STD & STI Prevention
Common Statistics
STD’s: __________________________________________________________________________________
A person can have an infection, and pass it on to other without necessarily having the disease. This is called being
a host or carrier of the disease.
An estimated 65 million people in the U.S. are living with an incurable STI. It is estimated that there are 19
million new cases ea yr ½ of which are young people 15-24. That’s about 9.5 million teens that are infected.
Direct medical costs associated with STDs in the United States are estimated at up to $14.7 billion annually in
2006 dollars
Many people living with STD’s are asymptomatic (no symptoms).
High Risk Behaviors
Selecting high risk partners. People with multiple partners, drug users, history of STD infections.
_______________________________________________ More than 25% of teens who engage in sexual
activity had been under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
Consequences of STD’s
Some are incurable: the pathogens that cause these infections cannot be eliminated from the body by medical
Some can cause complications that affect fertility: females can develop PID which can damage the reproductive
More susceptible to contracting HIV/AIDS and other STD’s.
Abstinence: ___________________________________________________________________________
HPV/Genital Warts
Pink/reddish warts with cauliflower like tops that appear on the genitals
Estimated # of people infected, Curable/Incurable:
Most common STD in the US. 20 million people are infected right now and 6.2 million new cases are reported
each year.
About 75% of sexually active people will acquire HPV at some point in their lives.
Signs/Symptoms /Treatment:
The warts are high contagious and spread by any form of sexual contact with an infected person.
The virus can be transmitted __________________________________________________________________.
There is no cure for the virus but topical ointment can be give for the outbreaks.
A vaccine can now protect females from the four types of HPV that cause most cervical cancers and genital warts.
The vaccine is recommended for 11 and 12 year-old girls. It is also recommended for girls and women age 13
through 26 who have not yet been vaccinated or completed the vaccine series.
Long term affects:
If the virus is left untreated it can develop into cervical cancer or penile cancer.
Transmitted to Babies:
Bacteria that affects the reproductive organs in both men and women. ___________________________________
Estimated # of people infected, Curable/Incurable
40% of the cases reported are teens ages 15-19. Mostly asymptomatic with 75% of women and 50% of men
showing no signs of infection. Women have 3x’s higher infection rate than men.
Signs/Symptoms /Treatment:
Men may experience __________________________________________________________________________
Females may have vaginal discharge, painful urination or abdominal pain, low back pain, nausea, fever, pain
during intercourse, or bleeding between menstrual periods.__________________________________________
Antibiotics can cure the infection but you build no immunity to the bacteria so you CAN be re-infected.
Long term affects:
If untreated it can develop into ____________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________.Can Cause Ectopic pregnancy
____________________________ is when the egg is fertilized and implants in the fallopian tube and begins to
grow. Extremely dangerous can cause death of the mother. Pregnancy has to be aborted because the fetus will
never make it past the first trimester.
Women infected with Chlamydia are up to five times more likely to become infected with HIV, if exposed.
Transmitted to Babies:
In pregnant women ___________________________________________________________________________.
Babies who are born to infected mothers can get Chlamydia infections in their eyes and respiratory tracts.
Chlamydia is ________________________________________________________________________________
Chlamydia in a female, white mucus is the infectious discharge
Genital Herpes
Is caused by the herpes simplex virus. There are 2 types
o Type 1 _________________________________________________
o Type 2 _________________________________________________
Both types can infect the mouth and genitals.
Estimated # of people infected, Curable/Incurable
It is estimated that ___________________________ people are already infected with 1 million new cases
reported each year.
About 20% of the total teen population is infected with the virus 1 out of 6. Is more common in women 1 in 4
than in men 1 in 8. This may be due to male-to-female transmission being more likely than female-to-male
Signs/Symptoms /Treatment:
Most people are asymptomatic and are not aware that they are infected.
They are ___________________________________________________________________________________
Antibiotics can relieve the symptoms but DOES NOT cure the herpes infection.
Long term affects:
People that are infected are at a higher risk of contracting HIV.
Can be fatal to infants that contract the virus at birth.
Herpes simplex 1 cold sores
Bacterial infection that affects the mucous membranes. _______________________________________________
The bacterium can also grow in the mouth, throat, eyes, and anus.
Estimated # of people infected, Curable/Incurable:
The highest rates of infection are found in females ages 15-19 and males ages 20-24. The infection can be cured
but you don’t build immunity, you can be re-infected.
In men burning sensation when urinating, or a white, yellow, or green discharge from the penis. Sometimes men
with gonorrhea get painful or swollen testicles.
Those that are symptomatic may have abnormal vaginal discharge and painful urination.
Antibiotics can treat the infection but increased resistance to antibiotics can complicate treatment.
Long term affects:
The bacteria can also spread to the bloodstream and cause permanent damage to the joints.
Transmitted to Babies:
Infants can be infected at birth which can lead to eye infections and blindness and joint infection, or a lifethreatening blood infection in the baby.
The vagina is the most common site of infection in women, and the urethra is the most common site of infection
in men.
Estimated # of people infected, Curable/Incurable:
Women are mostly asymptomatic.
The infection can be cured, but no immunity, can be re-infected.
Signs/Symptoms /Treatment:
Women may symptoms very similar to a yeast infection. A frothy yellow-green discharge with strong odor 5-28
days after infection.
Men are typically harder to diagnose, they usually treated if their partner has been
Long term affects:
This is one of the few STD’s that do not have any long term effects.
Transmitted to Babies:
A small bacterium called a spirochete that attacks many parts of the body.
Estimated # of people infected, Curable/Incurable:
Women have the highest infection rate.
Can be asymptomatic for years before any signs of infection are apparent.
Signs/Symptoms /Treatment:
1st stage: Appearance of a sore 10-90 days. Sore if firm, round, small and painless. Will last 3-6wks and will heal
without treatment.
The rash can appear anywhere on the body and is rough, red or reddish brown spots on the palms or bottom of the
feet. Can also include flu like symptoms. Will go away without treatment.
Late Stage: Symptoms will go away but infection will progress. Causes damage to the internal organs causing
organ failure_________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________.Eventually it will cause
The infection can easily be cured with a shot of penicillin if the person has only been infected for less than a year.
If they have been infected for longer more antibiotics will be needed.
Long term affects:
Transmitted to Babies:
If the women is infected at time of birth it could cause a still-birth, have a short life span (days), have
developmental delays, seizures or death.
Syphilis stage 1, Chancre on a man’s penis
Bacterial Vaginosis
A bacterial infection in and around the vagina. It is an imbalance of good bacteria normally found in the vagina.
Estimated # of people infected, Curable/Incurable:
Men typically do not need treatment; it is harder for them to become infected.
Signs and Symptoms /Treatment:
Abnormal vaginal discharge, thick mucus resembles cottage cheese, foul odor, and itching and burning around the
opening to the vagina and the urethra.
Long term effects:
If the infection is left untreated it can develop into PID and cause infertility.
Transmitted to Babies
Hepatitis B
A serious liver virus that is transmitted through sexual fluids, blood to blood contact (mucus membranes as well),
Estimated # of people infected, Curable/Incurable
1 out of every 20 people in the US has been infected at some point. Estimated that 73,000 are infected with HBV.
The Virus is incurable and is contagious even when being treated.
Signs/Symptoms /Treatment:
Can be asymptomatic, if you have symptoms they might include
Long term affects
Over a long period of time can cause chronic infections, cirrhosis of the liver and cancer of the liver and
eventually death.
Transmitted to babies
If a woman is infected at the time of birth the baby will contract the virus_________________________________
Pubic Lice/Crabs
Estimated # of people infected, Curable/Incurable
Is easily cured with ointments that kill the lice. Highly contagious when not treated.
MYTH you CANNOT get pubic lice from a Toilet Seat!! They are a parasite which requires a host body they do
not survive long off of a host. They also do not have feet designed to stand on smooth surfaces such as a toilet
Signs/Symptoms /Treatment:
Medicated soaps and washing everything the infected person has contact with will kill all of the infection.
Long Term Affects:
Transmitted to Babies:
There is no effect on infants that are born to mothers that are infected.
Facts about HIV/AIDS:
55% of all HIV infections reported among young people age 13-24 were African American.
During 2001–2004, in the 33 states with long-term, confidential name-based HIV reporting, 62% of the 17,824
persons 13–24 years of age given a diagnoses of HIV/AIDS were males, and 38% were females
Washington, DC has the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in the United States - one in 20 people are living
with HIV or AIDS
Believed to have originated from Monkeys, infected monkeys were killed and eaten by African tribe members
where the virus mutated to infect humans and was passed along through blood-blood, breast milk and sexual
HIV: _______________________________________________________________________________________
AIDS: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Estimated # of people infected, Curable/Incurable
Estimated that 1.4 million people are living with HIV in 2008, _________________________________________
One in every five people living with HIV has not even had their infection diagnosed, let alone reported
Washington, DC has the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in the United States - one in 20 people are living
with HIV or AIDS
Incurable and highly contagious at all times.
The number of women living with HIV has tripled in the last two decades.
Signs/Symptoms /Treatment:
Stage 1-Flu like symptoms 3-6 wks after infection
Stage 2- _______________________________________________________________________________
Stage 3- symptomatic stage severe drop in white blood cells, swollen glands, weight loss, yeast infections
Stage 4- _________________________________________________________________________________
Drug combinations that slow down the progression of the virus sometimes _____________________________
The drug cocktail is expense, exceeding $1,000 monthly
Long term affects
The virus weakens your immune system and you actually die from opportunistic infections.
Transmitted to Babies