
Public Class Form1
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
End Sub
Private Sub HoursTxtBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles HoursTxtBox.TextChanged
End Sub
Private Sub CalculateBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles CalculateBtn.Click
'Error Trapping and Data Checking Step 1
Dim ok As String
ok = "yes"
'Data conversion Step 1 For each textbox and label involved you needed to create
' a str and a number object
Dim strHours As String
Dim strSales As String
Dim decHours As Decimal
Dim decSales As Decimal
Dim decBonus As Decimal
Dim strBonus As String
'DC Step 2 Convert input text to string
strSales = Me.TextBox1.Text
strHours = Me.HoursTxtBox.Text
'DC Step 3 Convert string to decimal
'Remember when you convert from string to decimal, blowups can happen so
'We catch the errors in this step
'Error trapping and data checking Step2
'Method A - Try Catch
decHours = CDec(strHours)
MessageBox.Show("Hours must be a number", "Error")
ok = "no"
End Try
decSales = CDec(strSales)
MessageBox.Show("Sales must be a number", "Error")
ok = "no"
End Try
'Method B - End IF testubg on data values
If decHours > 160 Then
MessageBox.Show("Who are you trying to kid, no more than 160 allowed in hours
worked", "Error")
ok = "no"
End If
'Error trapping and data checking Step 3
If ok = "no" Then
Bonus.Text = "Bad Data please fix"
'DC Step 4 Calculate, Sometimes you need to break your calculation
'to preserve precision also try to keep data types the same to avoid rounding
decBonus = decHours / 160
decBonus = decBonus * 0.02
decBonus = decBonus * decSales
'DC Step 5Convert our result decimal to string
strBonus = CStr(decBonus)
'DC Step 6 Convert string to text
Me.Bonus.Text = "$" & strBonus
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ClearBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles ClearBtn.Click
End Sub
Private Sub ExitBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles ExitBtn.Click
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Button1.Click
'Conversion Path step 1
'Create string and numeric object pairs, one pair for each text property you are
'on the form
Dim str1 As String
Dim dec1 As Decimal
Dim strResults As String
Dim decResults As String
'Conversion Path step 2
'Convert from text to string
str1 = TextBox1.Text
'Conversion Path step 3
'Convert from string to numeric (decimal in this case)
dec1 = CDec(str1)
'Conversion Path step 4
'Multiply by 2
decResults = dec1 * 2
'Conversion Path step 5
'convert decimal to string
strResults = CStr(decResults)
'Conversion Path step 6
'Convert string to text property on form
Label2.Text = strResults
End Sub
Private Sub Label1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Label1.Click
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Button1.Click
'Declare or dimension variables needed for calculations
Dim decRemMiles As Decimal
Dim decDolsPerMile As Decimal
Dim decCentsPerMile As Decimal
'Step 1 conversion path set up string numeric pairs
Dim strexp As String
Dim strcurr As String
Dim strpricepaid As String
Dim strresults As String
decexp As Decimal
deccurr As Decimal
decpricepaid As Decimal
decresults As Decimal
'Step 2 Convert from text to string
strexp = txtexp.Text
strcurr = txtcurr.Text
strpricepaid = txtpricepaid.Text
'Step 3 Convert from string to numeric
decexp = CDec(strexp)
deccurr = CDec(strcurr)
decpricepaid = CDec(strpricepaid)
MsgBox("Hey bad data")
End Try
'Step 4 Do our mathematics, our calculations
decRemMiles = decexp - deccurr
decDolsPerMile = decpricepaid / decRemMiles
decCentsPerMile = decDolsPerMile * 100
decresults = decCentsPerMile
'Step 5 convert from decimal to string
strresults = CStr(decresults)
'Step 6 convert from string to text (puts on the form)
lblresults.Text = strresults
End Sub
End Class