Dear Kyrgyzs IPPNW, We invite you to join Global Wave 2015, a

Dear Kyrgyzs IPPNW,
We invite you to join Global Wave 2015, a simple action taking place around the world on April
26-27 to ‘wave good-bye to nuclear weapons.’
Over 16,000 nuclear weapons remain in the world’s arsenals, many on high-readiness to use.
Even the use of one nuclear weapon in a populated area would create catastrophic humanitarian
consequences lasting generations.
Governments will be meeting at the UN from April 27 – May 22 to discuss nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament. Civil society is joining together in a global mobilisation calling on
governments to abolish nuclear weapons, and re-invest the US$100 billion global nuclear
weapons budget into areas of social need such as eliminating poverty, addressing climate
change, and ensuring basic health care and education world-wide.
Thousands of civil society representatives will be coming to New York to give this message
directly to the governments.
Many more will be supporting the call from their towns and cities around the world by doing
simple Global Wave actions. These are simple actions waving goodbye to nuclear weapons,
which can be photographed or filmed for posting on social media with the #globalwave2015
#wavetonukes hashtags or sending to us in New York to present to the governments.
The Global Wave will start at a huge peace rally in New York on April 26, and then go around the
world in 24 hours arriving back in New York on April 27 as the government conference begins.
Please join Global Wave 2015 and plan to ‘wave goodbye to nuclear weapons.’ Information is
online at
 Visit our main facebook page: to like Global
Wave 2015 and post announcements of Global Wave actions and promo photos/videos
to inspire others;
 Visit our facebook event page to join
Global Wave 2015 event, i.e. to indicate that you are taking part. Invite your facebook
friends to also join.
Send us an email message to let us know what you plan for your Wave good bye to nuclear
weapons, and we will post this on the world map of Global Wave events.
Yours in peace
The Global Wave 2015 Team