Masters Level Teaching: a Bibliography

Master’s Learning and Teaching: a Bibliography
Table of Contents
General ................................................................................................................................. 1
Assessment .......................................................................................................................... 1
Employability, Professional Development............................................................................ 3
Discipline Examples .............................................................................................................. 6
International Perspectives ..................................................................................................... 7
Learning and Teaching Strategies ...................................................................................... 10
Policy and Regulation ......................................................................................................... 14
Staff and Student Experiences ............................................................................................ 17
Transition and Induction ...................................................................................................... 21
Castle, K. (2010). Study Skills for your Masters in Teaching and Learning. (Learning Matters,
Kneale, P.E. (Ed.) (2015) Masters Level Teaching, Learning and Assessment Issues in Design
and Delivery. (London: Palgrave, Macmillan)
Knight, P.T. (1997) Masterclass: Learning, Teaching and Curriculum in Taught Master’s Degrees
(London: Cassell).
Anderson, C., Day, K. and McLaughlin, P. (2008) ‘Student perspectives on the dissertation process
in a masters degree concerned with professional practice’, Studies in Continuing Education, 30:
1, 33–49.
Brown, G.T. (2014). What supervisors expect of education masters students before they engage in
supervised research: a Delphi study. International Journal of Quantitative Research in
Education, 2(1), 69-88.
Brown, S. (2012). Diverse and innovative assessment at Masters level: alternatives to conventional
written assignments. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher
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Brown, S. (2014) ‘What are the perceived differences between assessing at Master’s level and
undergraduate level assessment? Some findings from an NTFS-funded project’, Innovations in
Education and Teaching International, 51: 3, 265–76.
Brown, S., Deignan, T., Race, P. and Priestley, J. Assessing students at Masters Level: learning
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Certificates to embedding UKPSF at all levels, 13,3
Brown, S., Race, P., Canham, R., Priestley, J., Deignan, T. and Wilkinson, K. (2012) Assimilate: A
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Metropolitan University).
Casey, J. (2002) On-line Assessment in a Master’s-level Policy Subject: Participation in an On-Line
Forum as Part of Assessment (Australia: Charles Sturt University, Centre for the Study of
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Costa, D.S., Mullan, B.A., Kothe, E.J. and Butow, P. (2010). A web-based formative assessment
tool for Masters students: A pilot study. Computers and Education, 54(4), 1248-1253.
Delizée, A. (2011). A global rating scale for the summative assessment of pragmatic translation at
Masters level: an attempt to combine academic and professional criteria. Perspectives on
Translation Quality, Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 9-24.
Dunne, M. (2014). Addressing the Cinderella Area: using Masters level study to support Secondary
English trainee teachers in developing effective teaching and assessment of speaking and
listening. English in Education, 48(1), 93-107.
Dunne, M. (2013). Unpicking The Myth Of “The Test”: Using Masters’ Level Investigations To
Develop Trainees Teachers’ Understanding Of Effective Assessment For Learning. UCLan
Journal of Pedagogic Research, 3.
Hasrati, M. (2013). Why bother about writing a Masters dissertation? Assumptions of faculty and
Masters students in an Iranian setting. Asia Pacific Education Review, 14(3), 455-465.
Jasper, M.A. and Fulton, J. (2005). Marking criteria for assessing practice-based portfolios at
masters’ level. Nurse Education Today, 25(5), 377-389.
McSherry, R. and Duggan, S. (2015). Involving carers in the teaching, learning and assessment of
masters students. Nurse Education in Practice.
Maisch, M. (2003) ‘Restructuring a master’s degree dissertation as a patchwork text’, Innovations
in Education and Teaching International, 40: 2, 194–201.
Marshall, T., Taylor, B., Hothersall, E. and Pérez-Martín, L. (2011). Plagiarism: a case study of
quality improvement in a taught postgraduate programme. Medical teacher, 33(7), e375-e381.
Miloslavskaya, N. and Tolstoy, A. (2015). Professional Competencies Level Assessment for
Training of Masters in Information Security. In Information Security Education Across the
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Mirzaee, A. and Hasrati, M. (2014). The role of written formative feedback in inducing non-formal
learning among masters students. Teaching in Higher Education, 19(5), 555-564.
Naudé, M. (2010). E-Portfolios: A Case Example from Masters Level Business Students. Journal of
Organizational Behavior Education: JOBE, 3, 45.
O'Brien, L. (2012). An investigation into the use made of written feedback by Taiwanese masters
students on disciplinary coursework writing (Doctoral dissertation, University of Reading).
de los Ríos Carmenado, I., Díaz-Puente, J.M. and Blanco, J.L.Y. (2011). The integration of project
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Rural Development Agris Mundus. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,15, 96-110.
Samkange, W. (2012). Analysing Research Methodologies: A case study of Masters of Education
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Seymour, D. (2005) ‘Learning outcomes and assessment: Developing assessment criteria for
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Wakimoto, D.K. and Lewis, R.E. (2014) ‘Graduate student perceptions of eportfolios: Uses for
reflection, development, and assessment’, Internet and Higher Education, 21, 53–8.
Wharton, S. (2003) ‘Defining appropriate criteria for the assessment of master's level TESOL
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Zafarghandi, A.M., Khoshroo, F. and Barkat, B. (2012). An investigation of Iranian EFL Masters
students' perceptions of plagiarism. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 8(2).
Employability, Professional Development
Alkhateeb F.M., Clauson, K.A. and Latif, D.A. (2012). Availability and Perceived Value of Masters
of Business Administration Degree Programs in Pharmaceutical Marketing and
Management. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 76(4).
Allen, D.E. and Idlebird, J.L. (2012). Evidence That Masters of Business Administration (Mba)
Students Are Better Prepared for Corporate Strategic Planning Than Masters of Science in
Accounting (Msa) Students. American Journal of Educational Studies, 5(1), 51.
Artess, J., Ball, C., Forbes, P. and Hughes, T. (2014) Taught Postgraduate Employability and
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Association of American Geographers (2013) Enhancing Departments and Graduate Education in
Geography. Available at
Balogh, Z.E. (2012). Structural engineering masters level education framework of knowledge for
the needs of initial professional practice (Doctoral dissertation, Colorado State University).
Banville, D., White, C.S. and Fox, R.K. (2011). Physical Education Teachers' Professional
Development During Advanced Masters Coursework. In Research Quarterly for Exercise and
Sport (Vol. 82, No. 1, pp. A33-A34). 1900 Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091 USA: Amer
Alliance Health Phys Educ Rec and Dance.
Bentil, K.K. (2012). Contemporary construction management graduate education: an industrydeveloped masters programme. The Organisation and Management of Construction: Shaping
Theory and Practice, 3, 287-295.
Bryan, H. and Blunden, J. (2013). The place of community in professional development: a study of
newly qualified teachers and newly appointed heads of department engaged in the Masters in
Teaching and Learning. Journal of Education for Teaching, 39(1), 9-20.
Bullen, C.R. and Reeve, J. (2011). Turning postgraduate students’ research into publications: a
survey of New Zealand masters in public health students. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health,
Chinamasa, E. and Maphosa, C. (2012). Technological Andragogy: Case of Computer Application
Skills Development by Masters Students at a University of Technology in Zimbabwe. Journal of
Social Science, 33(3), 315-322.
Constantine, M. and Carpenter, D.C. (2012). Bringing Masters' level skills to the clinical setting:
What is the experience like for graduates of the Master of Science in manual therapy
programme?. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 28(8), 595-603.
Dixon, H. and Ward, G. (2015). The Value of Masters Study to Teachers’ Professional Practice:
Contradictory Discourses within the Workplace. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(2),
Fletcher, E.C., Lasonen, J.L. and Hernandez-Gantes, V.M. (2013). Opening Doors for Career
Advancement: Masters’ Students Insight on Program Participation. International Journal of Adult
Vocational Education and Technology (IJAVET), 4(4), 38-54.
Fletcher, E. and Hernandez-Gantes, V. (2011). The status of career and technical education
masters programs in the United States. Proceedings from the Association for Career and
Technical Education Research Conference. St. Louis, MO.
Gauthier, A.D. (2014). Factors Influencing the Decision to Join a Professional Association by
Students in Student Affairs Masters Programs (Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University of
Gillani, I.G., Afzal, A. and Bashir, A. (2012). An analysis of the factors influencing the vocational
decision making of female students at masters level in university. Decision Making, 2(2).
Gorkovaya, I.A. and Bakanova, A.A. (2015). The Role of Motivational and Meaning Component of
Education in the Formation of Competence of Masters Psychologists. Psychological Science
and Education, 20(1), 5-14.
Hizhynska, T. (2015). Professional training programs of masters in adult education at universities
of Germany. Comparative Professional Pedagogy, 5(1), 98-104.
Krahn, S.L., Kosson, D.S. and Clarke, J.H. (2011). A Revolutionary Masters Degree Curriculum in
Nuclear Environmental Engineering. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 105(127),
Liu, W.J. and Tang, L.H. (2013). Double-tutor Training Mechanism Exploration on Professional
Masters’ Degree of Engineering Combined with Academic. Journal of Educational Science of
Hunan Normal University, 4, 018.
Mahnovskа, I.R. (2013). Organisation of professional training masters students for nursing in credit
modal system. Вектор науки, 150. (English Abstract)
McCullough, F. and Micklewright, A. (2014). Dietitians Meet the NHS Agenda for Improved Patient
Care and Clinical Outcomes through Nutrition Support Study as a Module Masters Level-A
Preliminary Report. Journal of Nutritional Health and Food Science, 1(1), 4.
McEwen, L., Monk, J., Hay, I, Kneale, P.E. and King, H. (2008) ‘Strength in diversity: Enhancing
learning in vocationally-orientated, master’s level courses’, Journal of Geography in Higher
Education, 32: 1, 101–19.
McKay, K. (2015). Sexuality education within masters of social work programs (Doctoral
dissertation, Widener University).
Montgomery, K. and Byrne, S.K. (2010). How Doctoral-Level Advanced Practice Roles Differ From
Masters-Level Advanced Practice Nursing Roles. Role Development for Doctoral Advanced
Nursing Practice, 99.
Moselen, C. (2011). Is it all just Google? The research behaviour of education masters
students (Doctoral dissertation, ResearchSpace@ Auckland).
Mulina, O.N. (2014). The passport and the program of innovative competence development with
bachelors and masters of education. World of Scientific Discoveries/V Mire Nauchnykh
Otkrytiya, 54(7).
Perry, J., Green, A. and Harrison, K. (2011). The impact of Masters education in manual and
manipulative therapy and the ‘knowledge acquisition model’. Manual Therapy, 16(3), 285-290.
Pilkienė, S. (2014). Manifestation of generalist and specialist conceptions in skills acquired by
Masters in education science. Applied Research in Health and Social Sciences: Interface and
Interaction/Sveikatos ir Socialiniu Mokslu Taikomieji Tyrimai: Sandura ir Saveika, 11(1).
Piotrowski, C. and Hemasinha, R. (2012). Career Path Decisions of Masters-Level Mathematics
Students: A Comparative Review. College Student Journal, 46(4), 823-828.
Ramírez, C., Reyna, M., García, A. and Ortiz, X. (2011). The scientific training of graduates from
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Robertshaw, D. and Denby, Y. (2014). The Interprofessional Master: what should interprofessional
education look like at Masters level?. In All Together Better Health VII International
Interprofessional Conference 6–8 June 2014, P1‐10.
Rushton, A. and Lindsay, G. (2010). Defining the construct of masters level clinical practice in
manipulative physiotherapy. Manual Therapy, 15(1), 93-99.
Sachinis, M. (2011). Curriculum renewal in Greek taught postgraduate translation courses: aligning
student needs and translation market requirements (Doctoral dissertation, Imperial College
Walsh, S.P. and Tucker, K. (2011). The Perspectives of Students Undertaking Masters' Degrees
by Coursework on Career Development Learning. Australian Journal of Career
Development, 20(2), 42-47.
Wang, X, (2012). Cultivation Model Design of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Professional
Masters - A Case Study on New Huadu Business School of Minjiang University. Journal of
Minjiang University, 4, 019.
Weber, J.B., Alberú, P.S. and de los Ángeles Ortíz, M. (2012). MADEMS: A high school physics
teacher masters degree program. Latin-American Journal of Physics Education Vol, 1(326), 6.
Yermentaeyeva, A., Turgunbayeva, B., Bazarbekova, R., Nurtayev, E. and Bekzhanova, B. (2014).
Specific Features of Masters Students Professional Development. Procedia-Social and
Behavioral Sciences, 116, 4764-4769.
Zheng, G., Zhao, G., Liu, J. and Li, D. (2012). Research on Bachelors-masters Degree Training
Mode in Biotechnology Professional of Local Colleges and Universities. The Guide of Science
and Education, 11, 092.
Discipline Examples
Campion, N. and Malville, J.M. (2011). Masters-level education in archaeoastronomy at the
University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union,
7(S278), 357-363.
Darrow, W.W., Silva-Suárez, G. and Sebekos, E. (2011, June). Ethics, Principles, Practices, and
Issues in Public and Sexual Health: The Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a
Masters-Level University Course. Journal of Sexual Medicine Vol. 8, pp. 283-283.
EMT (2014) European Master’s in Translation. Available at
Gosselin, D.C. (2013). Laboratory earth: the foundation for an integrated, on-line, graduate-level,
science for educators Masters program. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
(Vol. 45, No. 7, p. 795).
MHPE (2014) Masters in Health Professionals Education, Syllabi. Available at
MS-GIST (2014a) Masters of Science in Geographic Information Systems Technology. University of
Arizona. Available at
Nadash, P., Miller, E.A., Porell, F.W., Birchander, E., Glickman, L. and Burr, J.A. (2014). Expanding
Access to Gerontological Education via Distance Learning: The Management of Aging Services
Masters Program at UMass Boston. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, 35(2), 115-133.
Quintana, J. (2011). Masters degree in veterinary medicine and animal husbandry (professionalizing
master’s degree-poultry area). EDULEARN11 Proceedings, 3383-3385.
Solomon, A.D. (2012). On a new masters level program in software engineering. ACM SIGSOFT
Software Engineering Notes, 37(5), 1-3.
Tekian, A. and Harris, I. (2012). Preparing health professions education leaders worldwide: A
description of masters-level programs. Medical Teacher, 34(1), 52-58.
Xian-jie, L.I.U. (2011). Accelerating the Development of the Agricultural Extension Masters Degree
Education and Training High-level Application Talents - Take Dalian Ocean University as an
Example. Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology (Social Sciences
Edition), 3, 049.
Zarrouk, S.J. (2012). The challenges of running specialised taught courses: The geothermal
postgraduate course, university of Auckland. In Profession of Engineering Education:
Advancing Teaching, Research and Careers: 23rd Annual Conference of the Australasian
Association for Engineering Education 2012, (p. 88). Engineers Australia.
International Perspectives
Baćević, J. (2010). Masters or servants? Power and discourse in Serbian higher education
reform. Social Anthropology, 18(1), 43-56.
Bennett, M.Z., Faltin, L. and Wright, M. (2010) ‘Critical thinking and international master’s students’,
Discourse, 3, 63–94.
Boughton, M.A., Halliday, L.E. and Brown, L. (2010). A tailored program of support for culturally
and linguistically diverse (CALD) nursing students in a graduate entry Masters of Nursing
course: A qualitative evaluation of outcomes. Nurse Education in Practice, 10(6), 355-360.
Bowker, D. (2013). Negotiating understanding and agreement in masters supervision meetings
with international students–okay?. Opening New Lines of Communication in Applied Linguistics,
Brown, L. (2007) ‘A consideration of the challenges involved in supervising international masters
students’, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 31: 3, 239–48.
Cadman, K. (2000) Voices in the air: Evaluations of the learning experiences of international
postgraduates and their supervisors’, Teaching in Higher Education, 5: 4, 475–91.
Cheu, R., Ferregut, C., Bina, L., Novakova, H., Horak, T., Novak, A., and Aguirre-Covarrubias, S.
(2013). Transatlantic Dual Masters Degree Program in Transportation and Logistics Systems:
First 2 Years of Implementation.Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation
Research Board, (2328), 1-8.
Chirgwin, S.K. (2015). Burdens too difficult to carry? A case study of three academically able
Indigenous Australian Masters students who had to withdraw. International Journal of
Qualitative Studies in Education, 28(5), 594-609.
Clarke, G. and Lunt, I. (2014) International Comparisons in Postgraduate Education: Quality,
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Coates, N. and Dickinson, J. (2012) ‘Meeting international postgraduate student needs: A
programme-based model for learning and teaching support’, Innovations in Education and
Teaching International, 49: 3, 295–308.
Counsell, J.E. (2011). How effectively and consistently do international postgraduate students
apply the writing strategies they have been taught in a generic skills based course to their
subsequent discipline based studies? Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 5(1), A1A17.
Durkin, K. (2008) ‘The adaptation of East Asian masters students to western norms of critical
thinking and argumentation in the UK’, Intercultural Education, 19: 1, 15–27.
Feng, L. (2010). Sustainablility Education Curricula: Three Case Study Masters Programmes in
England and China (Doctoral dissertation, University of Sheffield).
Graves, R., Remedios, J., Tramutoli, V., Gil, A. and Cuca, B. (2014, May). A European Collaborative
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He, K. (2012). Graduate Education in China. Available at
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students in a British university. Computer Science and Education (ICCSE), 2011 6th
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Idris, A.Y. (2011). Investigating the effects of the supervisor's feedback on international Masters
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Krentler, K.A. and Caruana, A. (2011). An International Collaborative Masters Degree in Integrated
Marketing Communications: A US-EU program in the Mediterranean. Cases on Innovations in
Educational Marketing: Transnational and Technological Strategies: Transnational and
Technological Strategies, 118.
Larrán Jorge, M., Andrades Peña, F.J. and Muriel de los Reyes, M.J. (2015). Factors Influencing
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International Study. Accounting Education, 1-22.
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Meghe, S.D., Zahiruddin, Q.S., Gaidhane, A., Behere, P.B. and Mail, I.D. (2013). Masters of public
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Morgan, M. (2015). Study expectations of different domiciled Postgraduate-Taught students in a
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Rushton, D. and Duggan, C. (2013). Impact of Culture on Reflective Writing in Masters Level
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Wilson, D.W. (2015). A Phenomenological Study on a Masters of Business Administration Degree
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Learning and Teaching Strategies
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Bell, J. (2012). Introducing problem-based learning as a learning strategy for Masters
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Benade, S. and Callaghan, R. (2015). The Value of Preparation in a Systems Engineering Masters
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Bennett, S. and Barker, T. (2012). Using Peer Assessment and Electronic Voting to Improve
Practical Skills in Masters Students. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on eLearning, 53.
BERİGEL, M. and KARAL, H. (2011). Students’ Adoption of Distance Education Environments: an
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