CH 11 Part 2


Notes CH 11 Part 2

The Louisiana Godsend

Why is there a problem… Napoleon takes La. Back from Spain in 1800… his initial intention is to create a new world empire, However, this was a secret at this point.

Spain takes away the right of deposit in 1802… The Pickney Treaty of 1795 signed after the Jay Treaty with GB… had given us this right… all of a sudden it was withdrawn….

The problem was that western farmers sent their goods down the Miss. R. to warehouses in NO so that it could be sold and shipped out… Without this right of deposit… they have no way…other than crossing the Mtns (the miss r. does not flow

North to the gt lakes and there is no powered shipping yet)

Jefferson knew that without this support and with the possibility that Napoleon coming to the new world… he would have to align the USA W/GB and that would mean WAR etc…soooooo…. He sends Robert Livingston and James Monroe To

France with authorization to spend 10$milion to purchase NO and any lands to the EAST…

What happens….The Haitian slave revolution led by Toussant la”Overture is successful… Napoleons troops die in huge #’s from yellow fever… and Napoleon at this point is fed up with the New World and decides to offer the USA ALL OF

LOUISIANA FOR 15$MILLION DOLLARS, he would use that $ to fund an attempt to take over all of Europe…

How do we respond… of course we say YES…

828,000 square miles for 3 cents an acre-the richest river valley in the world… a bargain…

Note: While in Paris Robert Livingston sees steam powered boats on the Seine…he comes home and partners with Robert Fulton… and they begin the Transportation revolution with Steam powered Riverboats in NYC…”Fulton’s Folly.”

Jefferson is troubled, however, it is not constitutional… to do this… BUT he decides to do it anyway and the Senate approves this easily… it sets a precedent for the USA acquire land & its people by purchase…repeated often in the future (this is another example of jefferson’s consistent inconsistency)

This fulfills in Jefferson’s view the future of America as an Agricultural nation…He calls LA. The “Valley of Democracy.”

In 1804, Jefferson asks Meriwether Lewis, his personal secretary, and a young

Army officer, William Clark, to explore the Northern part of the Louisiana

Purchase… Lewis and Clark’s expedition spent 2.5 years and made it to the Pacific

Coast in Oregon and back…with the help of Sacajawea…who actually gives birth to her first child on the trip and saved the expedition several times…(see map of expedition route on p 224)

Scientific observations, building relationships with the native peoples, maps, a journal and samples of plants and animals are returned to Jefferson and with the aid of the press advertising this bountiful land leads to hordes or pioneers heading

west along the Oregon Trail in upcoming decades….following the trappers as guides across the West and beginning a true American story…Pioneer Men and

Women entering the wilderness and interacting with the varied physical geography as

well as the varied peoples that populate the West…THE AMERICAN STORY

The Aaron Burr Conspiracies

The purchase of Louisiana was obviously a gain for the USA…however…you may be able to purchase the land…BUT …the question is can you GOVERN IT…the power of the Federal gov’t is also expanded simultaneously…in its attempt to govern this vast expanse…

Burr comes on the scene again…he first fails to lead NE into secession, Hamilton exposes the plot and yet dies in a DUEL with Burr in NJ over the conflict.

Burr next plots with General James Wilkerson, military Governor of Louisiana, and a spy for Spain, to break the Trans-Mississippi West away from the USA… In 1806

Burr with 60 rivermen meets Wilkerson in Natchez…but the General learned that

Jefferson knew what Burr was up to and betrayed Burr and fled to NO…Burr was arrested and tried for treason…in a hearing led by Chief Justice John Marshall, Burr is acquitted… Marshall and the Court rule that the intent of treason is not the same as proving the act…Burr flees to Paris in an attempt to persuade Napoleon…he fails.

America: A Nutcracked Neutral

TJ is re-elected in a landslide in 1804…162 to 14. However, Napoleon, with the $$$ from America re-ignites the War in Europe that will last eleven years and lead to his defeat….but in those 11 years he changes the face of Europe.

Great Britain controls the Seas, and Napoleon controls the continent…the Tiger and the Shark… Both are fighting in one of the most Legendary wars in world history and at this point they really don’t care about America at all…. However, as a pawn in the game….America is manipulated by both nations, abused by Both nations…


AND MILAN DECREES.” These trade restrictions attempt to control all trade with

Europe…. All Vessels were forced to stop in Britain first before landing in Europe according to the British OIC…and according to the Napoleonic decrees, which orders the seizure of all ships who stop in Britain…there was no way to trade with either without upsetting the other…AMERICA WAS STUCK BETWEEN A ROCK AND A


The British were brutal towards America… The French, if our ships did stop in

Britain seized our ships and stole their cargoes…

IMPRESSMENT: Seamen forcibly taken off American merchant and Naval ships and forcibly enlisted in the Royal Navy…some 6000 US citizens were forcibly taken between 1808 and 1811 alone…(THIS is a Key reason for WAR)*** USS

Chesapeake…in 1807, 10 miles off the coast of Virginia is attacked and boarded by

British Navy… 4 American sailors are taken, killing 3 and wounding 18…Britain does not apologize…

The Hated Embargo*** & Madison’s Gamble

How doe America react to the impressments and attacks? TJ (Madison later) and Congress clearly want to avoid WAR…”peaceful coercion” is the philosophy… this idea that the USA would use economic pressures to manipulate an improved behavior by the British and French, who were at war… is attempted until war begins…remember that TJ has cut our military spending to almost nothing, built “mosquito” ships, so therefore we are very weak…

Could this work? Britain and France were heavily dependent on America for raw materials for their industries and food… both TJ and Madison hoped that by denying these powers these goods it would influence their future behavior…thus “peaceful coercion…”

****Three Acts of Congress attempt to influence the warring nations to leave us alone…and hope that our actions could keep us out of this horrendous war in Europe…

These 3 measures, esp. Embargo Act, crushes our economy and there are many, esp. in New England, who suffer tremendously…but it hurt all of the country, mounds of Cotton, Grain, and Tobacco sat on the docks all from the

South and West..

*1 Embargo Act 1807 -1809 – this act continues until the final days of TJ’s



(of course many, in the great Am. Tradition attempt to ignore this and smuggle, esp along the Canadian Border…but enforcement was harsh)

Effects: mentioned above…and also the short resurgence of the Federalist party…in NE they borrowed the pre-pres Jeffersonian idea of “nullification” and even spoke of secession…Britain and France withstood the attempted manipulation…due to opening mkts. In Latin America and the world…However, the policy continues with some minor adjustments under


**2 Non-Intercourse Acts, 1809-1810- A slight adjustment to the embargo…these acts passed by Congress and signed into law by new President



***3 MACON’S BILL NO.2, 1810-1812: this is the last of the Acts passed under the philosophy of “peaceful coercion,” and this is what brings us to WAR… in this instance Madison and Congress take a gamble….continuing to allow our trade with all other countries…except… an offer to BR & FR… if either would repeal their Orders in Council (GB) or Berlin & Milan Decrees

(FR)…allowing us to freely trade as a NEUTRAL nation should be able to..Then the USA would embargo the other….

****Reaction: Napoleon tricks us… stating , in 1810, that they would be happy to repeal their DECREES…IF…. Britain does so as well…MADISON, with little choice America had to trade with one…, ACCEPTS THE FRENCH OFFER AS AN


EFFECT: THIS ULTIMATELY LEADS TO WAR (another cause [see 11 part 2 RQ’s for the list of causes]

NOTE: The Law of Unintended Consequences… Ironically, as much damage as the three acts mentioned above and the subsequent War of 1812- 1815 does to the US economy…IT FORCES THE BEGINNING OF THE INDUSTRIAL

REVOLUTION IN AMERICA… TJ and Madison with their philosophy of “peaceful coercion,” and eventually War actually inspires many Americans to create and begin MANUFACTURING and INDUSTRIAL businesses to replace the goods once purchased for foreign countries… This BOOM begins a transformative change in the American Economy and is the spur to the development of the

Industrial Giant America becomes… eventually replacing agriculture as the primary economic engine of the USA… TJ and Madison both dreamed of an

American Agricultural Nation of small independently owned farmers… the dream is given a fatal blow by their own policies…ironically 

Tecumseh and the Prophet (other reasons to go to war…)

****Note: great short articles are posted in the documents section for both chapters 11

& 12… including one on Tecumseh and his brother from “Smithsonian” magazine 

WAR HAWKS – newly elected congressmen… most were Young, from South and

West…(Those that support war are called HAWKS …those that oppose DOVES)

Why war? Wanted their own glory…like the rev. generation…, hated being

bullied by impressment, trade restrictions, and having the British on their frontier inciting the Indians, calamitous and continuous battles arise during this period across all of the frontier [quote Henry Clay bbox p229 in digital edition of textbook]

Tecumseh & Tenskwatawa (Prophet)

Shawnee brothers who attempt to create a Confederacy of all Native American tribes east of the Miss. River. They inspire many in a vibrant movement which stressed unity and cultural renewal by returning to their traditional ways and eschewing European influences…esp. selling Natives Land…[see bbox quote bottom p 230 in digital edition of textbook] they also encouraged no use of alcohol and their goal was to push the white settlers back and preserve their lands. {great article in the docs}

American response: WH Harrison, Gov. of Indiana Territory, raises an Army and in the fall of 1811 at TIPPACANOE…the Prophet, Tecumseh was traveling and speaking to other tribes, meets Harrison’s army and is crushed… The Battle of Tippacanoe makes Harrison and national hero (later elected as the 1 st Whig Pres. in 1840 with the slogan, “Tippacanoe and Tyler, too”) This drives Tecumseh into an alliance with the British during the War of 1812…he later dies during the War at the Battle of the

Thames in southwestern Ontario…and with him his dream of an Indian


****NOTE: here are links to two short pieces about Tecumseh… I especially love the bottom poem, attributed to him…It was most recently used in a movie about the

American Seal Teams… A father who dies asks his fellow Seal to give this to his son…wow WHHarrison’s quote about Tecumseh on p. 230 in a brown box is very enlightening as well …considering the times and hatred most had for the Native

Americans …


- concerning the philosophy of Tecumseh…

(scroll to last quote at the bottom of the page – CALLED “WISE WORDS OF TECUMSEH”…a poem…”Live your Life” )THIS IS A GREAT POEM AND LESSON FOR LIFE****

Mr. Madison’s War

Why do we go to War? We are bullied for many years and we attempt “peaceful coercion,” but are backed into a corner… Madison and the Republicans came to believe that only a vigorous assertion of American rights could demonstrate the viability of American Nationhood and of democracy as a form of government…”If

America could not fight to protect itself, its experiment in republicanism would be discredited in the eyes of a scoffing world.”

There were various causes: Impressment, Inciting the Indians in the West,

Unreasonable Trade restrictions, Expansionists in Congress wanting to acquire both

Canada and Florida…yet most significant is protecting the honor of our nation…

Madison asks Congress for a Declaration of War against Britain June 1, 1812

The House of Representatives voted in favor: 79 -49

The Senate votes in favor: 19 -13

The Nation was clearly DIVIDED. (sectionally and politically)

-Most support for the war was from the Democratic-Republicans who lived in the

South and West.

-Most opposition for the war was from Federalists who lived in New England.

Eventually, the actions of the Federalists during the war will bring discredit and a fatal blow to the party…disappearing completely after 1816. NE-Federalist policies; lent $ to Britain, sent food to Canada, invited Br. Armies into NY, Gov’s did not permit their militias to serve outside their states...often called “Blue Lights,” due to the citizens putting blue lanterns in their windows to warn British ships off the coast of an American Naval ship leaving port , as a warning.






