office of the Chief of
Police, allow their name or photograph to be used in any commercial testimonial or
endorsement which alludes to their position or employment with the Department.
Debts- Incurring and payment
509.01 Members shall not solicit subordinate members to co-sign or endorse any promissory
note or other loan
509.02 Members shall pay all just debts and legal liabilities incurred by them.
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Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Section 600
Protection of Prisoners, Their Rights and Their Property
Officers shall not arrest any person or search any premises or person except with a warrant of
arrest, a search warrant or where such arrest or search is authorized without a warrant under
laws of the State of Oklahoma, the United States or ordinances of the Town of Pocola.
All officers shall protect the rights of any person held in custody and no officers shall verbally
abuse or use any unnecessary violence against any person.
Officers shall not knowingly falsely arrest, imprison or direct any malicious prosecution against
any person.
Members shall not willfully mistreat or give inhumane treatment to any person held in custody
nor show conscious disregard for the obvious medical need of any prisoner in his or her custody.
Officers shall use only such force as is necessary to effect an arrest.
Officers shall not use deadly force in effecting an arrest except as justified by law and as
prescribed by the policies and directives of the Department.
Any member who has lost, destroyed or damaged any property or equipment belonging to any
person in custody or which has come into their possession by reason of his/her duties, may be
required to make restitution if the loss or damage is the result of negligence on the part of the
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Section 700
Civil, Criminal, Judicial and Investigative Actions
The Department has jurisdiction in criminal cases only. Officers shall not render aid or assistance
in civil cases except to prevent an immediate breach of the peace or to quell a disturbance
actually existing.
Members shall not investigate any criminal case committed against him/her or any member of
his/her family. Offenses that may be committed against him/her or members of his/her family
shall be reported to the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall notify an officer who shall
investigate and file such charges as may be proper. Once properly reported, the involved
member shall neither request nor receive any preferential treatment of their case during the
investigative or prosecution stages.
Members shall be truthful at all times, whether under oath or not, when conducting official
police business.
Members shall answer questions; render material and relevant statements to a competent
authority in a departmental personnel investigation, when directed.
Members shall not willfully misrepresent any matter, sign any false statement or report, commit
perjury or give false testimony before any court, grand jury, commission, official hearing or
departmental hearing or investigation.
Members of the Pocola Police Department shall not solicit, retain, or reproduce for their
personal use or gain, any confidential information from another law enforcement agency.
Members shall not knowingly falsify or alter any report, document or record or cause to be
entered any inaccurate, false or improper information on records, documents, or reports of the
Department or of any court. No member shall remove or destroy or cause the removal or
destruction of any report, document of record without prior written authorization from the
Chief of Police.
Members must be present and available to testify in any court or before any grand jury when
officially notified to appear. In all cases outside LeFlore County and in all civil cases, members
shall notify their immediate supervisor, in writing, that they are responding to a legal subpoena.
Members who, for a valid reason, are unable to answer an official summons must be excused by
the court or grand jury prior to the time they are scheduled to appear.
Any member who is subpoenaed or volunteers to testify for the defense in any criminal or civil
trial or hearing or any case against the Town or Department shall notify the Chief of Police in
writing upon receipt of the subpoena or of his/her intention to testify or his/her appearance as
a witness.
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Civil, Criminal, Judicial and Investigative Actions- Continued
Members shall not engage in any of the following conduct:
711.01 Interfering with the service of lawful process.
711.02 Interfering with the attendance or testimony of witnesses through coercion, bribery or
other means.
711.03 Attempting to have any Notice to Appear or traffic citation reduced, voided or stricken
from the calendar without written approval from the Office of the Chief of Police.
711.04 Recommending a dismissal, reduction of charges or other disposition of a pending
criminal or traffic case which has been previously filed in any criminal or traffic court or
before any grand jury except by written approval of the Office of the Chief of Police.
711.05 Taking any other action which interferes with the efficiency or integrity of the
administration of justice.
711.06 Having knowledge of such interference and failing to inform a supervisory member in
Members shall not suggest, recommend, advise or otherwise counsel the retention of any
specific attorney or bail broker to any person coming to their attention as a result of police
business. This does not apply when a relative or personal acquaintance of the member seeks
such advice. In no case may such advice be given where a fee, gratuity or reward is offered by,
solicited or accepted from the attorney or bail bondsman.
Members shall not give any lawyer, bondsman, or the agent for either, or any other person
unauthorized, information regarding prisoners, property in custody or records of the
Members shall not furnish bail or act as principal or surety on any bail bond or bail bond
application for any person charged with any type of criminal offense except members of their
immediate family.
Members shall not reveal any confidential information to anyone unless properly authorized to
do so, and then only to a person or persons authorized to receive such confidential information.
Members shall not make known any information concerning the progress of an investigation, a
known or reported law violation, a condition against which action is to be taken at a future date
or any other proposed police operation to any person not authorized to receive such
Members shall not communicate in any manner, either directly or indirectly, any information
which may assist persons accused of or guilty of criminal or quasi-criminal acts to escape arrest
or punishment or which may enable them to dispose of or secret evidence of unlawful activity,
money, merchandise or other property unlawfully obtained.
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Civil, Criminal, Judicial and Investigative Actions- Continued
Members shall not release any police record, arrest report, prosecution report, criminal history
file, mug shot picture or other record or report to any person or agency which does not have a
criminal justice function except as provided by the Oklahoma Freedom of Information Act or
approved by the Office of the Chief of Police.
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Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Section 800
Uniforms, Equipment and Appearance
Police officers of the Town of Pocola shall present a “neutral image” to effectively relate to all
segments of the community they serve. Societal interest demands highly trained and motivated
officers who demonstrate disciplined conduct, regimentation and strict adherence to Rules and
Regulations and departmental directives. Therefore, officers shall be subject to and shall comply
with the uniform and appearance standards prescribed by the Chief of Police.
Uniforms shall be kept neat, clean and in good repair at all times. While wearing the uniform,
officers shall maintain a military bearing, avoiding mannerisms such as slouching, shuffling or
keeping hands in the pockets. The uniform hat shall be worn at specified times as established by
departmental orders.
Normally, officers shall wear the uniform of the day on their tour of duty. The Chief of Police
may prescribe other clothing as required by the nature of the duty to which a particular officer is
No officer, while in uniform, shall carry an umbrella, cane, or similar object or wear on the
uniform any item not specifically authorized by the Chief of Police.
Officers shall carry their identification card, identifying them as a law enforcement officer of this
Department at all times, except when required to surrender such by these Rules and
Officers may go armed at all times off duty except where prohibited by law. When an officer is
on duty or off duty in uniform providing a police service, he/she shall not carry any shotgun, rifle
or sidearm other than those issued and/or approved by the Department and using only issued
ammunition. Officers shall not carry any other firearm unless previously approved by the Chief
of Police. The use of a rifle requires prior approval from the Office of the Chief of Police.
Officers may not carry any impact weapon unless that officer has completed documented
training directly addressing the weapon’s proper use and the weapon is one approved for use by
the Department by the Office of the Chief of Police.
Officers dressed in civilian clothes and off duty, shall not wear a weapon in such a manner that it
will attract attention or be open to the view of the public. Officers dressed in civilian clothes, as
their assigned uniform, will conform to their assigned unit’s dress code.
Officers shall not wear the uniform, be armed, or carry his/her identification card while
suspended or relieved of duty. Such officer shall immediately surrender his/her badge,
identification card and issued weapon to the supervisor notifying the offender of his/her
suspension or relief from duty.
Improper or negligent handling of or negligent damage to city property is a violation of these
Rules and Regulations. Reckless handling of or reckless damage to city property is a serious
violation of these Rules and Regulations and shall subject the offender to serve disciplinary
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Uniforms, Equipment and Appearance- Continued
Members who have lost, damaged, or destroyed any equipment issued to them by the
Department shall immediately report such to their immediate supervisor. The officer may be
required to make restitution if the loss or damage is the result of negligence on the officer’s
Members shall promptly report the need for repairs of any city owned property issued, used or
possessed by them, to their immediate supervisor.
Members shall not alter, repair, or in any way change, add to, or remove any parts or
accessories of any city owned property without permission from the Chief of Police. This
includes buildings, office equipment, machines, firearms, communications equipment, and
motor vehicles or any other city owned property.
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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Section 900
Effective Date
These Rules and Regulations shall become effective November 12, 2012, at which time the
previous Rules and Regulations and their amendments shall be superseded, except as provided
in 901.00 of this code.
The previous Rules and Regulations and their amendments shall remain in full force and effect
for any violations which occur prior to the effective date of this code.
If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of these Rules and Regulations is for any reason held
invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions.
Pocola Police Department
Rules and Regulations
Effective November 12, 2012
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