3.4 Using FamLink to Document Initial Assessment

Session 3.4: Using FamLink to Document Initial Assessment
Time: 4 hours
Developmental Competency
SW101-06 Ability to use FamLink to document specific casework activities that pertain to a
worker’s position
Curricular Competencies
Awareness of the importance of Investigative Assessment
Understanding of the differences between CPS and DLR/CPS Assessments
Ability to complete use these assessment tools in FamLink
o Create the Investigative Assessment
o Create the IFF
o Create a Safety Assessment & Safety Plan
o Create the Present Danger Assessment (Dates)
Talking about Competencies
Discuss the importance of the Initial Investigative Assessment and how it is the foundation for the rest
of the case.
There are two distinct types of Investigative Assessment, CPS and DLR/CPS
The Investigative Assessment is the primary initial assessment but it also contains several component
assessments including the Safety Assessment & Safety Plan, the Present Danger Assessment, the SDM
Risk Assessment (for CPS) or Substance Abuse Wizard (for DLR/CPS) and the required IFF.
RCT Session 3.4: Using FamLink to Document Initial Assessment
Materials and Preparation
Student access to Canvas
Dependencies CPS (*DLR/CPS) Intake linked to a Case (For both trainer and all students)
Student access to FamLink training environment
Quick Help Guides on the K-web http://dshsapoly3005/TIWEB80/scripts/TIWebPortal/TrackItUser.asp
Handouts –No more than two of each to pass around.
Investigative Assessment QHG
Safety Assessment and Plan QHG
SDM Risk Assessment QHG
Present Danger Assessment QHG
Substance Abuse Wizard QHG (DLR/CPS)
Session Flow
(Initial Assessment):
Create an Investigative Assessment
Options Pane Documents
Workers Complete an IA and all Ancillary
Delivery Method
Lecture and Discussion
Projected Demo and Lecture
Projected Demo and Lecture
Hands On
10 minutes
60 minutes
20 minutes
1:45 minutes
Lecture and Discussion
15 minutes
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Session Coach’s Notes
Students will become familiar with the Key Components of the CPS/DLR CPS Initial Assessment,
the Investigative Assessment as well as the IFF, the Present Danger Assessment, the Safety
Assessment & Safety Plan, the SDM. They will receive hands on practice in completing these
tools and accessing them from the Outliner.
Welcome and Overview
Welcome participants
Today’s training will be an introduction to the CPS Investigative Assessment and
associated pieces of work
Explain how the Investigative Assessment is the central tool in the Investigation and is
designed to link to each of the other pages associated with the Investigation.
Discuss the difference between the DLR/CPS and CPS Investigative Assessments
o The DLR/CPS Tool still includes the Substance Abuse Wizard but does not include
the SDM Risk Assessment
o DLR/CPS and CPS IAs have different tabs
Today we will be focusing on the CPS IA rather than the DLR/CPS IA
Log in to the UW Alliance or FamLink Training Environment (If all your students are set up
there) http://ssvwbolyfltrn01.ssv.wa.lcl:8080/famlink
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Create an Investigative Assessment
The Investigative Assessment is created using the Create Casework page
o Select CA Investigative Assessment from the Investigation list, highlight the
appropriate case and click Create. ( Individual participants are selected on the
page assessment)
Select the Appropriate Intake or Intakes on the Investigative Assessment Intake Link
page and then click Continue
General Tab
The Type displayed in the Header defaults to the Intake Type
Investigative Assessments Participants group box
The Participants and Roles from the Intake pre-fill the Investigative Assessment
Participants group box. The Initial Rolls can be modified. (This will be more important
with FAR as it will be used with failed FAR FAs when they transfer to CPS –See FAR
Additional Participants can be added to the Investigative Assessment but they must first
be Case Participants.
Manually added Participants can be deleted. Participants brought in from the Intake
A Yellow Triangle Icon in the WI Column is a Warning Indicator. Clicking on the Icon will
display the Warning Indicator popup to determine the nature of the warning.
A Red Exclamation Point in the CI Column is a Chronicity Indicator. Clicking on this Icon
will display the Chronicity Indicator popup with Definitions of Chronicity and a list of the
related Intakes for the participant.
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The Intake Information group box
The Intake Information group box displays the Intake selected on the IA Intake Link page
Additional qualifying Intakes can be linked. (Intakes must be no more than 45 apart to
link to the Investigative Assessment)
Intakes can be delinked however if you are delinking the only Intake the Investigative
Assessment and all associated work will be deleted
Click the hyperlinked Intake ID number to open the Intake
o Open the Intake and Demonstrate creating a Referral for the Police
Living Arrangement/Family Characteristics at the time of the Incident
Select a Living Arrangement and up to three Family Characteristics from the lists
Note the double Dagger/Red for Fed -AFCARS elements
Prior Involvement Tab
Prior Involvement group box
This tab displays prior CA Involvement for the participants with specific roles identified
on the General Tab
Clicking the View hyperlink will display either the Prior Investigation or Prior Intake if no
Investigation is completed
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The Finding Results on Prior Involvement can be tricky. For example, a founded
indicates that at least one allegation is founded on an Investigative Assessment that this
Intake is linked to. The Finding may not be on the individual listed as the Intake Name
and may not even be on this specific Intake.
Click the Prior Involvement hyperlink in the Options Pane for more complete and
accurate information on each subject/victim and allegation
History of Abuse/Neglect group box
Enter appropriate narrative in the Text Box
Trainer Notes on Prior Involvement Logic –Not required for Training
* When the Investigative Assessment page with the Type CPS or CPS-Risk Only is launched, the Prior
Involvement tab will pre-fill the Prior Involvement group box with information from all Intakes
associated with this case.
*When the Investigative Assessment page is Type DLR/CPS or DLR/CPS-Risk Only, the Prior
Involvement tab does not display.
*The Finding in the Prior Involvement group box for any intake is as follows:
If any Finding value for any allegation contained in the Intake is "Founded", then display Founded. If
all Finding values are "Unfounded", then display Unfounded. If all Finding values are "No Finding,
Case Closed", then display No Finding, Case Closed.
*When intake participants with the role of “Victim, “Subject”, “Identified Child”, “Parent/Parental
Role”, “Household Member”, or “Alleged Perpetrator” (on the newly created intake/Investigative
Assessment), and they were intake participants on a previous intake with the role of “Victim”,
“Subject”, “Identified Child”, “Alleged Perpetrator”, “FAR”, or “Intake Name” display on the Prior
Involvement tab.
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Contacts Tab
The Contacts tab displays a row for each activity listed on Investigative Contacts linked
to this Investigation. This means a single note may be displayed multiple times in the
Contacts field
Various notes may be required for the Investigation, (i.e. Subject Interview) however
only the “Child-Initial Face to Face with Child” is required to complete and approve the
New notes can be created by clicking the Case Notes hyperlink in the Options Pane
Creating an Initial Face to Face (IFF)
o Click the Case Notes hyperlink in the Options Pane to launch the Note
o Enter the Date and Time Occurred
o The Category defaults to CPS, the Type to Investigation
o Select Related Participants and Collaterals.
 Any participant selected on an activity row must also be selected in this
o Select one or more appropriate Intakes
o Enter appropriate text in the Narrative field
o Click Insert in the Activities Per Person group box
o Select “Child-Initial Face to Face with Child” in the Activity Row
o Click Save
o Review your Note to ensure it is correct and then select the Note Finalized
o The Note is not complete until the note is finalized. It will automatically finalize
in 30 days and can be modified until then by selecting it under the Investigation
on the Outliner
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Gathering Questions Tab
Family Developmental States
o Select one or more appropriate Family Developmental Stages
Military Family
o If appropriate select the checkbox for Active military or No longer active military.
o When either box is selected, the Deployment-one or both parents have been or
are currently deployed will become enabled. Select if appropriate
o If Active Military is selected you must complete the Armed Services Information
group box on the individuals Person Management page, Additional tab.
 You can click on the individuals name in the on the General tab of the IA
to access their Person Management page
Information Required to Assess Child Safety
o The Gathering Questions formerly on the Safety Assessment are identified by
the yellow triangle icon
o Type narrative answers addressing each of the questions
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Evidence/Records Tab
Describe the Facts Obtained in the narrative text field
Click Insert to create a new row in the Records Review (A Record Reviewed row is
required to complete the IA
Select a Record Type Reviewed, Enter the Date Reviewed and if appropriate any
additional comments then click save.
Repeat as necessary for other Records Reviewed
Allegations/Findings Tab
The Allegations group box prefills with Allegations from Intakes linked to the IA
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Click the View/Edit hyperlink for each allegation to open the Allegations/Findings popup
Select the Fatality or Medical Treatment checkboxes if required. The “Subject is a
relative provider?” is used for provider related allegations.
Select the Appropriate Finding from the Finding list
Enter comments in the Support of Finding/CAPTA Narrative field.
o Remember that the comments in this field prefill the CAPTA Letter
Click Continue
Disposition Tab
The disposition tab is used to display other assessments associated with the IA and to
establish a Disposition to the Investigation and any Recommended Services for the
Present Danger Assessment
Present Danger Assessments are not currently required for CPS Investigations. CPS
Workers can choose to use the Present Danger Assessment or can document Present
Danger and Protective Actions using Case Notes as previously required.
Present Danger Assessments are created from the Present Danger History page which is
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Accessed from the Present Danger hyperlink in the Options pane
The Present Danger History page displays all existing Present Danger Assessments for
this case whether they are associated with the current Investigation or not.
Click the Create button to launch a new Present Danger Assessment
Enter the Date Assessed in the Date Field and then select an Option from the Type field
Click the Add/Edit button in the Children Assessed group box
Select all appropriate children and click Continue
o If you select an adult you will receive a warning popup but you can still complete
the assessment
If no present danger exists, click the checkbox for No Present Danger Found, Save and
Close and you are done
If you find Present Danger, Select the Appropriate Checkboxes in the Present Danger
Threats and Protective Actions group boxes.
If the Safety plan developed with protective caregiver checkbox is selected you must
enter a date in the Established on field.
Enter any appropriate comments in the Explain text field.
Complete the Approval then click save and close to the Present Danger History page
o Unapproved Present Danger Assessments will have a View/Edit and a Delete
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o Approved Present Danger Assessments will only have a View hyperlink
Present Danger Assessments are not linked directly to in Investigative Assessment.
For a Present Danger Assessment to be associated with the Investigative Assessment
(i.e. displayed in the Present Danger field on the Disposition Page) it must:
o Be dated as of or after the oldest Intake linked to the IA and before the IA
approval date
o Have at least one child participant in common with the IA
Safety Assessment and Safety Plan
The Safety Assessment and Safety Plan must be create outside of the Investigative
Assessment using Create Casework and then linked to the Investigation and intakes
The Safety Assessment & Safety Plan Selection Copy page displays first
You can copy an existing Safety forward or Create a new one
If you copy forward it is your responsibility to carefully review the work to ensure that
the information is both accurate and current.
Safety Assessment tab
 Enter the Date and Type in the Header
o There are Three Types Available in the list
 FAR-Requires a FAR Intake
 Investigation-Requires a CPS Intake
 Other –No Intake is required
 Participants –Insert to select Participants from the Case Participants. General rule is the
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Safety is for all household members
Associated Intakes –Insert –Select the Investigation (FAR or CPS) first and all intakes
linked to the Investigation display.
If the Intake is already associated to a Safety Assessment the indicator box on the right
will be marked. Select the appropriate Intake or Intakes and click Continue
Safety Threats tab
The six Gathering Questions have been moved to other Assessments (Investigative
Assessment, FAR Family Assessment and Comprehensive Family Evaluation). Workers
can open the expando to view the questions to consider them when doing the Safety
Assessment as well as when they are documented on the associated assessment
Answer all of the Safety Threat radio buttons for the Safety Threats in consideration
with the Safety Threshold Questions listed on the page
o Enter Text in the Safety Threats text fields if yes. Optional for no.
If any Safety Threat (yes) radio button is selected, The Safety Decision in the Header and
Safety Assessment and Conclusion group box will display as unsafe and require a Safety
Analysis/Safety Plan tab
Answer the four questions in the Analysis group box to determine if an In-Home or Out
of Home Safety Plan is appropriate
If the Answer to any of the Analysis questions is No, the safety plan decision will
automatically be “Out-of-Home Safety Plan”
The Automatic Safety Plan Decision can by Overridden by checking the “Compelling
reasons exist to override the Safety Plan Decision”.
o When this box is checked the Compelling Reasons list and text fields will be
enabled and required
o When an automatic decision is overridden, the original decision will display
above and the new decision will display in the Final Safety Plan Decision field
Safety Activities/Tasks
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Click Insert to display the Safety Activities/Tasks popup page
The Identified Safety Threats display in the Safety Threats field.
o Highlight one or more threats to address them in this Activity/Task
o All threats must be addressed in an Activity/Task in order to complete the Safety
Select an Activity/Task from the list
Enter a Start and Target End Date
Type appropriate answers in each of the remaining text fields and then click Continue.
Repeat as necessary for additional Safety Activities/Tasks
Enter any other appropriate narrative in the Comments field
Approve and return to the Investigative Assessment
The Safety Assessment displays on the Disposition tab (after refresh)
SDM Risk Assessment (CPS Only)
 The SDM Risk assessment is no longer the only SDM Tool in FamLink so we can’t just call
it the SDM any longer.
 A new SDM Decision making tool is not incorporated into Intakes
General Tab
The SDM Risk Assessment is launched from the hyperlink in the Options Pane
Select the Primary and if Appropriate Secondary Caregivers
The Reason for Assessment text field is only available for Stand Alone SDM-RAs
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launched from the Planning Icon on Create Casework
Insert to select appropriate Intakes to link
SDM Risk Assessment 1-10/11-13/14-18 Tabs
 Complete all SDM Questions for each Caregiver selected
Risk Summary Tab
Enter any appropriate clarifying explanations in the SDM Risk Assessment Comments
text field
Click the calculate button to generate Risk Scores
Select an Answer from the Override to a Higher Level list. If Yes, complete the Override
Reason fields
Select the Completed Checkbox, Save and Close. The Completed checkbox can be
unchecked and the SDM modified until the associated Investigative Assessment is
The Risk Score display and the checkbox next to the SDM Risk Assessment hyperlink in
the Options Pane is marked
Investigation Disposition group box
Select a Disposition and enter comments in the Explain text field
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Select an answer to where the family is being referred to ongoing services list
o If Yes, Select a Program Type
o If No, Select a Reason Services are not being provided by CA
CAPTA Letter
Click the CAPTA Letter hyperlink in the Options Pane to display the Notices History page
Click the Insert button to create a new row to generate a CAPTA Letter
Select a Subject Participant from the list and click Save
Click the Edit hyperlink and Open the letter
Note the CAPTA Text from the Allegations popup display in the “What did CPS base this
determination on?” field.
Check the Completed button on the Notices History page and Save
The CAPTA row is now frozen but the Insert button is active and new rows /letters can
be generated.
CPS Investigative Assessment
 Click the CPS Investigative Assessment hyperlink in the Options Pane to open the CPS IA
Document Launch page
 Select the Print Complete Document button or Select Print with Exclusions to filter out
selected sections of the Document.
 Click the CPS Investigative Assessment hyperlink in the Options Pane to Open the
Document and if desired Print it.
Prior Involvement
Launch the Prior Involvement Document to view a detailed report of CA Involvement with the
participants of the IA.
 Review the main topics covered and go over questions
 Discuss the Interconnectedness of Assessments –Assessments are copied forward
 Discuss the importance of Spell/Grammar check
 Review FamLink Support Systems; K-Web, Service Desk/Work Orders, Coaches
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Session Coach’s Notes
Initial Assessment -3.4 Training Outline
1. Introduction -Lecture and Discussion
a. Purpose of the Investigative Assessment
i. Document the Investigation, Allegations and Findings
ii. Central point for associated assessments
b. DLR/CPS vs. CPS
i. Different tabs
ii. CA SDM –DLR/CPS Substance Abuse Wizard
c. Feeds Other Assessments
2. Create an Investigative Assessment –Lecture and Projected Demo
a. Initial Intake Linking
b. General Tab
i. IA Participants/Adding Participants
ii. Delinking and linking additional Intakes
iii. Living Arrangements
c. Prior Involvement Tab
i. Prior Involvement Logic
ii. Viewing Prior Involvement
iii. Documenting History of Abuse and Neglect
d. Contacts Tab
i. Creating Contacts (Case Note Hyperlink in the Options Pane)
ii. Child-Initial Face to Face with Child for each Victim
iii. Subject Interview
iv. Displays each Activity Row/Intake/Victim combination rather than the Case
Note (One case note may display multiple times for each Activity Row it
e. Gathering Questions tab
i. Questions pulled from the old Safety Assessment
ii. Gathering Questions designated by Yellow Triangle Icon
f. Evidence/Records Tab
i. Narrative Facts Obtained
ii. Adding Records Reviewed rows
g. Allegations/Findings tab
i. Allegations/Findings Pop Up
ii. CAPTA Text populates CAPTA Letter
iii. Disposition
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h. Present Danger Assessment
i. Associated Safety Assessment
j. Risk Assessment
3. Options Pane Documents –Lecture and Projected Demo a. CAPTA Letter
i. Launching CAPTA Letters
ii. CAPTA Appeal history (Completed by AA)
b. CPS Investigative Assessment
c. Prior Involvement Document
d. Approval
4. Students complete an Investigative and all ancillary Assessments -Hands On Practice
5. Conclusion
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