Le` Morte d`Arthur - Mr. Feick`s English Class


Le’ Morte d’Arthur and the Chivalric Code

100 pts

Over the course of two weeks, we have read “The Tale of King Arthur” and “The Tale of the

Sangreal.” During the Middle Ages, the code of chivalary was intended to be followed by knights.

Bors, Balin, Balan, King Arthur, King Pellinore, Gawain, Launcelot, and Galahad, among other knights, attempted to follow this code. However, these knights are human, who have human flaws, and the code is simply a list of rules meant to put into practice.

Select one of the following ideas to develop into a 2 page (maximum), double spaced essay response. This should be written in an entertaining, academic voice.


A Chivalric Guide Book or Model. Consider whether Le’ Morte d’Arthur , “The Tale of King

Arthur”, “The Tale of the Sangreal,” or possibly, one of the knights be either be a “How to be

Chivalarous” guide or a role model for chivalry.


And the Oscar goes to… You, and you alone, have the power to select which knight receives this coveted award, which knight is the most deserving of the award. You need to determine the qualifications for the award. Is it the most examples? Is there a hierarchy in demonstrating qualities? Is it overcoming the most difficult choices in order to demonstrate chivalry? Is there a noteworthy accomplishment that surpasses chivalrous shortcomings?

Who is the other nominee?


Chivalric Card. These knights, who are supposed to be models for chivalry and constantly striving for perfection, which is defined by the code, at times do fall short in their chivalric decisions. Assuming that every knight, upon being knighted, must follow the chivalric code, or perhaps, is given a “Chivalric Card,” a knight must uphold those values or his “Chivalric

Card” may be revoked.

Select one of the three questions above to answer. If you want to create a different frame for your essay, you may. Essentially, #1 is showing examples of how chivalry is demonstrated, #2 is defining the most impressive, chivalric knight, and #3 is proving that a knight is not the perfection of chivalry.

Direct quotes are not necessary if paraphrasing is effective. However, if paraphrasing is used, you still need to insert the page number in parentheses after the last sentence of paraphrased text.

Ideas (50%)


 The student’s ideas are entertaining, thought-provoking, and wellsupported.

 The student justifies his or her ideas by providing examples and explaining how those examples support his or her claims.

 The student’s ideas are original.





Word Choice, and


 The student writes fluently including sentence structure variation and sentence beginning variation.

 The student uses strong word choice – primarily strong verbs and nouns.

 The student uses effective transitional adverbs.

 The student transitions from idea to idea and paragraph to paragraph.

 The essay is proofread and is a “publishable” piece.

 The student must cite the text in MLA format on a “Works Cited” page.

This essay will be submitted online – using Google Drive. Share with bfeickenglish@gmail.com


Copy and paste the rubric at the bottom of your essay, following your cited text.

Google Drive Directions


Please create a folder. Last Name First Initial Class

Example: SmithABritLit


Share the folder with: bfeickenglish@gmail.com



By sharing the folder, any work that you place in this folder is shared with me and can be edited by me.

Rough Draft Monday

Final Draft Tuesday



Bring a printed copy to class.

Turn in online by the end of the day.
