Semester 1 task: Reflecting on teaching practice

PREDAC Phase 2 (February – June 2015)
Semester 1 task: Reflecting on teaching practice
Professional dialogue and feedback, together with reflective practice, are important foci of this
task. In the course of semester 1 PREDAC participants will engage in a process of ‘talking about
teaching’ with each other in their faculties. This will take the form of one of a variety of teaching,
learning or assessment practices; such as reciprocal classroom visits, peer observation and
feedback on each other’s teaching, reflection on the process; and culminating in a written reflective
piece which will feed into phase 3 of the PREDAC year-long process.
1. Rationale for reflecting on teaching practice
In the context of PREDAC 2015 we see reflecting on teaching practice as a collaborative, nonjudgemental process where colleagues observe, give feedback and reflect on teaching, with the aim
of improving their practice. The process of reflecting on teaching practice has become increasingly
common in higher education institutions worldwide (Bell and Cooper, 2013; Keane, 2015; Kane,
Sandretto & Heath, 2004) and Stellenbosch University is no exception. The purpose of reflecting on
teaching practice may be thought of as improving the quality of teaching with the aim of improving
student learning (Byrne et al, 2010) but according to Bell (2001) it also encourages shared critical
reflection, which is one of the key focus areas of the second phase of PREDAC 2015, where we will
be exploring the inter-connectedness of observation, feedback and reflection.
While the primary aim of reflecting on teaching practice is professional development (Orabah,
2009), Hammersley-Fletcher & Orsmond (2004:489) list the following additional aims:
to improve and develop an understanding of personal approaches to curriculum delivery;
to enhance and extend teaching techniques and styles of presentation through collaboration;
to engage in and refine interpersonal skills through the exchange of insights relating to the review of a
specific teaching performance;
to expand personal skills of evaluation and self-appraisal;
to develop and refine curriculum planning skills in collaboration with a colleague;
to identify areas of subject understanding and teaching activity which have a particular merit or are in
need of further development.
Literature speaks to a vast number of benefits from reflecting on teaching practice. Martin &
Double (2006:161) state that teaching skills can be refined as the person observed benefits from
feedback which is focused and context-specific; the observer refines an ability to define and identify
attributes that promote quality teaching; interpersonal skills are developed; as well as the ability to
benefit from a collegiate approach to professional practice. Hendry & Oliver (2012) refer to benefits
such as learning new strategies; enhancing confidence; and receiving useful feedback, while Bell
(2001) adds that it could also lead to transformation of both perspective and practice. Similarly,
Orabah (2009) refers to benefits such as teachers learning from and supporting each other; peer
observation discussions that help teachers to reflect on their teaching and explore the implicit
reasons and beliefs that underlie behaviours in classrooms; observation that helps teachers to
develop their ability to notice what happens in classrooms and to explain why things happen; as
well as exposure to different styles of teaching which enrich their experiences.
There are however challenges as well. Orabah (2009) lists some of the challenges related to peer
observation as: anxiety; time constraints; the presence of the observer in the classroom which may
have an effect on the practice of the observed teacher; and the difficulty in giving and receiving
feedback in the appropriate ways. The York St John University’s A Guide to Peer Observation of
Learning and Teaching (2011:5) offers some useful guiding principles for reflecting on teaching
Professional autonomy (control of the process belongs to the staff member being observed)
Self-evaluative and reflective (to stimulate a scholarly approach to teaching)
Developmental (a process designed to support peer learning amongst colleagues)
Collaborative (requires colleagues to work together on the basis of mutual trust and support)
Constructive (it should improve professional practice and enhance student learning)
Dialogic (talking about teaching promotes reflection on one’s practice)
Scholarly (uses available pedagogic evidence)
Consistent with good professional practice (it reflects how professionals learn)
Manageable in terms of time (factored into the workload planning)
2. Reflecting on teaching practice - The task
It is expected that you will participate in one round of reflecting on teaching practice in the course
of semester 1 this year. This will require a minimum of three meetings with a peer/s, however the
meeting schedule is flexible and the number may depend on your faculty/departmental context
and the depth of your reflection process. In conjunction with the CTL advisor for your faculty, you
will choose your collaborating partner/s. We would suggest that you work reciprocally in pairs.
This means that each person takes a turn in observing and then facilitating a dialogue about the
area of teaching practice identified, by the partner, for observation and reflection. Each of you will
decide on the focus of the observation, feedback and reflection process. The focus can be on a
variety of teaching, learning or assessment practices and the York St John University’s A Guide to
Peer Observation of Learning and Teaching (2011:7) offers some examples:
Observing an innovative teaching strategy you are trying out in the classroom;
Reflecting on and discussing your assessment strategies for a module or programme (including reviewing
how you have constructively aligned assessment to content and learning outcomes; how well your
formative assessment processes worked; how your students have engaged with feedback processes; the
use and effectiveness of innovative assessment or feedback methods);
Resolving a problem (which might include how best to deliver a topic online with the most appropriate
tools or how to manage a particular assessment challenge);
Reviewing the content and aims of a SUNLearn module (this may include discussing the rationale for the
design and exploring the underpinning e-pedagogy, considering how students are/not engaging with the
module online, reviewing how successful online discussions have been, or how the use of video/audio
and other technology enhanced teaching tools are incorporated);
Reflecting on plans for a new programme of study (such as ideas for a learning, teaching and assessment
strategy, how this links to the university’s teaching and learning strategy and the assessment policy, and
how this might translate into your module activities).
From the above list you will see that in Reflecting on teaching practice we are using the word
‘teaching’ in a broad sense, to encompass a range of activities (from the design of curricula and
the planning of assessment strategies, to activities that happen in a classroom, a tutorial or a
What happens in the meetings are the following:
Meeting 1 is to discuss what the focus of your observation and post-observation dialogue will
be. Your peer observer needs to understand your context and the event to be observed, as well
as the aspects you would like him/her to concentrate on in the observation and what sort of
feedback1 you would like. This first meeting is also the time to make practical arrangements
regarding where, when and how long the peer observation will be; and to plan your post
observation feedback meeting and dialogue.
Meeting 2 is the actual peer observation session. Where this is not a real-time
classroom/tutorial/laboratory observation, the second meeting may take the form of a
presentation to your peer (about your rationale for a particular curriculum design or
assessment strategy) or a demonstration to your peer (of an online SUNLearn module or a video
recording/podcast of a lesson).
Meeting 3 is the feedback and reflection session. Ideally this should take place immediately or
soon after meeting 2. This is the opportunity for the peers to give, receive and respond to
feedback on the observed session. This feedback is for your own personal use and will be
incorporated into the written reflective piece that you bring along to PREDAC Phase 3, at
Goudini in July. Meeting 3 is also an opportunity for both parties to reflect on the observation
and discuss what took place. As this discussion will feed directly into your written reflective
piece, it is important to consider the theories of teaching underpinning your own thinking about
your practice. It might be helpful to have a set of guideline questions2 beforehand as the
intention of the dialogue is to pose questions that will stimulate reflection and discussion on
teaching practice. The dialogue should be a two-way process, as the ‘peer observer’ is reflecting
on the process of giving feedback and the ‘observed peer’ is reflecting on the process of
receiving and responding to feedback.
The written reflective piece is the output at the end of this whole process. There is no
prescribed length for this piece but we suggest a minimum of three pages as it is a three-part
written piece. This written piece should be reflective3 in nature and not descriptive. Part 1
should focus on the process of giving feedback (in other words your reflections on the role of
‘peer observer’ and what you have learned about your teaching as a result); Part 2 should focus
on the process of receiving feedback (in other words your reflections on the role of ‘observed
peer’ and what you have learned about your teaching as a result); Part 3 should focus on the
process of responding to feedback (in other words your own deep reflections on your teaching
practice and the thinking that underpins it, as well as the learning from this whole experience
and what you might do differently in future). This written piece should be emailed to your CTL
advisor by Monday 6 July 2015, and also brought along to PREDAC Phase 3, which takes place
on 14 and 15 July 2015, where it will form the basis of one of the sessions at Goudini.
Your CTL advisor will provide you with examples of observation sheets/feedback forms that you could adapt, or you could develop
your own.
Your CTL advisor will provide you with examples of such guideline prompts that you could modify for your feedback dialogue.
Your CTL advisor will provide you with some reflective questions that could help you to structure this written piece.
3. References4
Byrne, J; Brown, H & Chellen, D. 2010. Peer development as an alternative to peer observation: a
tool to enhance professional development. International Journal for Academic Development
Bell, M. 2001. Supported reflective practice: a programme of peer observation and feedback for
academic teaching development. International Journal for Academic Development. Available at:
Bell, M. & Cooper, P. 2013. Peer observation of teaching in university departments: a framework for
implementation. International Journal for Academic Development, 18(1), 60-73. Available at:
Hammersley-Fletcher, L & Orsmond, P. 2004. Evaluating our peers: is peer observation a
meaningful process? Studies in Higher Education 29(4):489-503.
Hendry, GD & Oliver, GR. 2012. Seeing is Believing: The Benefits of Peer Observation. Journal of
University Teaching & Learning Practice. Available at:
Kane, R; Sandretto, S & Heath, C. 2004. An investigation into excellent tertiary teaching:
Emphasising reflective practice. Higher Education, 47: 283-310.
Keane, M. 2015. Responsibility for Learning: An Inclusive Approach to Learning and Teaching
Evaluation in Higher Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 167: 28-37.
Martin, GA & Double, JM. 2006. Developing Higher Education Teaching Skills Through Peer
Observation and Collaborative Reflection. Innovations in Education & Training International
Orabah, SSB. 2009. Teachers’ Beliefs about Peer Observation. In S. Borg (Ed.), Researching English
Language Teaching and Teacher Development in Oman 70-80. Available at:
York St John University. 2011. A Guide to Peer Observation of Learning and Teaching. Available at:
Please approach your CTL advisor directly should you wish to have electronic copies of any of these references.