Student Research Project Request & Approval Guidelines

Biomedical Sciences Program
Student Research Project Request & Approval Guidelines
A graduation project represents the culmination of a student’s education, skills and experience in his/her major. The goal
is for every student to produce a significant piece of research work in the subject matter. The project should demonstrate
that the student can think critically and creatively; gather, recognize, and interpret data; solve problems; interpret and
communicate findings; and attain understanding and proficiency in the modes of inquiry common to the discipline.
The purpose of this document is to provide students and academic faculty in the Biomedical Science Program with the
general guidelines of the undergraduate research graduation project. All student research project approvals and process
to include all aspects of the student research evaluation will be conducted in an atmosphere of transparency and
collegiality by the program research faculty. The student grade/mark will be based on unanimous team decision-making
conducted in an open but confidential meeting by the research faculty.
1. Biomedical students enrolled in their 2nd Biomedical Science major semester are eligible to begin their research
2. Students may work in pairs. Larger teams are not allowed.
3. By midterm of each semester, all Biomedical Science faculty are required to submit to the program director at
least two research topics.
4. The Program Director will compile all topics and produce a comprehensive list.
5. The list will be presented to the Biomedical Science faculty.
6. Once approved by all faculty members, the list becomes available to eligible students.
7. Student(s) may contact one or more program professors to discuss possible topics of interest.
8. Students will be given a period of one month to select a research topic.
9. After discussion with program professors pertaining to a possible research project, the Student Research Project
Request and Approval document must be completed and submitted to the Program Director by the established
and published deadline each semester. Although the deadline may vary, it will most likely be the last day of
classes of each semester.
10. The Program Faculty Research Committee will meet at a time and date established before the end of each
semester to discuss and approve of all student research requests. Minutes will be kept.
11. Immediately after the committee meeting, students will be notified of their choice selection.
Copies to: \Student File\Research Supervisor\Student
12. Students who do not submit the Project Request & Approval will not be allowed to register in the BIOM research
course (BIOM 497). Students approved for research project by the Program Research Faculty Committee will be
approved to register for BIOM 497 in the 7th semester of the program with the assigned research professor.
13. Dates for submission of topics, announcement to students, submission of appropriate forms and approval by
Faculty Research Committee will be determined before beginning of each semester.
14. Students are encouraged to join the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) upon entry to the
program to become eligible to submit their research projects to scientific competitions by the society and for
submission of their work to the annual meeting in the USA.
Copies to: \Student File\Research Supervisor\Student