Sarah`s Story - Home Start South Derbyshire

Referred by a Children’s
Centre Worker as part of
Sarah’s Story
a Child In Need plan.
Sarah is a single parent with three children: Megan (6), Lily (4) and Joshua (2).
Referral requested
Sarah fled domestic abuse and lived at a local refuge for 9 months before moving
volunteer support around
back home. At the time Sarah was married, but when Sarah returned home, the
mum’s mental health
couple separated with Sarah’s husband moving out of the family home. Sarah’s
issues, low self-esteem
abuse was not physical but emotional and was regularly witnessed by the
and emotional wellbeing.
children. As a result Sarah’s wellbeing was extremely low, she quickly became
isolated and the children were affected by the changes in family circumstances.
Influences and Challenges for Family
Sarah had to adjust to the separation from her husband who had been diagnosed
with mental health issues himself. Sarah also had to manage the situation between
her husband having contact with the children and the emotional effect this would
have on the children and herself.
Due to Sarah’s low mental health, Sarah was withdrawn from the community and
had no confidence to attend groups with Joshua and no local friendships.
Megan’s witnessing of the emotional abuse had affected her and she was awaiting
support from a local specialist service. Lily had developed eating problems and
Joshua was displaying signs of speech and language development issues.
Support provided
The family were matched with a home-visiting volunteer. When the match was
made Sarah was about to start counselling sessions with a local domestic abuse
service. It was agreed that the volunteer would meet Sarah at the sessions and look
after the children at the agency, whilst Sarah attended her appointments.
Sarah was unsure whether she wanted to go ahead with Home-Start support, but
decided to trial it for a few weeks. After 6 visits, a review was carried out with
Sarah. At the review Sarah admitted she found the volunteer support really
helpful and was benefitting from her counselling sessions. Sarah requested
ongoing Home-Start support and had registered for another 6 weeks of
counselling sessions. Sarah liked the fact that the children enjoyed spending time with the volunteer and
this alleviated any anxieties she had about the volunteer.
During the counselling sessions, the volunteer would provide structured play with the children including
learning colours, reading and playing games together.
Once the counselling sessions had ended, the volunteer could see an improvement in Sarah’s emotional
wellbeing. As time went on, Sarah attended a parenting course, filed for divorce and attended Home-Start
family activities where she made friends with other Home-Start families.
Access issues have been settled with Sarah’s ex-husband, although the children are still finding it difficult to
come to terms with their dad not being at home. Megan has finished her counselling with the specialist
agency and is coping better, Lily is now eating normally and Joshua’s speech and language has improved
Sarah has come a long way since we first supported her, she is no longer on a Child In Need plan, routines
have been instigated in the home and the parenting course has helped greatly with the children’s behaviour.
Sarah is currently volunteering at a local agency, gaining experience and building her confidence to find
employment. Sarah can now see a positive future ahead of her.
Home-Start helped by:
Looking after the children whilst mum was able to attend vital counselling sessions
Providing structured play with the children; encouraging them to read and play together
Providing weekly emotional support as well as after each counselling session
Accompanying to family activities
Transporting and accompanying to medical appointments
Support with form filling and accompanying to local CAB
Praising and encouraging, building Sarah’s confidence
Improving the family’s wellbeing
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