Explaining a Concept rubric

Explaining a Concept
Drafts submitted on time
Peer Review
A Focused Explanation
Should narrow the general concept, providing an explanation that is focused on an
aspect of the concept likely to be of interest to readers; checked below denotes
where you might need to troubleshoot
 The focus is too broad (too much to write about).
 The focus is too narrow (not enough to write about).
 The focus is not interesting to readers.
A Readable Plan
Arrange explanation in a way that is logical and easy to read; provides a clear
thesis statement as well as cues like rhetorical questions, forecasting, headings,
and word repetition; checked below denotes where you might need to
 The organization is not logical.
 The beginning does not draw readers in.
 The essay does not flow smoothly from one part to the next.
 The ending falls flat.
Appropriate Explanatory Strategies
Choose the most appropriate strategies to explain the concept including
definitions, comparison & contrast, classification, process narration, cause &
effect, and examples; checked below denotes where you might need to
 The information isn’t getting through to readers as clearly as it should.
 Readers want more information about certain aspects of the concept.
 Definitions need work.
 Readers want visuals to help them understand certain concepts.
Smooth Integration of Sources
Integrating source information in such a way that they support the
thesis/argument; checked below denotes where you might need to troubleshoot
 Summaries lack “oomph”; paraphrases are too long or too close to the
original source; quotations are too long or uninteresting.
 Quotes, summary, and/or paraphrase don’t flow smoothly with the rest of
the essay.
 The list of resources is too limited.
 Some sources are inappropriate or not credible.
Free of Distracting Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation Errors for the Reader
You may get full points here but note the patterns of errors you have below to fix
in future papers and in future drafts of this one.
Run-on Sentences
Dangling Modifiers
Other Punctuation
Meets Length Requirement (8-12 pages)
Troubleshooting guide is on page 175-177.