12th Grade Core Syllabus

12th Grade Core English
Kentridge High School
Instructor: Ms. Stringer
Location: Room 222
Email: Sarah.Stringer@kent.k12.wa.us
Phone Number: 253-373-4397
Course Overview: The Senior Core English curriculum focuses on preparing students to succeed in
their post-secondary endeavors. Through the close examination of literary and informational texts,
a strong practice in academic, professional and personal writing, and an emphasis on effective
verbal communication skills, students will think critically about the following questions: What does
our society value? How do these values empower or disempower populations?
In addition, the Kent School District expects that all students will demonstrate course expectations in
reading and writing, categorized as follows:
Reading Outcomes: Students will meet and exceed learning targets in vocabulary development,
literary genres, literary analysis, literary comprehension, non-fiction informational analysis, nonfiction comprehension, research, and reading for literary experience.
Writing Outcomes: Students will meet and exceed learning targets in the writing process,
including voice and style, organization and structure, clear and effective writing, reflective
evaluation, research documentation, conventions, and writing for a variety of applications, forms,
and genres.
Course Grading Policies: I use a computer-grading program to compute grades, which are a
combination of five weighted categories. Grades are posted on Skyward regularly. Please check your
grade often and contact me with any questions.
Summative Assessments (80%): Formal written work, Projects, Presentations, Tests,
Formative Assessments (20%): Homework, In-class assignments, Journal Work,
Grading Scale:
A =100-93
B =87-82
C =77-72
D =66-60
F =59-0
In the first instance of cheating, the student will receive an 'F' grade for the work involved. Subsequent
cheating will result in disciplinary action that may lead to suspension or expulsion and/or loss of credit for
the class. Please see the Academic Integrity Policy also included below.
Course Expectations: My classroom rules center on respect. If students demonstrate these three
expectations, everyone will achieve great things this year!
Students will respect themselves:
Come to class prepared and ready to learn, and you will be successful
Advocate for yourself—if you’re confused, please let me know
Students will be respectful of others:
All students’ input is valued here
Put away all un-assigned electronics while inside the classroom
Students will respect the classroom property:
Water only in the classroom- snack outside
Follow technology protocols
What Students Are Required to Have in Class Each Day:
a thumb drive or email address;
a spiral notebook/composition book for English class;
a folder or binder to store hand-outs;
any text we are studying together;
a sense of humor.
Kentridge Charger Standards: Kentridge students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that
promotes a proper learning environment and reflects positively on themselves, their classmates, teachers,
family and community. Each Kentridge student automatically becomes a citizen of our school, both
receiving privileges and accepting responsibilities including:
Respect of Property Keep Kentridge a clean, neat and safe environment.
Respect of Authority Show respect, follow direction and identify yourself and activity when asked.
Respect for Others Show courtesy and tolerance; respect differences; make others welcome.
Respect for Self
Be successful and reach your full potential. Be the best you can be.
Attendance Requirements for Course Credit: Students must attend 85% (77) days of class per semester
to receive credit for the class. Students with more than 13 days of unexcused absences will receive a
failing grade by the teacher.
If a student fails to buy back the excused absences or has extenuating circumstances, he or she may make
an appeal to the Attendance Appeals Committee. This committee meets at the end of each semester to
review the appeals and give the student the opportunity to appeal his or her attendance.
Absent- It is the student’s responsibility to make up work within the amount of days that he/she
was absent.
Late work- Each day that assignments are late, students will receive -10% on their total score.
Tardy Policy: Tardies are defined as late arrival to class during the first 10 minutes of class. Arrival later
than 10 minutes is considered an absence. The school tardy policy will be enforced. There will be
consequences for unexcused absences which will be enforced throughout the school year. It is very
important that students are in class on a daily basis.
Academic Integrity Policy: Kentridge High School strives to provide students with the knowledge,
skills, judgment, and wisdom they need to function in society as educated adults. Students are expected
to take responsibility for their learning and experience the pride that accompanies academic achievement.
To falsity or fabricate the results of one’s research; to present the words, ideas, data, or work of another as
one’s own; or to cheat on an examination corrupts the education the educational process, impedes a
student’s academic progress, and compromises the trust between teacher and student that is fundamental
to the learning process.
Guidelines for Academic Integrity
 Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the coursework they submit.
The following are guidelines to assist students in observing academic integrity:
 Students must do their own work and submit only their own work on assignments (including
homework), examinations, reports, and projects, unless otherwise permitted by the instructor.
 Students may benefit from working in groups. They may collaborate or cooperate with other
students on graded assignments or examinations as directed by the instructor.
 Students must follow all written and/or verbal instructions given by instructors prior to taking
examinations, tests, quizzes, and performance evaluations.
 Students are responsible for adhering to course requirements as specified by the instructor in the
course syllabus
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I have read and understand Ms. Stringer’s
expectations for Core 12 English Language Arts, as outlined in this
Student’s name
Parent/Guardian’s name
Student’s signature
Parent/Guardian’s signature
Please turn this page in to Ms. Stringer by Tuesday, September 3, 2013.