File - United States History 7 Pre

Volume 1, Issue 1
March 2014
The Embargo Act devastated the South. The
Embargo Act was passed by President
Jefferson in 1807. It was made so that
America would stop trade with Europe. A
southern merchant named Bartholomew
Adams spoke with us on what the Embargo
Act did to him. He said that the Embargo
Act made the British kidnap American
sailors that were delivering goods from
Europe to America. Merchants’ supply of
sugar, tea and molasses were cut off. In the
years between 1808 and 1811, over 6,000
Americans were impressed into the royal
navy. The Embargo Act affected the South
by not having jobs for the people, so there is
no money for the people. The impressing of
American ships made exporters lose over 80
million dollars in a year. Since there is no
money there will be no taxes for the
government. Overall, The Embargo Act
devastated the southern states’ economy.
The Embargo Act from the North’s Point Of
The Embargo Act of 1807 impacted the
North because the U.S. could not trade with
European nations and they could not trade with
us. The northern merchants were impacted
because they could not trade tea, sugar, and
molasses with Europe. Most merchants lost a lot
of money because of the Embargo Act. Sailors
started to turn to illegal trade, or smuggling to
survive. Congress replaced the Embargo Act
with the Non-Intercourse Act. This act did not
allow trade between Britain and France, but
allowed trade with other European nations.
President Jefferson imposed both the Embargo
Act and the Non-Intercourse Act to try to force
the British to their practice of impressment.
Because these acts failed to stop the British
from impressing our ships many
northerners called for war.
The Non-Intercourse Act Embargo replaced the act in 1809. The Non-Intercourse Act
made it not possible for Britain and France. American merchants were not allowed to trade
with Britain and France but, America was allowed to trade with other European
countries. President Thomas Jefferson made this act to stop impressment from French and
British ships, as well as, to keep American ships and people safe. Jefferson didn’t want the
British and French ships near American territory. The Non-Intercourse Act was not very
successful in the end.
Newsletter 1
The people did. Mainly the war during the Embargo act, President Jefferson didn’t like the idea
of going to war with Britain, hawks, the war hawks were a group of young republicans elected to
congress in 1810. The war hawks pressured the president to declare war on Britain because of
them impressing our ships and hurting American trade. Because of Britain impressing our ships
they had American sailors and more ships. Jefferson and congress passed the Embargo act and
the Non intercourse act which prohibited trade with Britain and France and any other European
The Fourth amendment was created to protect the rights of citizens and to prevent the
government to abuse their constitutional power. The Fourth amendment was originally created
in England, 1604 by Edward coke. The Fourth amendment was proposed in September 5, 1789,
but it wasn’t until December 5, 1791 that it was included in the constitution. The reason that the
fourth amendment was include in the bill of right was because in 1793 till 1812 British officer
would search and seizure homes and boats .British officials would impress American ships .
The impressment of American ships violated the fourth amendment because the fourth
amendment protected the right s of citizens which impressment did not do. The reason that
British officials impressed American ships was because they need sailor to fight in war with
France and they still believed that American people were British still unless you had a document
proving that you were an American citizen. In those year that impressment was happening
around 15,000 sailors were kidnapped. The age range was between 18-55. The reason that
British officials were kidnapping sailors was because the U.S own money to England and British
officials were In war with France, and they were short on soldiers. Finally the impressment of
American ships did violate The Fourth Amendment.
Newsletter 2
Newsletter 3
Newsletter 4
Newsletter 5