Curriculum Map Grade 1 Spelling/Writing

Curriculum Map
Hopkins Elementary
Special Education Spelling/Writing Class
Grade 1
Description of Class:
This resource class meets for 30 minutes daily. IEP goals are monitored including spelling and writing.
Students study a reduced spelling list from the 1st grade Spelling list. A multisensory approach is used.
Writing Standards and Language Standards are taught. These students also come to the resource room
for a Reading class in the morning.
During this class we work on the following activities:
Daily Oral Language - Correct Sentences with errors.
Spelling - Review weekly spelling words using multisensory techniques, complete spelling pages, write
spelling words.
Writing - Complete writing activities including handwriting.
IEP Monitoring for Language, writing, and spelling.
List of Strategies/Programs Used:
Monitor IEP Goals & Objectives
Monitor – Write a Sentence in Journal (Write and/or Dictate and Copy Sentence in Journals,
then Draw a Picture)
Research-Based Reading/Spelling Hands-On Activities – See List of Activities – Training by
Intervention Teachers
– Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Rhyming, Matching, Bingo, Manipulatives, ABC Song with
Posters, Magnetic Letters, Whiteboards, Sound Boxes, Segmenting, Blending, Syllables, etc.
Research-Based Thoughtful Education Strategies - Review Concepts/Content using Thoughtful
Education Strategies/Tools: Spider List for Sight Words or Vocabulary, etc.; Fist Lists, Thinking
Aloud, Write to Learn in Journal, Memory Box, Review/Preview Chart, Write Vocabulary/Notes
in Journal
Practice Short Answer Questions
Writing/Spelling/Alphabet Activities (including, Smartboard, Smart Notebook,
Learning Videos,
Daily Oral Language: Correct errors in sentences on board
Spelling: Complete 1-2 pages in spelling pages.
Practice Spelling Words (Use “Finger Spelling” and Multisensory Techniques)
Practice Writing Words on White Boards, Paper, Smartboard, Felt Paper, Magnetic Letters, etc.
Writing: Work on Portfolio Entries (Personal Narratives, Poems, and Brochures)
Handwriting: Practice writing letters, spelling words, and sentences. (Use dry erase paper, dry
erase boards, Smartboard, Magic Slates, Felt “paper”, Magnetic Letters, Use finger to trace on
table, Skywriting, etc.)