Attributes of a successful change leader

Rosabeth Moss Kanter – Change Leadership Attributes
Tuning into the environment
Leaders should be as aware as possible, both internally and externally. It might help to set up
a personal communications network. It is vital to listen to suggestions and complaints. Not
only will this keep the person in charge informed, it will also help stimulate innovation e.g.
- benchmarking
- asking staff for improvement ideas
- journals/professional groups
Challenging the prevailing wisdom
Leaders must constantly question organisational assumptions about the best way to do
business. They must be open to different solutions and innovations. Benchmarking different
institutions is just one way to gain a fresh view of how to do things e.g.
- lean processes
- Continuous Improvement
- Constantly asking ‘why am I doing this / does it really need to be done’?
Communicating a compelling vision
Buy-in and demonstrable commitment from leadership is essential. It will not be possible to
inspire people to follow and accept a vision if there is less than 100% commitment at the top
- identifying practical actions a manager can do
- show ‘symbols’ of change
Building coalitions
Coalition building is vital to change success. If a bold new strategy is to be accepted, it has to
have the support of the experts; the staff, customers and stakeholders who participate on a
day to day basis in the efficient running of the organisation e.g.
- networking
- buddies
- inter- departmental change groups
- inter and intra University
Transferring ownership to a working team
Leaders form the vision and get others to follow it. However, they must be able to delegate
the responsibility of the programme to the specialists with the relevant expertise. It will be
helpful to supply the working team with a broad outline of individual aims and means of
achieving them e.g.
- high performing teams
- specific objectives/outcomes
- ensure autonomy to deliver
Learning to persevere
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Rosabeth Moss Kanter – Change Leadership Attributes
It is vital that the leader stick with the change process to the end. Implementing change is a
long and arduous task, and there will be stumbling points. A leader must learn to accept
these and persevere e.g.
- setting milestones, celebrate success
Making everyone a hero
It is important that reward systems are updated and used in a regular and fair manner.
Reward innovation and effort and celebrate success e.g.
- share stories of good ideas/successes
Kanter, R. M., Stein, B. A., and Jick, T. D., 1992. The challenge of organisational change: how
companies experience and leaders guide it. New York: The Free Press
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