November 2014 - Costa Mesa Foundation

Board Meeting, Tuesday, November 4th, 2014 6:00 PM
City Hall Room 1A
President Lea Lowe called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM. Present was: President Lea Lowe,
Vice President Jeff Harlan, Treasurer Mary Fewel, and Secretary Karen Ursini. Directors: Dean
Abernathy, Derek Sabori, Lisa Schultz, Steve Grant and Jason Werner via teleconferencing. Also
attending were City Staff Liaison Jennifer Christ and concert volunteer, Matt Vorona.
Absent were: Directors Gary Craig, Jeff Teller and Pete Zehnder and City staff liaison, Colleen
O’Donoghue and City Council representative, Sandy Genis.
1. Public Comment: There was none.
2. Minutes: The minutes from the Sept. 9th meeting were corrected to show that Director
Steve Grant was absent as was City Liaison Jennifer Christ and City Council
representative Sandy Genis. They were accepted with that correction on the motion of
Dean, second by Derek and vote of the Directors.
3. Concert Sponsors Recognition: Lea reported that she made certificates of appreciation
to give to all the concert sponsors to show our thanks and present next year’s needs.
They will be given out personally by her, Lisa and Mary.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mary directed our attention to line item #217105Concerts in the Park Donations which is at $32,563.19. From that sum, $12,000 was
given away to our partners who helped us put on the concerts. She moved that $12,000
more be moved from that line item to 217127 for the Grants Program. Steve seconded
the motion and it passed. She then moved that the $279.52 found in the Veterans
Brick Donations 217130 be moved to the General fund 217201. We are no longer
handling the sale or profits from the bricks. Dean seconded the motion and it passed.
Left in the Concerts Account is $8,567.
Lea had asked Gary Craig to prepare our 990EZ tax return. All that was wrong was our
website name. It was corrected and Steve made a motion to accept the form as written
and Mary seconded it. Motion passed. Filing it will require a check for $25. to the State
of California Registry of Charitable Trusts. Lisa motioned that we spend this amount,
Mary seconded it and it passed.
5. Community Outreach – Snoopy House
a. Prepare and sell our “I love Costa Mesa” t-shirts? It was decided to wait until the
concerts to sell the t-shirts. Time is too short to prepare for December and we
want them to be very special. Lisa offered to check out prices and designs and
come back in a few months with something for us to vote on. Jason suggested
that we use them as a marketing tool, not a fund raiser with Concerts in the Park
and our logo identifiable.
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b. Shall we have a booth there one night as a presence? Lea, Lisa and Karen
offered to man a booth one night. They will work with Jennifer who is in charge
of all the booths. Items such as hot chocolate, coffee and popcorn can be sold
for a profit. The nights are Dec. 22-29th and the Snoopy House will be set up in
front of City Hall lawn.
6. Committee Reports
A. Grants-Karen Ursini
The committee met and discussed the idea of opening up the scope of
organizations that would be eligible to receive a grant. They want to be proactive in areas they see the need. Three of the ideas are to serve the older
residents, arts and the homeless. It will be necessary to investigate what is and is
not being offered in these areas. The committee will research these topics and
then make recommendations. They were encouraged to check in with city
employees running these programs: Senior Center-Tamara Letourneau,
Homeless Taskforce-Muriel Ullman and the Cultural Arts city committee-Travis
B. Concerts in the Park-Jason Werner
He didn’t see a need to start the planning until January. We know the dates (four
Tuesdays in July 2015, the place Fairview Park. He has begun to zero in on
booking the bands. First night in July will be “The Answer” a crowd favorite and
representing the 50’s music. The other bands will be chosen for the decade
music for which they are known-the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s (which will be Flashback
the Heart Attack). Lea reported that she bought five more pop-ups to use at the
cost of $302.36 each. She also asked approval for her to be reimbursed the
$300. she paid to the Boathouse for refreshments for our Community Partners
Event in October. Mary made a motion to reimburse Lea, seconded by Jeff and
approved by the others.
7. New Business
A. Meeting Schedule for 2015 shall be alternate months at 6:00 PM at City Hall
starting in January on the 6th. All agreed. So it will be Jan., March, May, June,
August, October, and December. We will meet in June before the concerts and
not during July because of the concerts.
B. Nominating Committee
Lea, Jeff and Jason will review possible new members for acceptance as
Karen, Lisa and Dean will prepare a slate of officers for 2015. All terms will start
in January 2015.
8. Comments - not recorded
9. Adjournment 7:30 PM
10. Next meeting on January 6th at City Hall Room 1A
Respectfully submitted by Karen Ursini, Secretary
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