CDM Core Group Meeting notes 02/10/2010

CDM Core Group Meeting notes 02/10/2010
In Attendance: Lisa Chaufty (facilitator), Jan Robertson, Jeff Jonsson, Kinza Masood (scribe),
Nancy Lombardo, Ruth Hansen, and Alan Witowski. It was a ‘working’ meeting where Lisa
facilitated and Nancy updated the twiki and made changes to the CONTENTdm Resources page,
while receiving feedback from the group.
The meeting can be broken down into the following main parts (these parts are not necessarily
listed in the order of importance or discussion):
1. Western CONTENTdm Users Conference:
There was a lot of discussion about the Western CDM Users Conference hosted here at Marriott
June 2nd (pre-conference), 3rd and 4th and the role the CDM Core group may play.
There was discussion centered around finessing the ‘University of Utah Library System
CONTENTdm Resources Web’ page on the twiki in preparation for the CDM Users conference.
* Action Item for Kelly (carried over from last meeting): update the compound object tabdelimited import method in the ‘Training Material and Help’ section.
* It was discussed that we should include the CONTENTdm usage history under the
‘CDM Notes- Migration’ section.
* The group talked about including any information on workflows for CONTENTdm that
anyone has developed since switching over to v.5. Action Item for Everyone: Bring our Project
Client workflows to the next meeting. *Note* Nancy recommended copying and pasting text off
Word documents into Notepad to get it ready for twiki uploads. Word formatting adds extra
characters in the twiki.
* The group decided to include the last documented list of problems and possible
solutions to the ‘Common Problems in Collection Management’ section.
* Grievance List/Issues and Reports List: Action Item for Lisa and Anne (carried over
from last meeting): The group talked about changing the name of this section to ‘Issues and
Reports’. The group is considering polishing up the previously documented ‘Issues and Possible
Solutions’ section to create the new ‘Issues and Reports’ section.
* Action Item for Kinza and Tawnya: Document procedures for ‘Requesting/Creating a
New Collection’. This falls under the ‘Collection Management’ category. Kinza mentioned
Tawnya’s efforts in creating a ‘Collection Add Process’ form.
* Action Item for Nancy: Create a list comprising of questions that can help with
CONTENTdm’s template criteria. Nancy has met with Alan, Curtis, and Debbie to discuss
template issues. Nancy suggested coming up with a list of questions that would help with
decisions about template designs (color, logo, banners, etc.).
Twiki Accounts:
Nancy suggested that we discuss the procedure for creating new twiki accounts during the next
meeting, if needed. Action Item for Nancy: Nancy will send out an email to the core group
documenting the procedure.
Server Update to 5.2:
Jeff informed the group that this process requires a 12 hour period of downtime. He suggested
conducting the server upgrade over the Presidents Day holiday weekend.
* Action Item for Jeff: Jeff will inform all the CONTENTdm users about the server downtime
which is projected to start on Saturday, February 13th (after 6:00pm) and last until the library reopens on Sunday morning (February 14th).
* Action Item for Kinza: Put up a blurb about server downtime on all the Digital Collections
Other Action Items:
* For Lisa: Track down the ‘Issues’ list that was previously put together for the twiki.
* For Nancy: Track down past, missing meeting minutes and upload them to the twiki.
* For Kinza: Add Alan to the cdm-core group email list. This is done.