Persuasive Speech Outline Intro 380 million plastic bags used in the

Persuasive Speech Outline
A. 380 million plastic bags used in the US every year
B. Kelly Jacobson- concerned citizen, taxpayer, Allen resident
C. Plastic bags are bad for the environment- need to be banned
D. PoMP1. Current problem
2. How it affects you
3. The benefits
4. What to do
Hey- Current problem
A. Litter- average drive down McDermott- counted 36 plastic bags in trees/on
B. Gas prices on the rise due to use of petroleum products- plastic bags made
of petroleum products
C. Toxins/pollution- plastic bags never degrade, ink/bags contains lead which
leaches into landfills/waterways/ clogs drain pipes
You- How this affects you
A. Pride in city
1. Embarresing when visitors to Allen see the litter on roadways/trees.
With event center, stadium, shopping, activities- need to present clean
image to bring people back year after year
B. Gas Prices/Dependence on foreign oil1. According to US energy admin. We imported 8.4 million barrels of oil
2. Gas prices have risen just over $2 in August 2005 to close to $4 in
august 2011 (according to AAA website)
3. P.Bags – made of petroleum by products –polyethylene
C. Toxins/ pollution
1. Rise in cancer rates/lead poisoning inks from the bags leach into water
2. Plastic bags clog drain pipes costing taxpayers money in repairs
See- Benefits of banning plastic bags
A. Prettier city
1. San Francisco has noted a significant dcrease in the litter on streets
B. Make a step towards lessening demand on oil production
1. If everyone in the city of Allen used reusable shopping bags that
would eliminate nearly 6 million bags a year
C. Cleaner environment- lower green house emissions,
1. The landfills would benefit from less debris
So- Place ban on plastic bags
A. Start by introducing this to city council
B. Get petitions signed
C. Put the prop on the ballot for November
A. Review
1. Current problem
2. This affects you
3. See how things could be better
4. So place this item on next city council agenda, put it to a vote
B. “wrap it Up”- let’s not allow Allen to contribute to the US bag