Unit 5 HW 2 The Water Cycle

Unit 5 HW 2
Date:__________ ___ ,_____
Assignment: ______________ The Water Cycle Team: ____________________
SWBAT explain condensation
1. Condensation is…
2. Label the places on the diagram at right where evaporation and condensation
are happening.
3. Explain why condensation and evaporation are opposites.
4. Contrast freezing and melting. Give as many details as you need to give a
complete response.
5. Compare and contrast melting and condensation. Give one similarity and one
6. Which of these describes weathering
a. Sediments settle on top of older sediment
b. Sediments are pressed together tightly
c. Sediments are created from a rock by ice, tree roots or other methods
d. Sediments are glued together by salts or minerals
7. There is a windy storm in Death Valley, California. Small pieces of rock are
removed and carried away by the wind. What two steps are described?
a. Weathering and erosion
b. Erosion and deposition
c. Deposition and burial
d. Burial and compaction
8. Lucite is formed when lava cools QUICKLY on the surface of the earth.
a. Lucite is an igneous extrusive rock
b. Lucite is an igneous intrusive rock
c. Lucite is a metamorphic rock
d. Lucite is a sedimentary rock
9. Sandstone is formed when large sediments are cemented together at the
bottom of a river. Sandstone is a…
a. Sandstone is a metamorphic rock
b. Sandstone is an igneous intrusive rock
c. Sandstone is an igneous extrusive rock
d. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock
A tree root grows into a rock and breaks into little pieces. What are the
little pieces called?
a. Sedimentary
b. Weathering
c. Magma
d. Sediments