Resource Doc File - Dayton Regional Stem Center

Printable Resources
What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
Appendix A: Pre-Test/Post-Test
Appendix B: Pre-Test/Post-Test Answer Key
Appendix C: Engineering Design Process
Appendix D: Guided Observation Sheet
Appendix E: Erosion Research and Newspaper Assignment/Rubric
Appendix F: Websites for Guided Research
Appendix G: River Tray Model Teacher Instructions
Appendix H: Lab Sheet - Demonstration
Appendix I: Engineering Design Challenge
Appendix J: Team Data Sheet
Appendix K: Final Results
Appendix L: Erosion Project Rubric
What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
Appendix A
Name _________________________________________
1. Circle the tool you would use to measure length.
2. Which unit is used to measure length?
a. inches
b. square feet
c. cubic centimeters
d. square kilometers
3. Measure the lengths of the lines below to the nearest half-centimeter.
__________ cm
___________ cm
___________ cm
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
4. Define erosion and give an example of it.
5. Erosion can occur through the presence of:
a. Water
b. Wind
c. Ice
d. All of the above
6. Below is a diagram of a simulated river. If water enters at point A and flows
downward toward point B, infer what will happen to the river stream and the land
along the river. Use your pencil to sketch in any changes to the water flow.
Explain your thought process for to the changes you recorded.
7. Using the word bank, identify each word in its appropriate position of the
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
Engineering Design Process diagram below.
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
Pre-test/Post-Test Answer Key
Appendix B
Name _________________________________________
1. Circle the tool you would use to measure length.
2. Which unit is used to measure length?
a. inches
b. square feet
c. cubic centimeters
d. square kilometers
3. Measure the lengths of the lines below to the nearest half-centimeter.
_____8.5_____ cm
______4_____ cm
_____6______ cm
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
4. Define erosion and give an example of it.
Erosion is the process that transports rock, soil, or sediment to a different location.
Examples will vary but could include water moving soil or sand or wind and sand
eroding rock.
5. Erosion can occur through the presence of:
a. Water
b. Wind
c. Ice
d. All of the above
6. Below is a diagram of a simulated river. If water enters at point A and flows
downward toward point B, infer what will happen to the river stream and the land
along the river. Use your pencil to sketch in any changes to the water flow.
Explain your thought process for to the changes you recorded.
The flow of the water would pick up parts of sand,
rock, and soil and move it outward or even farther
downstream causing the river to widen in some areas.
7. Using the word bank, identify each word in its appropriate position of the
Engineering Design Process diagram below.
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
10. Question
11. Think
12. Design
13. Test
14. Solution
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
Engineering Design Process
Appendix C
Name ________________________________________________________________
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
Guided Observation Form
Appendix D
Name ______________________________________________________________
What do the various land/water boundaries look like?
How would you describe these boundaries?
What do you think is happening to the land as the water moves past it?
What questions come to mind as you view these photographs?
What are you curious about?
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
Erosion Research and Newspaper Assignment/Rubric
Appendix E
Name ___________________________________________________________
Use the internet to research and answer the following questions. Write your answers in
your science notebook. You will use this information to create a newspaper about
soil/riverbank erosion.
Answer the following questions in your science notebook:
What is the definition of soil/riverbank erosion?
What are the natural causes of soil/riverbank erosion?
What are the human causes of soil/riverbank erosion?
Why is erosion an important natural process?
What are at least two negative effects of riverbank erosion on the Great Miami River?
Newspaper Project:
Your job is to create a newspaper about erosion. In this newspaper you and your
partner write two articles that answer the questions you researched. Use the checklist
below to guide your work. You can create your final newspaper on the large paper
available or using a computer publishing program.
 Our newspaper has the required two articles.
 Our articles contain all the researched information.
 Our newspaper has two other erosion related sections (classified ad, word
search, crossword, advertisement, or advice column).
 Our newspaper includes two colored pictures (drawn or printed).
 We proofread our newspaper for mistakes.
 Our newspaper is neat and easy to read.
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
Erosion Research and Newspaper Assignment/Rubric
Appendix E (Continued)
Name ______________________________________________________________
All 6 questions are answered
Information is clearly communicated “newspaper style”
Writing is legible with adherence to conventions
All required sections to the newspaper are present
The newspaper has a title
At least 4-5 topics are covered
Information is clearly stated in “newspaper style”
Only 3 required sections of the newspaper are present
2-3 topics are covered
Information is clearly stated in “newspaper style”
Only 2 required sections of the newspaper are present
Only 1 topics is covered
Information is stated in “newspaper style”
Only 1 required section of the newspaper is present
Homework not present
Not achieving “1” standard
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
Websites for Guided Research
Appendix F
What is the definition of soil/riverbank erosion?
What are the natural causes of soil/riverbank erosion?
What are the human causes of soil/riverbank erosion?
Why is erosion an important natural process?
What are at least two negative effects of riverbank erosion on the Great Miami River?
Where is the Great Miami River located?
Other relevant websites:
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
River Tray Model Teacher Instructions
Appendix G
Teacher Instructions for River Tray Model – Design One Per Team
Materials for one (1) river model tray:
 2 kg aquarium gravel
 2.5 kg fine sand
 Aluminum 8”x10” pan/tray
 2 liter bottle
 Bucket or small aluminum tray
 Small ball of clay
 Medicine cups
 1 cup of water
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
River Tray Model Teacher Instructions
Appendix G (Continued)
Teacher directions for one (1) river model tray:
Empty aquarium gravel into tray
Pour 1 cup water over gravel
Pour fine sand on top of gravel
Mix the contents, spread evenly in the aluminum tray
Using a finger or craft stick, push one (1) inch into the mixture and copy path of
mock river (as seen on Appendix G).
6. Cut a 2 cm hole where the mock river ends at the bottom end of the tray
7. Place water collection container (bucket or tray) directly below hole – use chair to
prop if necessary
8. Place two (2) ramping devices (medicine cups) under top left and right back end
corners of tray to allow water flow
9. Fill 2 liter bottle with water for erosion activities
10. Place two (2) ramping devices (medicine cups) under top left and right back end
corners of tray to allow water flow.
11. Fill 2 liter bottle with water for erosion activities.
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
Lab Sheet - Demonstration
Appendix H
Name ____________________________________
Directions: Your teacher will be demonstrating the stream table you will be using for
your Engineering Design Challenge. When the demonstration is complete you need to
fill in the new measurements after erosion took place. You will follow this same process
for your Engineering Design Challenge.
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
Engineering Design Challenge
Appendix I
Name _______________________________________________________________
Your job is to identify materials that will help prevent riverbank erosion along the model
river. You will use your stream table and the materials provided to design a method to
reduce erosion. It is important that you test ONE material at a time to see the effect of
that material. After you test each material you will come up with one final design using
the materials you tested.
Step 1: Create your stream table. You will want to create your table just like the model
you saw yesterday in your teacher’s demonstration.
Step 2: Record your original measurements in the data table. Measure to the nearest
Step 3: Steadily pour the contents of your 2 Liter bottle of water at the top of the pan so
that the stream of water follows the river. Keep the bottle at the same 45 degree angle
and make sure the water flow is consistent.
Step 4: When the water has all been poured you will need to take measurements of
your stream table at all the measurement points. Record these measurements in the
data table. Measure to the nearest half-centimeter.
Step 5: Reset your stream table to its starting measurements.
Step 6: Choose the item you will test first. Write the item under Trial 1 in the data table.
Prepare your stream table with the material you are using to prevent erosion.
Step 7: Before you pour in the water take a picture of your stream table and describe
how you think the item will prevent erosion in your science notebook.
Step 8: Run the water through your stream table the same way you did the first time
and record the measurements in the Trial 1 column in your data table.
Step 9: Record the results of your trial in your science notebook. Do you feel this
material effectively reduced erosion? Why or why not? Would you use this material
again? Take a picture of your model AFTER the water flowed through.
Step 10: REPEAT! You will repeat this process with two more materials. Build the
steam table each time with a new material, repeat the water flow process, and record
the data.
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
Team Data Sheet
Appendix J
Team Members ________________________________________________
Original River
before water
Original River
after water
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Depth at point A1
Width at point A2
Width at point A3
Depth at point B1
Width at point B2
Width at point B3
Depth at point C1
Width at point C2
Width at point C3
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
Final Results
Appendix K
Final Design before water flow
Final Design after water flow
Depth at point A1
Width at point A2
Width at point A3
Depth at point B1
Width at point B2
Width at point B3
Depth at point C1
Width at point C2
Width at point C3
List the materials used in your final design and the purpose for each material.
* Take a picture of your final design!!!
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What’s All the Commotion about Erosion?
Erosion Project Rubric
Appendix L
Name ______________________________________________
Knowledge on
Explanation by the
student in science
notebook indicates a
clear and accurate
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
construction and
modifications for the
erosion project.
Explanation by the
student in the science
notebook indicates a
relatively accurate
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
construction and
modifications for the
erosion project.
Explanation by the
student in the science
notebook indicates
relatively accurate
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
construction and
modifications for the
erosion project.
Explanation by the
student in science
notebook does not
illustrate much
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
construction and
modifications for the
erosion project.
Clear evidence of
testing and all data
collected with
accurate unit and
described in science
Clear evidence of
testing and all data
collected but some
are marked with
incorrect units.
Some evidence of
testing and all data is
collected but units are
either labeled in
correctly or missing
Little evidence of
testing and data is
listed with no units or
incorrect units.
River channel design
is modified with
assigned material.
Clear evidence of
testing and all data
collected with
accurate unit.
River channel design
is modified with
assigned material.
Clear evidence of
testing and all data
collected but some
are marked with
incorrect units.
River channel design
is modified with
assigned material
Some evidence of
testing and all data is
collected but units are
either labeled in
correctly or missing
River channel design
is modified with
assigned material
Little evidence of
testing and data is
listed with no units or
incorrect units.
Data Collection
All data is collected
and recorded
accurately with correct
units. Pictures have
been taken before
and after for each
90% of data has been
collected and
recorded accurately.
All pictures are
included for each
80% of data has been
collected and
recorded accurately.
One to three pictures
are missing.
70% or less of the
data has been
collected and
recorded accurately.
More than three
pictures are missing.
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