Your Canterbury Tale - Newark Catholic High School

Name _______________________
Miss Bogner
English 12
3 October 2014
My Canterbury Tale Project
Your task:
Write a prologue (20 lines) as if you were introduced in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Begin by describing what
kind of journey you are taking, why you are going there, and where it takes place. Then, using this setting and
pilgrimage, introduce yourself.
*It does not matter to me where you are going on a journey to (outer space, home, vacation destination, grocery
store, friend’s house, school, Hollywood, be as creative as you would like)
Describe yourself from top of head to toes (30 lines), including direct details of appearance that suggests your
traits (this is more than just what you are wearing). Remember how Chaucer tells us what each traveler does for
a living and how they relate to the society in which they live, etc. If you need ideas for this, go back into your
textbook and see how Chaucer describes his characters when introducing them in the prologue.
Write in prose (so it looks like a poem, you should not have paragraphs). See if you can try to write in rhymed
couplets like Chaucer did. I would be most impressed )
Attach a picture or drawing of yourself to the back of your project, funnier the better (maybe dress up like
the you that you described.
You need to have a total of at least 50 lines. Please number them along the side of your paper, every 10
Your grade will be determined as follows:
_______/15 pts. For addressing all aspects of introducing yourself
_______/10 pts. For addressing the information about your pilgrimage
_______/15 pts. For grammar, mechanics and meeting minimum length requirement
_______/10 pts. For WOW! Factor. The assignment is creative, attractive and neatly put together. It is clear that
time and effort was put into the project.
_________/50 TOTAL
Your project will be handed in with this rubric stapled to the top on Tuesday, October 14th at the BEGINNING
of class.