FRANCE - Quality certification system in Agrotourism


Project funded by the

European Union









Project funded by the

European Union

Table of Contents

ITALY .................................................................................................................................................................. 4

Good Practices in Agrotourism .......................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.Current state of agrotourism sector in Italy ............................................................................................... 5

2. Examples of agrotourism enterprises ........................................................................................................ 6

2.1“Sant’Egle di Sorano”............................................................................................................................ 6

2.1.1 How is it organized ..................................................................................................................... 7

2.1.2 The best practices in the farm ..................................................................................................... 7

2.1.3 The innovative ideas .................................................................................................................... 7

2.1.4 Field of application ...................................................................................................................... 8

2.1.5 Geographical coverage ................................................................................................................ 8

2.1.6 Financial returns ......................................................................................................................... 9

2.1.7 Partners ....................................................................................................................................... 9

Keywords ............................................................................................................................................... 9

2.2“La Quercia della Memoria” ............................................................................................................... 10

2.2.1 How is it organized ..................................................................................................................... 10

2.2.2 Best practices ............................................................................................................................. 10

2.2.3 The innovative ideas .................................................................................................................. 11

2.2.5 Field of application .................................................................................................................... 12

2.2.6 Geographical distribution .......................................................................................................... 12

2.2.7 Financial returns ........................................................................................................................ 12

2.2.8 Partners ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Keywords ............................................................................................................................................. 13

3. Quality certification systems in agrotourism in Italy ............................................................................... 14

Certificate "Agriturist Qualità" ............................................................................................................ 14

Fattorie del Panda ............................................................................................................................... 15

Didactic Farms ..................................................................................................................................... 15

Ospitalità Italiana ................................................................................................................................. 15

Bio-Ecological Agrotourism Enterprises .............................................................................................. 15

RELACS ................................................................................................................................................. 15

Legambiente Tourism .......................................................................................................................... 16

FRANCE ............................................................................................................................................................ 16

Good practices in agrotourism ........................................................................................................................ 16


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European Union

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 16

1. Brief characteristic of the current state of agrotourism in France .......................................................... 17

2. Certification systems in France ................................................................................................................ 18

Bienvenue à la Ferme .......................................................................................................................... 18

“Ferme Auberge des Trouilles” is a member of the network Bienvenue à la Ferme. ......................... 18

Gîtes de France .................................................................................................................................... 19

Standards of Comfort – épis Gîtes de France (ears of corn) ............................................................... 20

Les Pays d’Accueil Touristique ............................................................................................................. 20

3. Ferme Auberge des Trouilles ................................................................................................................... 21

Additional services ............................................................................................................................... 21

Geographic location............................................................................................................................. 22

Annual profit ........................................................................................................................................ 22

Certification ......................................................................................................................................... 22

Keywords ............................................................................................................................................. 22

GERMANY ........................................................................................................................................................ 23

Good practices in agrotourism ........................................................................................................................ 23

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 23

Quality certification systems in Bavaria ...................................................................................................... 23

DLG - Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (German Agricultural Society) quality marks ............. 23

National awards for quality in rural tourism services for private accommodations in rural areas. ... 25


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European Union


Good Practices in Agrotourism


The origin of agrotourism in Italy is rather recent and it comes from February 1965 when a group of young farmers from Confagricoltura led by Simone Velluti Zati founded the National

Association of Agriculture and Tourism (Agriturist) that was inspired by the French Association

Agriculture et Tourisme” born ten years earlier.

The principal aim of this Association was to promote the value of the tourist vacation and its resources.

In 1968 an assembly “City and Country” was organized where, for the first time in Italy, the country was suggested as a tourism destination; in fact it was the period of industrialization and urbanization.

The politicians showed their interest for this initiative and they organized conventions, interviews for media, “green day” in the factory, “open gate” for the tourists and these initiatives promoted the development of this kind of tourism.

In 1973 started the first attempt to control agrotourism sector with the law of the autonomous area of Trento that, for the first time, provided for interventions in favor of agrotourism.

In the same year, in Alto Adige, a law was issued to promote the rural tourism. In 1975

Agritourist published the first edition of “Guidebook for Rural Accommodation” in which 80 agricultural companies offering accommodation facilities were presented.

In 1985 the Framework-law of the State (Law 5 December 1985, n. 730) was published that characterizes the tourism business.

At the end of 1991 the Law n. 413 was introduced and entered into force from 1 January

1992, imposing a special tax regime for agrotourism and defining a tax of 25% for the companies in agrotourism sector.

In 2003 Agriturist introduced a voluntary certification of quality. The studies show that the guests appreciated the services that were offered in the certificated enterprises, for example buildings restored and renovated, organic products offered for their meals, information about agriculture and the tourism destination, simple, friendly and informal welcome.

In 2006 the Parliament approved the second Framework-law for agrotourism (Law 20

February 2006, n. 96).

In November 2006 the region of Lazio promoted the Law n.14 that was the first regional law that adopted the new Framework-law, the same thing happened in the region of Lombardia on

8th June 2008.

Since 2006 some other different regions changed their regional laws according to the directives of the Framework-law and in 2010 the Ministry of Agriculture introduced the “National

Observatory of Agriculture” in which a national classification of the agrotourism started.


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European Union

1.Current state of agrotourism sector in Italy

The agrotourism in Italy is in continuous growth and at the end of 2013 there were 20.500 companies and 16.504 of them offered accommodation with 206.145 beds, 9.914 restaurants,

11.421 recreational, cultural and didactic activities and 9.500 camping areas.

27% of the guests come from other countries. Tuscany is the region that has more agrotourism enterprises (4.125), than there are at Trentino-Alto Adige (3.366) and Lombardia

(1.361). According to the latest studies of Agriturist (2012) the annual turnover in agrotourism sector is around €1,17 billion.

Fig1. Agrotourism Companies in each Region (ISTAT 2013)

Fig.2 Proportion of foreign and Italian tourists in agrotourism sector






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2. Examples of agrotourism enterprises

2.1“Sant’Egle di Sorano”


Bio agrotourism farm located in the municipality of Sorano in the province of Grosseto, Tuscany - eco-friendly, zero-impact and preserver of biodiversity.


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European Union

2.1.1 How is it organized

The farm is located in the municipality of Sorano in the province of Grosseto, Tuscany. It is ecofriendly, zero-impact and preserver of biodiversity. The building is a restored historic mansion from1600.

The owners have left intact the charm of a historic house full of legends . There is a maximum of 18 beds in

8 rooms (1 single, 4 double, 3 triple rooms - suites), all with a private bath and private entrance. All guests have access to a porch furnished with sofas, a garden with an old tree under which there are tables, chairs, hammocks. Under the gazebo the customers can enjoy moments of relaxation in the company of their pets, which are always welcome. The " Theatre of straw " is intended for moments of entertainment , projection of films , shows and seminars.

Just 800m from the Sant'Egle (reachable on foot or with the free use of bicycles for the guests) is the

Terme di Sorano, where a Day Spa is offered, including entry, umbrella, sun bed, massage at a reduced price. Included in the price of the overnight stay each guest is entitled to a discount 10-20% for entry to all the spas in the area.

2.1.2 The best practices in the farm

It’s the first farm in Italy which embraced and applied the synergistic organic farming. It’s a cultivation method that is based on the principle that, while the earth makes plants grow, plants create fertile soil through their organic residues, their chemical activity, microorganisms, bacteria, fungi and earthworms. The land must be plowed and made as fine as possible. This is done only once in the whole life of the garden. With the crumbled earth are built “pallets”, mounds of earth about 50 cm high, divided by trenches of about 60 cm.

The benches are an ingenious solution to not bend the back at ground level during its cultivation and increase the cultivable area, having 3 sides on the same surface on which to sow and plant. Thanks to this way of cultivating the initiative “Disabled farmers” was developed, which provides the opportunity for disabled people to participate actively and effectively in the life of the fields and be leaders in the direct production of vegetables and fruits.

The decision of what and how to plant is synergistic and is signed by expert. In the time of the harvest all the gifts of the earth are cleaned directly in the garden so that the decomposing organic residues are left on the pallet to create nourishment for the new crops, providing self fertility of the soil. No artificial fertilizers and pesticides are used. The products obtained by this practice have a different quality, different flavor and energy and a greater resistance to pathogens.

100% of the energy used in the farm comes from renewable sources. The heating and hot water is provided by solar panels , by a fireplace and using a condensing boiler . The rainwater is used for irrigation of the agricultural part.

2.1.3 The innovative ideas


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The products of the Sant’Egle’s land, from cereals to vegetables, fruit trees, olive trees and vines are cultivated respecting the natural cycle, without forcing and changing it, according to the biodynamic calendar (Bio certification of “Suolo e Salute”*). In addition to weekly fresh produce available , are produced fruits and vegetables, raw unfiltered beers , cheese , cookies with stevia, extra virgin olive oil , wine, saffron , spirulina , stevia Reba , essences , 100% natural cosmetics , herbs.

Farmers are custodians that preserve old traditions by donating every year the seeds of their crops to the

Tuscany Region, which in turn gives them to those who want to continue to cultivate ancient and indigenous seeds and do not give space to GMO seeds or genetically modified products.

To enjoy the different quality and different flavor of their fresh produce, the “Locanda della Gola” was born, where there isn’t a la carte menu (only seasonal produce of the day) , everything has local origin and only organic products are used, no frozen products with preservatives , dyes, or heated are offered.

The project “Adopt an organic garden” offers guests and anyone who wants to adopt a piece of land to cultivate personally the products of nature. From planting to harvest the new farmers are followed and led to crops bio, choose what to plant and learn how to care for the plants to have a healthy crop. The farm also offers the service of delivery of home-grown produce to receive them directly at your home, along with other farm products . Purchase orders can be made online by choosing from the detailed catalog of the products made available on their website.

With the initiative "In Bed with Art”, nature and art are being combined, always aiming at the promotion of new, different pieces of art, allowing the exhibition and sale of works of art and objects result of recycling. Each object is a unique piece made of 99% recycled paper materials , natural glue (flour and water), tape, paper and colors such as acrylics , pencils , pastels , watercolors , wax and oil pastels. So you can see objects, colors and communicative artifacts exhibited in rotation by artists from all over the world and scattered inside the farmhouse and garden.

2.1.4 Field of application

Agriculture biology is the predominant sector of Sant’Egle farm followed by direct sales of their fresh and processed products. Particular attention devoted to renewable energy, to those obtained from the recovery of agricultural waste and the management and reuse of water resources. In the restaurant they found the means to make known the taste and characteristics of organic products. The recreational hiking and cycling a way to bring tourists to the environment and healthy living.

2.1.5 Geographical coverage

Sant'Egle is in a strategic position, near the beautiful medieval towns of Pitigliano and Sovana.

Surrounded by 5 hot water SPA most beautiful in Tuscany (Saturnia, San Casciano, Chianciano, Bagni Sat

Philip, Viterbo). A few kilometers away are the Park of Vulci, the National Park “Uccellina”, the WWF Oasis,


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Orbetello, the Garden of the Tarocchi, Civita di Bagno regio, the main Etruscan sites, “vie Cave”, the Amiata mountain, the Val d'Orcia.

2.1.6 Financial returns

In spite of the low amount of crop produced from organic farming the owners have succeeded to create an efficient direct sales business and an effective food service and accommodation.

2.1.7 Partners

WWF* (award for “Best Farmhouse for sustainability and conservation of biodiversity”), Campagna Amica*,

Suolo e Salute*.

*World Wildlife Fund - a leading organization in wildlife conservation and endangered species

*“Campagna Amica” and “Coldiretti” are organizations that promote local agriculture and organize weekly farmers’ market, where visitors can find fresh produce, wines, olive oil, honey, dairy, sausages, cured meats and more. Most of what is for sale comes from no more than 60 miles (100 km) away

* Suolo e Salute is a control and certification body in the Foodstuff and Environmental sectors. The organization is authorized by the Italian Ministry ofAgricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, as a control and certification body for organic farming (EEC Reg n.20921 91). Suolo e Salute is accredited by SINCERT (UNI

CEI EN 45011) for the certification of products originating from organic farming and the certification of traceability in the food cham (UNI 10939) as well as for certification in compliance to the EUREPGAP standard (Fruit and vegetables).


Biological Synergy; Biodiversity; Sustainability; Zero Impact; Environment; Energy Saving;


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European Union

2.2“La Quercia della Memoria”

2.2.1 How is it organized

The company has an area of 9 hectares and is situated in two municipalities: San Gines (MC), within the National Park of the Sibillini Mountains, and in the town of Gualdo (MC). The whole area is planted with mixed crops, crops, vineyards, orchards and vegetable crops. It is a vital community-oriented selfsufficiency farm where plants, animals, fences, waterways, uncultivated spaces and human component are interconnected with each other to create a dynamic ecosystem.

2.2.2 Best practices

Recognized standards on national and

European level are applied for the management of the activities in the farm. In organic production the certificate of quality Guarantee biological

AMAB* is adopted and every stage of the production process is certified by the IMC

(Mediterranean Institute of Certification)*. The enterprise follows the strategy of the WWF

(World Wildlife Fund), as an ecoregion for the diffusion of organic farming, biodiversity conservation and environmental education. It adopts permaculture in the form of self-fertility of the soil, biodiversity, the use of phyto plants, crop rotation, composting, the balance between the wild and the domestic site. On the basis of "European Charter for Sustainable Tourism" the enterprise plans the tourist activity, promoting the practical application of the concept of sustainability for the development of tourism, agritourism and agricultural products.


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2.2.3 The innovative ideas

La Quercia della Memoria is a model of multifunctional farm with high environmental sustainability of its proposals to the rural tourism - Italian and foreign.

In the soils of the farm are cultivated especially cereal grains and legumes, ancient varieties or endangered, for the recovery and protection of the seed kind of rural and old varieties no longer grown or other genetic material at risk of disappearing (project "Seed Saver”).

After a pilot project for the recovery, testing and cultivation of medicinal herbs and medicines, the company now cultivates medicinal plants that are sold as herbal teas, decoctions, tinctures and aromatic salts.

Since 2005 the first line of homemade pasta with the ancient Senatore Cappelli durum wheat was produced. Today, production has been merged in the "Terre delle Oasi" WWF Italy and includes: durum wheat pasta and gourmet products (spaghetti, fusilli) as well as flour ground with a stone mill for the marketing of barley and hulled pearled barley, breads, cakes and cookies, which are also offered.

La Quercia della Memoria is also a bio-ecological farm offering accommodation and food. With the restoration and conservation of sanitation it is a particular model of bio-ecological building based on the principles of energy efficiency, resource conservation and use of bio-materials. The organic canteen, housed in the old stables, offers seasonal cuisine.

The last section of the restructuring led to the creation of “the agrinido of Nature”, a bio-ecological nursery (for children 1-3 years), included in the regional network of “Agrinido quality” which offers to a maximum of 10 children a unique experience of growing in rural farm surrounded by nature and the National Park of Monti Sibillini.

The area “Asineria” offers special tours with donkeys that carry the baggage of the guests and accompany them in slow walks amidst extraordinary landscapes, along the road or the village streets, past the old stables, among the ancient gardens, in the forest or the fields and the remarkable countryside of this region. In addition, other activities with these nice animals are available as well for educational and entertainment purposes. Special animators are engaged in recreational activities which aim at improving the quality of life of certain categories of people with disabilities and exploring the animal world. These activities are carried out with students as well throughout the whole year (Education assisted with animals – EAA).


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In addition to the slow paths “Ecomuseum paths” are programmed as well, these are walkways that invite the guests to look with different eyes, more attentive, to the wildlife , the traces of biodiversity, the presence of man , the landscapes of the Sibillini.

They are, therefore, a proposal for a slow mobility that recover the pleasure of wandering, of crossing a forest, in a cultivated field or a wild meadow in search of special places. The attentive visitor has the opportunity to change the direction in the experience of landscape, giving space to the construction of new ties with the area and to explore new unexpected landscapes.

2.2.5 Field of application

The owners of La Quercia della Memoria made the diversification of production activities on the farm their core mission taking charge of the three environmental challenges of agriculture identified as priorities by the Health Check of the PAC

(Common Agricultural Policy):

 conservation and enhancement of biodiversity; to combat climate change; sustainable management of water resources.

From the renovation of the old farmhouse they have obtained 4 units (400 square feet of multifunctional spaces for accommodation in farms 3 and 2 workshops) in a mountain village for setting up agritourism, having as cornerstones energy saving, the use of renewable thermal energy, water reuse, setting up a system of constructed wetlands and recycling of snow water and rainwater.

2.2.6 Geographical distribution

The whole area is incorporated into the landscape of “Pian di Pieca” in the Marche Region, defined by the National Park of the Sibillini Mountains as an area characterized by specific relations systems, ecological, cultural, perceptual and functional.

2.2.7 Financial returns

The multi-functionality has enabled the diversification of income of the company today with the increase in revenue and increased economic viability due to seasonal adjustment of the activities that allowed the continuity of income during the year and the partial compensation of the loss of income from farm and traditional agricultural activities.

2.2.8 Partners

It is part of the network "Panda Farm" promoted by the WWF Italy and organizations / associations:

Federparchi, Agriturist, Turismo Verde and TERRANOSTRA.


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It has collaborated with the University of Camerino, National Park Authority of Monti Sibillini and the

Rete Rurale Nazionale.


Multifunctionality; Environmental sustainability; Alternative energy; Economy; Ecology; Green building;

* AMAB, Associazione Marchigiana per l’Agricoltura Biologica, was founded in 1987 by organic farmers in Marche region with the aim to promote and spread out the organic production method, and to guarantee to the consumers high quality products, obtained without the use of chemicals and with sustainable agronomic practices. In 1992 AMAB was recognized as National Organic control body for organic productions, in conformity to the Eu Reg 2092/91 by Decree of the Agricultural Ministry. Since

January 1997, according to the new decree in conformity with the UNI EN45011, AMAB remained an association of producers, leaving to the control body, IMC the inspection and certification activities.

The logo "Garanzia Biologico AMAB", is given only to operators that commit themselves to implement the norms of the AMAB standard, elaborated on the basis of the EU Reg 2092/91, and according to the IFOAM guidelines. The main restrictive requirements imposed by the"Garanzia Biologico AMAB" are the following: Crop production: the farms have to be 100% organic. Livestock production: all the animals have to spend part of their life outside and the animals have to be totally organic. Processing: all the agricultural ingredients have to be organic.

* The Mediterranean Institute of Certification (IMC) is a private company that took possession of public authorities and international accreditation for the conduct of certification activities. IMC was founded in 1995 in Senigallia (AN), in the Marches region, where today there are its central offices. Over the years, pursuing a development strategy and partner concentrated in the Mediterranean region, the IMC certification services have expanded not only to all regions of Italy, but also to various countries in the area.

Nowadays, IMC provides certification services for specialized companies working in agriculture, agribusiness, food, hospitality and tourism. IMC services offer a guarantee of competence and performance suitable to local needs thanks to the efficient spread of offices and personnel specialized language.


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3. Quality certification systems in agrotourism in Italy

Certificate "Agriturist Qualità"

This certificate is awarded to tourism enterprises, developing agrotourism and offering "holiday accommodation in agrotourism". It is issued by Nexos LTD. Nexos LTD, founded in 2004, is a certification body accredited by ACCREDIA (Italian Accreditation System - the Italian National Accreditation Body appointed by the State to implement accreditation activity) to perform:

• Product certification - EN 45011

• System Certification Quality Management - ISO 9001:2008

• Certification of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indications (PGI) and

Guaranteed Traditional Specialties (TSG), Community trade marks of excellence in the traditional food industry.

It is also an approved inspection body in accordance with the Law of the Veneto region from May 31,

2001 in accordance with the quality system "Qualita Verificata".

Nexos belongs from November 2008, to the shareholder Apave ITALY CPM - Institute for Data

Analysis and the multinational APAVE.

Certification with "Agriturist Qualità" began experimentally in Umbria in the province of Viterbo in

2003, and then extended to the whole territory of Italy and became a national quality certification system for rural houses and farms, developing agrotourism. For this certificate can apply only tourism enterprises offering accommodation and catering services in agrotourism sector. Application documents are sent by email.

The specification of the certificate is divided into three sections (communication, management and business relationships with other entities) and contains 72 requirements, including 46 compulsory and 26 optional (at least 40 % of them have to be covered).

The quality brand that certifying the quality of the services in the agrotourism enterprise and the annual renewals confirming that the quality is maintained cost 350 €, with a reduction of 10 % in the case of companies and firms linked together (at least 2 in a fenced area). For larger groups of companies located in the same province are made agreements for further reductions.

The first stage of the application for the certificate is the self-diagnostics of the tourism enterprise to establish whether the company offering agrotourism services has the necessary features to apply for certification. After the fee is paid a visit by the certifying authority Nexos is appointed.

If the agrotourism enterprise succeeds to meet the quality parameters, Nexos communicates

Agriturist – the National Association for Agrotourism, Environment and Territory and the company is registered with the trademark "Agriturist Qualità" allowing it to use the mark in all their advertisements. In case of a negative result of the inspection, the company is informed of the changes needed to be made, followed by a second inspection. In case of serious discrepancies after the adjustments, the company applies for a second visit with an additional charge of 300 €.


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The quality certificate is valid for one year. If the farm wants to confirm the quality certification for the upcoming years, it is necessary to make request for a new visit.

The certified agrotourism enterprises are listed by Agriturist on the website of the association, and included in Guide for agrotourism in Italian, in a trilingual guide for foreign tourists, in the journal

"Agriturist" and in press releases published by the association.

Fattorie del Panda

A Panda’s farm is an agricultural company inside a protected area. It is a perfect accommodation enterprise where you can find a passionate manager who will involve you in nature, history and traditions of the region. The farm, situated in a national or regional park, can serve as an example of the local environments, cultures and traditions.

Didactic Farms

Didactic farms are farms where schools, families or groups of adult people are received in order to explore the farm life. Didactic farms receive schools and visitors with the perspective of multifunctionality where the relationship between the city and the country land is shown. It is considered a good experience for young people to discover the importance of the farm work.

Ospitalità Italiana

The Ospitalità Italiana Seal is a certification promoted by the Chambers of Commerce to evaluate the quality of the receptive and recreational facilities in Italy.

Bio-Ecological Agrotourism Enterprises

The Certification “ECO BIO Tourism”, provided by ICEA, awards tourist structures that offer hospitality and activities respecting the natural, cultural and social resources of the country. This is done through the use of biological agricultures, the protection of ecosystems and the conservation of biodiversity.


RELACS (Renewable Energy for Tourist Accommodation Buildings) means participation in the

European system of accommodation enterprises committed to the improvement of energetic efficiency and the use of renewable resources. The project involves 10 countries and has as its coordinator the Energy and Sustainable Development Agency of Modena. RELACS aims to increase energy savings in hotels too.


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Legambiente Tourism

It issued by Legambiente (League of the environment) - the most widespread environmental organization in Italy and it aims at reducing the environmental impact deriving from tourism, using guidelines and manuals in direction of the importance of environmental sustainability.


Good practices in agrotourism


Rural tourism in France is an essential part of the French tourism sector. It is an element of the image of a region and its attractiveness. Farmers have contributed significantly to its development.

Rural tourism is of interest for farmers:

To develop and preserve their created and natural heritage

To diversify their activities

To create additional income

To welcome and meet people from different backgrounds

Rural tourism has evolved along the countryside, with adaptations of agricultural activity and the arrival of new population, part of which is employed in tourism. It is diverse in accommodation and additional activities and has no seasonal character.

Rural tourism in France offers:

Accommodation: gîtes (cottages), gîtes for children, guest rooms, guest houses, camping on the farm, natural camping, etc

Catering: table d'hôte, farm inn, degustation in the farm, snacks on the farm, etc

Recreational activities and sports: fishing, hunting, outdoor sports, hiking, horse riding, cycling, mountain biking, etc

Cultural and educational activities: exploration of agriculture and rural life, educational farms, school in the farm, etc

Sales of farm products: picking of farm produce, selling of organic quality products processed or not, etc


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Brief characteristic of the current state of agrotourism in


Agrotourism in France is considered still not very well developed sector. According to figures from the agricultural statistics of 2010, about 100 000 farms (18%) are engaged in direct sales of products and more than 17,700 (3%) in an activity related to tourism (two-thirds offer accommodation and nearly 16 % catering) .

Chambers of Agriculture in France support the sector through technical advice, the establishment of specific training, professionalisation and networking of players in the sector with the creation of federative brands.

Aid for rural tourism

The development and exploitation of the advantages of tourism in rural areas is a priority in the measures for rural development implemented by the Ministry of agriculture, food and fisheries:

- Contract of State-Region plan 2007-2013,

- European Programme PDRH 2007-2013, Axis 3 of EAFRD

- Measure 311: Diversification into non-agricultural activities for farmers,

- Measure 313: Promotion of tourism activities, for non-farming public.

- Several provisions benefiting rural tourism have been adopted in the law 2005-157 of 23 February

2005 on the development of rural areas

Departments involved in the development of rural tourism:

- Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning, through the services of

DATAR (La Délégation interministérielle à l'aménagement du territoire et à l'attractivité régionale)

- The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Employment, through the management of tourism

- The Ministry of Health, Youth and Sports, through the sports management.

Specialized agencies:

- The Bergerie Nationale, rural tourism department

- The Center of Tourism Resources and Rural Heritage

- The Directorate-General for Competitiveness, Industry and Services (DGCIS), Sub-Directorate of


- Odit: Observation, Development and Tourism Engineering

- Welcome to the farm, the network of Chambers of Agriculture

World tourism demand is continuously growing and France is well placed in international competition. It is on the first place among the receptive countries in the world (in 2007, 82 million international tourists) and the third country for tourism revenue, after the United States and Spain.

Important facts about French tourism demand :

- 73% of French residents move out of their home for short (at least 1 night) or long stays;

- 9 out of 10 holidays take place in France;

- 63% of the population goes on vacation;


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- The average length of stay decreases : the French go more often and for shorter period each time;

- Short stays grow faster than all stays;

Tourism in rural areas comprises:

₋ 85 % of the national territory,

₋ 35 % of domestic tourists,

₋ 50 % of the national capacity of accommodation,

₋ 20% of tourism consumption

2. Certification systems in France

Bienvenue à la Ferme

“Ferme Auberge des Trouilles” is a member of the network Bienvenue à la Ferme.

In France Bienvenue à la Ferme is a trademark of Chambers of Agriculture. It is the largest network of farm producers and entrepreneurs offering tourist accommodation in farms. There are more than 6,500 members on French territory.


French farms - members of the network Bienvenue à la Ferme offer a full range in:

Farm products:

More than 4,500 of the members sell farm products

 In 2012 Bienvenue à la Ferme has developed collective stores, where gift boxes and baskets with farm products are offered.

The Marchés des Producteurs de Pays , brand of Chambres d'agriculture specialized in outdoor markets in the city made a partnership with Bienvenue à la Ferme in 2012.


 Nearly 400 Farm inns:

 Over 150 Snacks at the farm. A snack is composed of local specialties and a drink.

 Farmers’ appetizers at the winery

 Bags for picnic: a picnic on the grass with picnic bag including farm produce: salted and sweet specialties, wine or other natural drinks.

 Catering activities for weddings, buffets, trade fairs and shows with services of a farmer and local produce of the regions.

 Rental of meeting rooms in rural areas


 Nearly 700 guest farms

 Nearly 900 farmhouses (apartments farms)

 Nearly 400 campsites farms (accommodation outdoors)

 Nearly 100 children holidays on a farm


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Additional services for the leisure time:

 More than 550 farms to explore.

 Nearly 400 educational farms

 More than 200 horse farms

 Hunting on the farm

Bienvenue à la Ferme has its own Ethical charter. By joining the network, the members undertake to respect the quality parameters and guarantee the quality of their services in agricultural tourism.

Compliance and monitoring of these commitments are controlled by the decentralized services of the

State by the Chambers of Agriculture and by the Bienvenue à la Ferme Network.

Quality requirement

Customer satisfaction through a constant requirement of quality: welcome and service, clean and tidy environment, ... to ensure the welfare of visitors.

Personalized approach

Members of the network Bienvenue à la Ferme will focus on offering their guests a personalized and professional service.

Exciting discovery

Proud of their profession and their farm products produced with the utmost care, farmers will propose a visit to their farm with clear explanations on agricultural practices.

Serving the heritage

Ambassadors of sustainable and responsible agriculture, rooted in the territory, the preservation of agricultural and rural development is a priority for this farmers’ network, because this unique heritage is a common good.

Authentic welcome

The farms in the network generally are part of traditional and authentic architecture, a rich history, rural traditions and architectural know-how in a natural and preserved environment.

Gîtes de France

Gîtes de France is a leading network of homestays in Europe. It is a movement for the development of tourist accommodation created in the Basses-Alpes by a senator at the end of the Second

World War. This initiative was involved in a logical planning to fight against rural depopulation.

The National Federation of Gîtes de France is an organization that brings together departmental associations for the promotion and marketing of tourist accommodation and awards unofficial labels to tourist accommodations that meet specifications. The certificates "Gîtes de France" awarded according to the level of comfort (from 1 to 5 ears of corn) are accompanied by a classification and an advertisement that informs the consumer about the quality and level of equipment of the accommodation.

Today, about 47,000 houses exist throughout the national territory ( DOM-TOM included- all the

French-administered territories outside of the European continent) and 30,000 guest rooms. 44,000 owners are concerned and the direct and indirect sales account for € 1.2 billion per year. Gîtes de France attracts about 20% of foreign customers. The childcare in families for the holidays is also organized


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Standards of Comfort – épis Gîtes de France (ears of corn)

The quality label Gîtes de France guarantees precise standards of comfort (1, 2, 3, 4 ears of corn - épis

Gîtes de France) and adherence to a national charter.

Whatever the ranking, the guests find in the houses the equipment or additional services specified in the description.

All Bed and Breakfast Cottages in France are classified according to the architectural quality of the house, their environment, their level of comfort, decoration and services, and reclassified at least once every

5 years. They are most often revisited in the event of a dispute.

1 épi Gîtes de France: Simple bedrooms.

2 épis Gîtes de France: Comfortable rooms, each with at least a bathroom or private bathroom.

3 épis Gîtes de France: Comfortable rooms, each with private and complete bathroom (shower, bath, wash basin and wc).

4 épis Gîtes de France : very comfortable rooms, each with private and complete bathrooms.

They are arranged in homes of character, in a privileged environment. Additional services are often offered.

Les Pays d’Accueil Touristique

This French label is run by the Fédération des Pays d’Accueil Touristique. Created in 1976, there are now 142 of these "tourist regions" in France. The Pays d'Accueil Touristiques, known as PAT in France, play an active role in the development of tourism by providing facilities, organising tourist events, promoting, marketing and assessing investments, as well as training those involved in the tourist industry.

Les plus beaux villages de France:

The "Most Beautiful Villages in France" label is awarded to rural villages with a population of less than 2,000 which have retained their exceptional architectural heritage. Since 1982 the label has been awarded by the "Les Plus Beaux Villages de France" association. 144 villages currently hold the label, each of which has retained its harmonious style of architecture and urban design, as well as its interesting historical heritage. 149 communes belong to the Plus beaux villages de France association, a non-profit organisation (Loi 1901) which receives financial assitance from local and


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3. Ferme Auberge des Trouilles

Ferme Auberge des Trouilles offers a peaceful accommodation in 5 separate rooms and 4 elegant rural houses with a swimming pool. The guests can choose between half board and full board. The bathroom, a toilet, an open terrace and shared barbeque. One of the houses is adapted for disabled people. The prices are distributed into high seasonal, low seasonal and off seasonal. Pets are allowed.

A large assembly hall with projection wall and Wi-Fi connection is offered for special events such as weddings, fairs, exhibitions, receptions, seminars and business meetings.

At the restaurant the guests can enjoy the agricultural products and meat produced in the farm or buy food for home consumption. rooms have a maximum capacity of

15 and the houses of

21 people. Each house has a separate kitchen for cooking, a private

Additional services

The logo of the wheat is e guarantee of a peaceful and natural environment for family and friends away from the city noise. The children have the opportunity to experience unforgettable moments with an educational tour of the farm "Children on vacation" during which they get acquainted with the whole cycle of production of agricultural products.

The farm offers accommodate for one night or a whole week in the guest rooms or a relaxation in one of the farmhouses with a tour to the nearby tourist areas. At any time and in any season there is something interesting for all ages and for all types of passions: introduction to the techniques of wine production, milking a cow, hunting, horse riding, walking or cycling tours, cultural tours to museums and historical landmarks. The farm also offers:

Wine tasting in combination with different types of homemade cheese. For instance in order to try the local produce of the vineyards and the dairy products from home-grown goats and sheep, the owners Jean-

Francois Gufroy and Frederick invite customers to enjoy goat cheese platter with a glass of wine.


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Tasting of fois gras and red wine from the vineyards, followed by pie with homemade jam of pears from the farm orchard.

Culinary journey in order to use all five human senses and a cooking school that teaches in healthy cooking, the use of organic products and secret recipes of the region. Customers learn how to distinguish different varieties of grapes, how to distinguish tastes, how to discover flavors.

Guests have the opportunity to buy canned duck liver, candied fruit, jellied chicken and duck pate, duck meat, duck giblets, duck fat, jellied chicken, pork liver pate, pork meat pate.

At the end of their stay the customers can buy fresh produce grown with pleasure directly from the farm. The agricultural products are divided into products labeled with organic designation such as seasonal fruits and vegetables: tomatoes, potatoes, grains, pumpkins; meat products: pork, lamb, beef and veal; as well as products of the farm yard, duck and poultry. The processed products include wine, honey, jam, cheese fruit juices, herbs from the drugstore.

The farm produces wines according to ancient wine traditions in harmony with the modern technologies. The cellar of the farm has all the equipment suitable to maintain and extract the virtues of wine. So that the wine is stored in specially selected barrels along with modern control temperature steel tanks and contemporary way of bottling, all under the strict control of hygiene protocol. The production covers the varieties of wines typical for the region grown to express best the features of the area. The vineyards cover 15 hectares of land, with an average annual production of about 600 hectoliters, of which 50% are from white and 50% from red grapes. Wine production is accompanied with farm produce and extra virgin olive oil, carefully selected olives. The extrusion process is carried out in the cold, according to an ancient Tuscan tradition.

Geographic location

If you follow the coordinates of GPS, the farm is located on the length 44.136275and width 1.253665,

20 km from Montalban and 17 km from Moisak.

Annual profit

Accommodation of tourists brings a significant income for the farm owners which covers about 30% of the revenue, about 20% comes from the catering activities, and 50% of farm income are from additional services and sale of own produce.


Ferme Auberge des Trouilles is awarded with the certificates of Gites de France, Bienvenue à la Ferme,

Épis Gîtes de France (three ears of corn).


Peaceful accommodation, organic products, certificates, wine tasting, culinary journey, tradition, modern technology;


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Good practices in agrotourism


More than 120 million national and international guests spend their holiday each year in Germany.

Germany lists around 360 million overnights per year in 54,000 commercial/ industrial accommodations and on 3,600 campgrounds. The number of farm holiday- accommodations amounts to 25,000 and

Germany experiences 20 million farm holiday overnights per year. This shows that the agro-tourism industry is still a small market; however it plays an increasing role for the German tourism industry.

Between 1991 and 2000 the total revenue in agro-tourism has more than doubled, summing up to over a billion Euros in 2000. 25,000 farmers provided a farm holiday in 2003 and in the same year around five percent of the German tourists selected a farm as their preferred form of accommodation, which equates to 3.3 million vacationers (Lund-Durlchacher & Zeppenfeld, 2006).

The most popular destinations for agrotourism in Germany are Bavaria, Mecklenburg-Western

Pomerania and Schieswig-Hoistein.

There is evidence to suggest that an agro-holiday is particularly attractive for people Iiving in a busy city or for families with young children not getting the chance to visit a farm, to see animals in reality or to experience where their food comes from. However, 55% of agro tourists are couples or singles without children, being interested in travelling and acquiring new experiences. Students are found to be interested in spending time on a farm as they can use the environment to relax and prepare important assignments while revitalising themselves before returning to university life.

German agro-tourists are most commonly aged between 30 and 49 years. Agro-tourists in most cases have a household net income ranging between 1,500 and 2,500 Euro per month. Since they live in families with more than two children, the pro capita income is lower as the one of an average tourist. They usually have a lower and simple education and they are found to be predominantly from Bavaria or North Rhine-

Westphalia (Grieshaber et al., 2008).

Quality certification systems in Bavaria


Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft

(German Agricultural Society) quality marks

DLG is an organization of German agricultural and food industry, headquartered in Frankfurt on

Main. DLG is a non-profit association with approximately 24,000 members (as of July 2012) and is financed by its income from services, membership fees and government grants.

For more than forty years, DLG has been involved in rural tourism. In 1972, the quality certification marks „Vacation on the Farm“ (Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof) and „Vacation at the Vineyard“ (Urlaub auf dem

Winzerhof) were established; in 1992 „Rural Vacation“ (Landurlaub) was added. DLG is accredited as a certification body by the German accrediation agency DAkkS GmbH (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle


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GmbH) in Berlin and gives evaluations to the rural tourism enterprises according to the requirements of

RAL Quality Mark, the German Institute for Quality Assurance and Certification (Deutsches Institut für


Tested high quality country experience

The DLG quality mark nationwide guarantees a unique country experience and at the same time high quality of the accommodations based on a star classification.

Validity of the quality mark

The right to use the quality mark is awarded for a period of up to three years. An extension requires passing an examination.

Security and transparency

The quality certificate guarantees the holidaymakers permanent quality of the offer - every three years it is reviewed by independent experts according to strict criteria according to ISO standards. Changes to the enterprise, especially those that concern the evaluation criteria (such as number of guest rooms and apartments) should be reported to DLG. DLG decides whether an inspection is required.

Certificate „Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof“- „Vacation on the Farm“ is awarded to working farms where quests can experience active, real farming or spend their holiday in a horse farm.

Certificate „Urlaub auf dem Winzerhof“ – „Vacation at the Vineyard“ is intended for rural enterprises in vineyards. Winegrowers in diverse areas of vine cultivation allow guests to look over their shoulders as they work. Customers can experience and enjoy vacation on a vineyard.

Certificate „Landurlaub“ - „Rural Vacation“ is awarded to country houses, hotels, manors, etc, where customers can spend their vacation surrounded by rural ambience while experiencing a different kind of hospitality and vacation.

In addition to these certificates there are 7 special offers, which can be tested in connection with the quality mark according to additional criteria (for more information, see "”).

Special Offers:

Horse farms

Organic farms

Accommodation for children

Wheelchair accessible accommodation

Accessible Accommodation


Conferences and Seminars


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National awards for quality in rural tourism services for private accommodations in rural areas.

Year of introduction - 2007

Certification body - Federal Association for Farm Holidays and Rural Tourism in Germany (BAG )

Target groups - Companies – members of the Federal Association for Farm Holidays and Rural Tourism in

Germany and their national associations.


Improvement and assurance of quality .

Performance transparency for the guest.

Target group-oriented approach.

Requirements for the seven different awards:

Certificate for rural farms

Awarded to landowners who, according to the criteria of the Federal Association of Farm Holidays and

Rural Tourism in Germany, are registered as certified Rural Farms. The certificate proves that the holiday accommodation in spatial context exists together with an actively managed farm. Even if the farm has its focus on agriculture, at least pets

(companion animals) are present on the farm. A well-maintained overall impression and a documentation of the equipment quality - for example in the form of DTV

(German Tourism Association) classification – is needed. The guest is served in person. A garden or lawn and plenty of green spaces must be provided for walking, biking or other sport activities. In addition, at least three of the following services must be offered in the audited rural farms:

Tour of the farm

At least one organized activity with rural character (e.g. guided hike) weekly

Foods or products of own or regional production

Assisting in the agricultural work on the farm is available on request (depending on the season/weather)


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Certificate for wineries in rural areas

For entrepreneurs who, according to the criteria of the Federal Association of Farm Holidays and Rural

Tourism in Germany, are registered as certified rural wineries, offering a holiday experience connected with everything concerning wine. The holiday apartment or holiday house must be located in a spatial context close to an active working vineyard. A well-maintained overall impression and a documentation of the equipment quality - for example in the form of DTV (German Tourism Association) classification – is needed. The guests receive personal attention from the family of winemakers and have the opportunity to taste the wines produced during a wine tasting. In addition, at least three of the following services must be offered :

Factory tour and tour of the vineyard

At least one organized activity with a rural character (for example, vineyard cultivation)

Wine, food and other products from own or regional production are offered

Work in the vineyard possible (depending on the season/weather)

Certificate for horse farms

For entrepreneurs who, according to the criteria of the Federal Association of Farm Holidays and Rural

Tourism in Germany, are registered as certified horse farms, offering a holiday home, apartment or bed and breakfast spatially associated with a horse farm in rural environment, with proven quality of equipment, a well-kept impression and personal service. For recreational activities green spaces, walking, hiking and/or cycling trails are available. The focus of the vacation, of course, is the horse riding and the horses. A riding hall or suitable riding facilities are provided in each case.

Riding lessons, carriage rides or horse vaulting under the supervision of qualified personnel are offered. Appropriate stables, management of the riding school and livery are guaranteed. School horses and equipment are in a good state of maintenance.

Certificate for providers of fishing facilities

For hosts who, according to the criteria of the Federal Association of Farm Holidays and Rural

Tourism in Germany, are registered as certified providers of fishing facilities in rural environment. The holiday apartment or holiday house must be located in a spatial context close to an active fishery. A well-


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European Union maintained overall impression and a documentation of the equipment quality - for example in the form of DTV (German

Tourism Association) classification – is needed. The host provides an ideal environment for relaxation and nature and a personal service. The focus, however, is the opportunity to practice fishing.

Suitable waters and the necessary equipment such as boats, coolers, etc. are available. In addition, there are at least three of the following offers:

Management and transport for fishing

At least one organized activity related to fishing (e.g. fishing evening) weekly

Fish, food and other products from own or regional production are offered

Certificate for fruit farms

Awarded to owners of fruit farms providing accommodation and opportunity for the guests to be part of the labor in the farm. The fruit farms offer their guests attractive leisure and recreation facilities. The environment is ideal for walking or relaxing in a deck chair. There are plenty of opportunities for fun and games for children. Guests are greeted on arrival with a fruit basket. They have the opportunity to learn about the production of jams, schnapps, liqueurs or juices at a tasting on site. In addition, at least three of the following services are offered:

- Site visits or tours of the farm

- Weekly (in addition to tasting) at least one activity with a rural character (e.g. guided tour through the orchards, ride with the harvest carts, cooking class, etc.)

- Fruit, food or products of own or regional production are offered

Certificate for enterprises providing rural experience of a special kind

The quality-controlled rural enterprises provide an attractive leisure program in rural environment for their guests. The environment and recreational facilities are well maintained. A local contact person cares about the guests during their stay. There is ample opportunity for rest and a catering offer with snack and/or drink with regional products.

The experience range is related to one of the following topics:

Agriculture or forestry, viticulture, fruit or horticultural activities

Native flora and fauna, nature conservation and landscape management

Regional products, manufacture of food

Landscape-related activities, arts, culture and health


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Certificate for enterprises offering pure relaxation in the countryside

Awarded to enterprises offering accommodation located in rural environment, often on a former farm.

They are supervised by a host person on-site. The vacation home offers green spaces, walking, hiking and/or biking trails for recreation and nature experiences.

In addition, at least three of the following services are offered :

Supply of food or products from own or regional production

At least one organized activity with a rural character (e.g. guided hike)

Garden or lawn available

As additional criteria for the enterprises a special insurance is required as well as a valid DTV classification. The awarded enterprises have the opportunity to include the certificate in their promotional materials. The certificate is valid for three years.

The necessary checks are usually made together with the DTV classification inspections by the auditor of the regional working group of Federal Association of Farm Holidays and Rural Tourism. The current number of participants in this initiative is 1,327 (as of 31.12.2012 ). There are no costs for the enterprises applying for certification.

Farm holiday in Bavaria is becoming more and more popular. Especially families with children appreciate the easy and non stressful, authentic holiday experience. But it’s not only families that enjoy their stay on Bavarian farms. Cyclists and hikers too like to spend their holiday on one of our holiday farms and enjoy Bavaria`s beautiful landscape which offers the best prerequisites for sports and recreation.

Fortified by a hearty farmer`s breakfast made from regional products, holidaymakers can walk the forests, climb the mountains, discover the lakes and experience nature with all senses.

Keywords: agrotourism, farmer holidays, target groups, certification systems, quality inspections

