Severe Weather Plan

London Borough of Merton
Distribution List:
Ged Curran
Caroline Holland
Dave Hill
Simon Williams
Lynn Carpenter
Abdool Kara
Chief Executive
Director of Corporate Services
Director of Children, Schools and Families
Director of Community and Housing
Director of Environment and Regeneration
Assistant Chief Executive
Civil Contingencies Adviser – Business Continuity &
Sarah Chittock
Version Control:
Original version
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1. Objectives of the Plan
The objectives of the Corporate Severe Weather Plan are;
To ensure activation at the appropriate level within the Council at
the initial stages of severe weather incidents.
To develop the council strategy for dealing with a severe weather
To ensure co-ordinated management of any severe weather
To ensure a co-ordinated approach with partners, where required,
during a severe weather incident.
To provide Departmental Flood Teams with a detailed list of actions
to cover the activation and initial period following notification of
severe weather.
The Plan provides a framework for the activation, allocation and deployment
of Council resources in the event of severe weather. The plan is based upon
the South West London Local Resilience Forum Community Risk Register
and covers those areas identified in the severe weather section.
The types of severe weather and flooding conditions that the UK Government
uses for contingency planning purposes are severe storms and gales,
persistent low temperatures and heavy snow, heat waves, and major flooding
(coastal, tidal and fluvial at local and national scales).
South West Community Risk Register
The table below shows an extract of the specific severe weather risks which
are assessed as part of the national risk assessment framework. The
framework applies locally, regionally, in the devolved administrations and at
the UK level. Details of the framework and risk assessment methodology can
be found in the Councils Emergency Planning website.
Risk Evaluation
Type of
Storms and
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Outcome Description for Planning Purposes
Storm force winds affecting most of the country for
at least 6 hours. Most inland, lowland areas
experience mean speeds in excess of 55 mph with
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Risk Evaluation
Type of
Outcome Description for Planning Purposes
gusts in excess of 85 mph.
Snow lying over most of the country for at least
one month. Most lowland areas experience some
snow falls in excess of 30 cm, some drifts in
excess of 1m, and a period of at least 7
and heavy snow
consecutive days with daily mean temperatures
below -3C.
Daily maximum temperatures above 32o C and
Heat wave
minimum temperatures above 15oC over most of
the area for at least five consecutive days.
Sea surge, high tides, gale force winds affecting
the coastline and one Region, some defences
overtopped or failing at a single location. Localised
impact with infrastructure affected and up to 1000
properties flooded. Flood warning service would
operate effectively. Multi-agency response invoked
with some local evacuation and cordoning off of
affected areas. Impact on infrastructure includes
disruption to traffic for 1-3 days, impact on access
to agricultural land and impact to infrastructure e.g.
sewage treatment works flooded.
A sustained period of heavy rainfall extending over
two weeks, perhaps combined with snow melt,
resulting in steadily rising river levels over a region.
Localised flooding of more then 1,000 and less
than 10,000 properties. There would be a major
Major local
impact on minor roads and some A roads and
fluvial flooding trunk roads impassable for a time. Some main rail
lines would be closed (where bridges are deemed
to be unsafe for example). Some minor rail lines
and stations would be closed. Most waterways
would be closed to traffic because of strong
currents and high water levels.
Heavy localised rainfall in steep valley catchments
leading to flash flooding. Likely that no flood
Localised fluvial
defences in place. Possibility no flood warning
flooding (flash
service available / suddenness of events means
flood warnings not possible. Flooding of up to 200
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Borough Risk Assessment
Merton covers an area of 3796 Hectares (37.96 sq km) and is intersected by
the Beverley Brook and the River Wandle, both of which have extensive flood
plains, which have the potential to cut off parts of the borough. The Beverley
Brook flood plain covers an area of 2.642sq km and the River Wandle flood
plain covers 2.510sq km, 13.73% of the borough.
A number of major A roads bisect the borough being the A3, A217, A236, A
218, A238, A239, A 298 and the A24. The A238 High Street Colliers Wood is
particularly vulnerable to flash flooding as is the A3 Beverley Way /A298
Bushey Road intersection at Shannon’s Corner and West Barnes Lane.
Major transport disruption would seriously affect the council’s ability to deliver
services around the borough and also impact of traffic entering the borough
from neighbouring areas. This would also have an effect on emergency
services and their ability to respond.
There are several areas for concern within the flood plains (a full list is at the
back of this plan). The electricity sub station at Copper Mill Lane, Colliers
Wood underground station, the LFB Fire station at New Malden, Raynes Park
station and Motspur Park station are all in the flood plains.
A number of Merton’s schools are also within the flood plains and the
Beverley Brook has the potential to cut off the Civic Amenity site and
Transport section from the main part of the borough. Two centre for adults
with learning disabilities could also potentially be cut off and have their
services affected.
Depending on the type, severity and lead-in time of the weather, the response
may be treated as a major incident when the Council would invoke the
provisions of the Emergency Plan. The content of the Civil Contingencies Act
2004, requires Category 1 responders (this category includes Local
Authorities), to compile Plans to provide assistance for responding to
emergency situations. This plan forms a part of this response and as such is
a subsidory plan of the Council Major Emergency Plan.
In the event of invocation of the Corporate Severe Weather Plan, the Council
will seek to:
Identify those areas most likely to be affected.
Implement actions as identified in the departmental plans
Give priority to vulnerable areas and people.
Work closely with partner organisations in our response to the
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Provide full information at the earliest opportunity to those likely to
be affected by the disruption, including residents of the Borough,
staff and Members of the Council, other agencies and the media.
2. Activation of the Plan
Warnings and preparatory action
Warnings are received by email in the Emergency planning office from the
Met Office, for excessive rainfall and other severe weather conditions, from
the Environment Agency, for river level concerns and from the Primary Care
Trust, during the Heat wave season (June to September) for excessive
temperatures. These notifications are automatically forwarded to nominated
officers in each department.
Outside normal office hours these messages will be received via fax by
MASCOT and verbally forwarded on to the Environment and Regeneration
Duty District Officer (with the exception of the Heat wave/High temperature
In the event of receipt of a warning from any of the agencies, emergency
planning will make an assessment of the alert / warning to determine whether
further action is required. Initial further actions may consist of:
A follow-up call with the issuing agency
A follow-up email either from the issuing agency or emergency
Telephone discussion with senior officers to agree further
Activation of Departmental Severe weather plans
Setting up of a Severe Weather Management Team.
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Severe Weather Management Team
A severe weather management team will be led by a director and will have
representation from each department, press and emergency planning, in
order to develop the council strategy for dealing with the potential incident.
Departmental representatives will be fully briefed by their departments or may
be accompanied by section officers where a department has a large number
of areas of responsibility. Appropriate officers will be nominated depending
on the type of weather or predicted inpact. Individual departments will be
responsible for activating their own severe weather plans for delivering their
areas of responsibility as detailed in the roles and responsibilities section.
Emergency Planning (Corporate Safety & Risk) will ensure that all
departments and CMT are aware that a warning has been issued which is
considered to be of concern to the Council and the actions being taken.
If the decision is taken to activate the severe weather plan at a corporate level
then the lead director will ensure that a severe weather management team
meets as soon as possible to agree strategy and communications.
The lead director will be responsible for agreeing statement to press and
briefings to councillors and MPs.
Roles and Responsibilities
These are detailed in the Borough’s Major Emergency Plan and copied below.
Members Liaison
Media & Press Liaison
Expenditure arrangements
Risk Management advice
Appeal Funds
Information - Data Analysis
Emergency Control Room Setting UP
Health & Safety
Civic Centre Access
Metropolitan Police Liaison
London Fire Brigade Liaison
London Ambulance Service Liaison
Plan Activation
Legal Services/Advice
Emergency Control & Co-ordination
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IT Support
Collation of Incident Documentation
Management of Information
Volunteer Co-ordination
Communications (Telephone &
Human Resources – Staff support
Highways clearance and repairs
Transport & workshops
Disease & pest control
Hygiene and sanitation advice
Refuse collection
Building control
Structural safety and demolition
Equipment and plant provision
Engineering inspection
Drains and sewers (utilities liaison)
Traffic cordon & route marking
Hazardous Substance advice
Buildings Services - Inspections
Repairs and Access
Emergency Electrical Power
Traffic management
GIS services (maps)
Waste disposal
Provision of cleaning services
Arranging Construction Equipment and
Supply of Labour
Tree Felling and clearance
Burial facilities
Counselling Help Line/Outreach
Rest Centre Activation
Rest Centre Staffing
Rest Centre - Building Access
Rest Centres - Management
Rest Centres - Planning
Provision of Counselling Services
Voluntary Organisations - liaison
Temporary Accommodation
Provision of Cleansing Services
Building Services & repairs
Building access
Providing Information to the Public
Emergency Feeding
Provision of Plant & Equipment
Rest Centre Activation
Rest Centre Staffing
Rest Centre - Building Access
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Rest Centres - Management
Rest Centres - Planning
Building access
Alert Types and Levels
Met Office
National Severe Weather Warning Service giving notice to the civil emergency
authorities of periods of Severe gales, Heavy rain, Heavy snow and icy roads,
Thunderstorms and lightning, Heat and Sun and Dense fog.
Early warnings
An early warning of severe weather will normally be issued up to several days
in advance whenever the overall risk of widespread disruption in any UK
region is 60% or greater. All other areas with a 20% or greater risk will also be
Flash warnings
Flash warnings of severe weather are issued when confidence of an event
reaching specified criteria* is above 80%, and should give a minimum of two
hours notice. Warnings are issued for every affected county or unitary
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Weather and its possible effects
*Warnings are issued using a set of fixed weather criteria for the whole of the
Severe gales
Met Office criteria
Possible effects
Repeated gusts of 70
 High-sided vehicles at risk of
m.p.h. or more over
being blown over
inland areas
 Some trees uprooted
 Tiles, slates and chimneys
dislodged from some buildings
Repeated gusts of 80
m.p.h. or more over
inland areas.
Cars blown out of lanes on
Widespread removal of
branches from trees; many
trees uprooted
Tiles, slates and chimneys
dislodged from many buildings;
some structural damage
Where wind is forecast above 90
m.p.h. the following may occur.
Heavy snow
Very heavy
Snow falling at a rate
of 2 cm/hour or more
expected for at least
two hours.
Snow falling at a rate
of 2 cm/hour or more
expected for at least
two hours,
accumulating to 15
cm or more.
Moderate or heavy
snow accompanied
by winds of 30 m.p.h.
or more, with visibility
reduced to 200 m or
less; or drifting snow
giving rise to similar
Heavy Snow
accompanied by
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Collisions whilst driving
Widespread uprooting of trees
Injury due to flying debris
Widespread damage to buildings;
some buildings collapse
 Increased journey times
 Minor accidents
Local routes impassable
Local loss of power and
telecommunication lines
Major routes impassable
Local loss of power and
telecommunication lines
Transport infrastructure
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Heavy rain
winds of 30 m.p.h. or
more, reducing
visibility to near zero.
Rain expected to
continue for at least
two hours and to give
at least 15 mm within
a three hour period
or, following previous
heavy rain events, 25
Warning may be
triggered by
(warnings will state
this if expected).
Visibility below 50
metres (restricted to
heights where major
roads occur).
Regional loss of power and
communication lines
Squally winds or tornadoes
may remove roof tiles or
Power surges
Difficulty identifying distances
and speed of movement
leading to increased journey
Road traffic accidents
icy roads,
glazed frost,
freezing rain
(NHS HeatHealth
When rain falls onto
surfaces with
temperatures at or
below zero; or
condensation occurs
on surfaces at or
below zero; or
already wet surfaces
fall to or below zero.
The ice is usually
clear and difficult to
distinguish from a
wet surface. It
usually forms in
Warnings are issued
when any depth of
ice is expected over
a widespread area.
Expectation of
significantly higher
than average
temperatures in one
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Damage to power and
telecommunication lines
Driving difficulties
Difficulty when walking
Heat exhaustion and heat
stroke; this can lead to organ
failure, brain damage or death
or more regions of
Those most vulnerable to these
England and Wales;
effects include:
thresholds are predetermined regionally
 older people, especially those
via the Heat-Health
over 75 years old;
Watch system.
 those suffering from mental ill
 the bed-bound;
 those on certain medication;
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babies and young childreen,
especially those under four
years old.
Environment Agency
Flood Warning Service
The Environment Agency’s Flood Warning service aims to reduce risk to life,
distress to people and damage to property caused by flooding by providing
accurate, timely flood warnings. To provide this service in an area it must be
technically feasible and the costs against the benefits must be justified.
The service is provided to residents within the floodplains of rivers, estuaries
and coasts in England and Wales; to the media and partner organisations.
Where the water levels in rivers rise rapidly due to heavy rain or melting snow,
there may not be enough time to issue specific warnings, In these cases, a
general warning will be issued to a large geographical area.
Flood Warning Codes
“Flood Warning Codes” is the name given to the four warning types that the
Environment Agency use for warning the public, media and partner
organisations of impending flooding. The Flood Warning Code definitions are
based on the overall impact of flooding within an area and relate to a Flood
Warning Area (or community) as a whole. They do not relate to the personal
impact on individual members of the public. These warning types are not
issued as a sequence of messages. They are used, as appropriate, to
indicate the impact of flooding in a given area.
Flood Watch
Flooding of low-lying land and roads is expected. Be aware, be prepared,
watch out.
Watch water levels
Stay tuned to local radio or TV
Ring Floodline on 0845 988 1188
Make sure you have what you need to put your flood plan in action
Alert your neighbours, particularly the elderly
Check pets and livestock
Reconsider travel plans
Flood Warning
Flooding of homes and businesses is expected. Act now!
As with Flood Watch plus
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Move pets, vehicles, food, valuables and other items to safety
Put sandbags or floodboards in place
Prepare to turn off gas and electricity
Be prepared to evacuate your home
Protect yourself, your family and others that need your help
Severe Flood Warning
Severe flooding is expected. There is extreme danger to life and property.
Act now!
As with Flood Warning plus
Be prepapred tp lose power supplies – gas, electricity, water,
Try to keep calm, and to reassure others, especially children
Co-operate with emergency services and local authoritites
You may be evacuated
All Clear
Flood Watches and Warnings are no longer in force for this area.
Flood water levels receding
Check all is safe to return
Seek advice
Coverage of Flood Warning Codes
There are many different sources and types of flood risk and flooding
including river, coastal, estuarial, sewer, surface water, overland flow, burst
water mains, etc.
The Environment Agency do not and cannot currently provide a Flood
Warning Service for flooding from sewers, road drainage, overland flow from
heavy rain, or blockages. The codes only apply to flooding from rivers and the
Additional Flood Warning Service for London
Early Warning Notification
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An e-mail may be sent to Professional Partners if the Environment Agency are
confident that some degree of flooding is likely to occur. This is based upon
predicted rainfall totals from the Met Office and current catchment conditions.
The Early Warning Notification e-mail will only be sent Monday to Friday
during office hours, and prior to the issue of any watches or warnings. The email is designed to advise the recipient to keep an eye on the situation and be
prepared, and is based on best available information at the time and it may
change. Recipients have agreed to use the information for emergency
response only. Recipients of the Early Warning Notification e-mail at Merton
Borough Council are:
Jackie Bradnick
Steve Cooper
Elaine Richards
Kevin McCullagh
Ep Weather
Upon receipt of an early warning notification the recipients will initially assess
the situation and if necessary discuss whether the Severe Weather plan
needs to be activated and department put on standby or whether
departmental plans can cope with the predicted flooding.
Thunderstorm Action Plan
Due to the fast reacting nature of the South London Rivers Flood Watches
may be issued based on Heavy Rainfall Warnings that the Environment
Agency receive from the Met Office before the start of the main rainfall event.
The aim of this is to give extra time for partner organisations to prepare (eg
ensure drains and/or trash screens are clear etc).
Flood Watches will only be issued in this manner if the Flood Warning
Duty Officer is confident that the quantity of rainfall forecast to fall
across the South London area will exceed predefined thresholds set by
the Environment Agency.
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National Health Service
A Heat-Health Watch system operates in England and Wales from 1 June to
15 September each year.
The Heat-Health Watch system comprises four levels of response based upon
threshold maximum daytime and minimum night-time temperatures. These
thresholds vary by region, but an average threshold temperature is 30 °C by
day and 15 °C overnight.
Heatwave threshold values:
Heat-Health Watch regions:
temperature (°C)
North East England
North West England
Yorkshire and the
East Midlands
West Midlands
East of England
South East England
South West England
These temperatures could have significant
effect on health if reached on at least two
consecutive days and the intervening night.
What do the different levels mean?
Level 1 - Summer preparedness and long-term planning. This is the
minimum state of vigilance during the summer. During this time social and
healthcare services will ensure that all awareness and background
preparedness work is ongoing. The majority of the time the risk of a heatwave
will be less than 50%. However, when the risk exceeds 50% this will be
indicated by
'Level 1 - Summer preparedness - Increased risk'.
Advice for level 1:
If you are worried about what to do, either for yourself or somebody
you know who you think might be at risk, contact NHS Direct at or on 0845 4647.
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Level 2 - Alert and readiness — triggered as soon as the risk is 80% or
above for threshold temperatures being reached in one or more regions on at
least two consecutive days and the intervening night. This is an important
stage for social and healthcare services who will be working to ensure
readiness and swift action to reduce harm from a potential heatwave.
Advice for level 2:
Heatwaves can be dangerous, especially for the very young, very old
or those with chronic diseases.
Advice on how to reduce the risk, either for yourself or somebody
you know, can be obtained from NHS Direct at
or on 0845 4647, or from your local pharmacist.
Level 3 - Heatwave action — triggered as soon as the Met Office confirms
threshold temperatures will be reached in one or more regions. This stage
requires social and healthcare services to target specific actions at high-risk
Level 4 - Emergency — reached when a heatwave is so severe and/or
prolonged that its effects extend outside the health and social care system. At
this level, illness and death may occur among the fit and healthy, and not just
in high-risk groups.
Advice for level 3 or 4:
Stay out of the sun. Keep your home as cool as possible — shutting
windows during the day may help. Open them when it is cooler at
night. Keep drinking fluids. If there is anyone you know who might be
at special risk, for example an older person living on their own, make
sure they know what to do.
Advice on how to reduce the risk, either for yourself or somebody
you know, can be obtained from NHS Direct at
or on 0845 4647, or from your local pharmacist.
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Critical Infrastructure within London Borough of Merton
Beverley Brook catchment
Merton Sites
Raynes Park High School
Sacred Heart (RC) Primary School
St. John Fisher (RC) Primary School
Hatfield Primary School
Other Sites
Raynes Park Station
Motspur Park Train Station
LFB – New Malden Fire Station
Pets at Home
Tile shop
St. Catherine’s site
Major Roads
A3 Beverley Way
A298 Bushey Road
A 238 Kingston Road
A24 London Road – Epsom Road
River Wandle catchment
Merton Sites
Garfield Primary School
Lonesome Primary School
Other Sites
Copper Mill Lane – electrical sub-station
Wimbledon Stadium
Morden Hall Park
Colliers Wood underground
Major Roads
A218 Haydons Road
A238 Merton High Street, High Street Colliers Wood
A236 Western Road
A217 London Road
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A239 Morden Road
*Hazlemere Avenue residential home
*JMC / 112 Meadowsweet close
*Pollards Hill
*Garth Road – CA site and Transport office
*These properties or areas could potentially be cut off
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Areas affected by Flood Plains
Beverley Brook catchment
Cannon Hill Ward
Bushey Road
Prince Georges playing field
Merton Mansions
Botsford Road
Dundonald Ward
Bronson Road
Chestnut Road
Sydney Road
Dupont Road
Dorien Road
Edna Road
Vernon Avenue
Carlton Park Avenue
Prince Georges Avenue
Aston Road
Clifton Park Avenue
Gore Road
Approach Road
Lower Morden Ward
Lower Morden Lane
Wydell Close
Roseberry Close
Essex close
Garth Close
Salcombe drive
Grand Drive
Derwent Road
Coniston Close
Queen Mary Avenue
Glenthorpe Road
Cannon Hill Lane
Camborne Road
Hatfield School
St. John Fisher school
Raynes Park Ward
West Coombe Avenue
Coombe Gardens Playing fields
Playing Fields
Coombe Lane West
Beverley Way
Camberley Avenue
Somerset Avenue
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Taunton Avenue
West Barnes Lane
Aboyne Drive
New Maldon Golf Course
Raynes Park Secondary school
Sports grounds
St. Helier Ward
Rutland Drive
Litchfield Avenue
Village Ward
Mill Corner
Beverley Avenue
Holland Avenue
Cottenham Park Road
West Barnes Ward
Tesco superstore
Burlington Road
Wyvern Estate
Fire Station (LFB)
Albert Road
Stanley Avenue
Cobham Avenue
Blakes Terrace
West Barnes Lane
Barnes End
Cavendish Avenue
Errol Gardens
Barnard Gardens
Belmont Avenue
Consfield Avenue
Caverleigh Avenue
Claremont Avenue
Marina Avenue
Station Road
Arthur Road
Tennyson Avenue
Phyllis Avenue
Adela Avenue
Seaforth Avenue
Estella Avenue
Douglas Avenue
Sir Joseph Hood memorial Playing Fields
Mostpur Park Library
Sports grounds
Grand drive
Bushey Road
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Meadowsweet close
Meadow close
Brook Close
Blenhiem Road
River Wandle catchment
Abbey Ward
Dean City Farm
Deer Park Road
Colliers Wood Ward
Kimble Road
Dinton Road
Briscoe Road
Acre Road
Warerfall Road
Waterfall cottages
University Road
College Road
Robinson Road
Clive Road
Park Road
Lyveden Road
Devonshire \road
Pitcairn Road
Singleton Close
Swains Road
Flanders crescent
Shrewtn road
Wdly close
Arnold Road
Denison Road
Walpole Road
Highstreet Colliers Wood
Christchurch Road
Priory Road
Merantun Way
Prince Georges Road
Merton Abbey Mills
London Road
Cricket Green Ward
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Homefield Gardens
Thorville Grove
Phipps Bridge
New Close
Willow Lane
Wates Way
Ellis Road
Goat Road
Figges Marsh Ward
Rialto Road
Pains Close
Thrupp Close
Mulholland Close
St. Marks Academy
Graveney Ward
Greenfell Road
Gorringe Park Avenue
Figges Road
Streatham Road
Rural Way
Rustic Avenue
Ascot Road
Boscombe Road
Cromer Road
Edgehill Road
Links Road
Vectis Road
Deal Road
Eastbourne Road
Frinton Road
Gunton Road
Seely Road
Hailsham Road
Ipswich Road
Jersey Road
The Bungalows
Lavender Fields Ward
London Road Cemetary
Wilson Avenue
Victoria Road
Willow View
Palestine Grove
Sutherland drive
Brangwyn crescent
Ruskin Way
Christchurch Road
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Longthornton Ward
Firs Close
Lonesome Primary School
Ravensbury Ward
Brookfields Avenue
Riverside drive
Bishopsford Road
Hatfield close
Ravensbury Park
Morden Road
Ravensbury Grove
Hengelo gardens
Rutter gardens
Crescent grove
Rawnsley avenue
Heatherdene close
Octavia close
Morden gardens
Tramway path
Morden hall park
Ravensubury Lane
Trinity Ward
Caxton Road
Garfield Road
Haydons Road
York Road
Edge Road
Florence Road
Edith Road
Tennyson Close
Wimbledon Park Ward
Mount Road
Brooklands Avenue
Ravensbury Terrace
Weir Road
Copper Mill Lane
Copper Mill lane sub station
Wimbledon Stadium
Plough Lane
Waterside Way
Havelock Road
Areas affected by Flash Flooding
Abbey Ward
Abbey Mills
Abbey Orchard Estate
Boscombe Road
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Leyton Road
Merton High Street
Quicks Road
Rodney Place
Cannon Hill Ward
Cannon Hill Lane
Churston Drive
Hillcross Avenue
Colliers Wood Ward
Acre Road
Boundary Road
Byegrove Road
Cavendish Road
Chesham Road
High Street Colliers Road
Colwood Gardens
Crusoe Road
Devonshire Road
Dinton Road
Kimble Road
Lyvedon Road
Myrna Close
Singlegate primary school
Singleton Close
Cricket Green
Benedict Road
Benedict Primary School
Chantry Way
Church Road
Collingwood Road
Cricket Green
Cricket Green Special School
Frimley gardens
Glebe Avenue
London Road
Miles Road
Phipps Bridge Road
Rodney Road
Thornville Grove
Dundonald Ward
Clifton Park Avenue
Dupont Road
Gore Road
Graham Road
Hartfield Road
Kingswood Road
Lower Downs Road
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Figge’s Marsh Ward
Graham Road
Sadler Close
Streatham Road
Tamworth lane
Graveney Ward
Ashbourne Road
Links Road
Links Primary School
Rural Way
Seely Road
Streatham Road (under bridge)
St. James’s Road
Hillside Ward
Alexandra Road
Compton Road
Lower Downs Road
Murray Road
St. Georges Road car park
Worple Road
Lavender Fields Ward
Heathfield Drive
Longthornton Ward
Grove Road
Kingsmead Avenue
Lilian Road
Manor Road
Rowan Road
Stanford Primary School
Tamworth Lane
Lower Morden Ward
Aragon Road
Buttermere Close
Cambourne Road
Cannon Hill Lane
Garth Road
Hillcross avenue
Lower Morden Lane
Lynmouth Avenue
St. John Fisher
Merton Park Ward
Church lane
Sheridan Road
Cannon Hill Lane
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Grasmere Avenue
Merton Park parade
Crown Lane
Crown Road
Pollards Hill Ward
Manor Road
Sherwood park Road
Yorkshire Road
Ravensbury Ward
Abbotsbury Primary School
Arras Avenue
Bishopsford Road
Brightwell Respite Home
Crown Mill
London Road
Marham gardens
Montacute Road
Morden Road
Ravensbury Park
Rose avenue
St. Theresa’s Primary school
Raynes Park Ward
Aboyne Drive
Arterberry Road
Cottenham Park Road
Grand Drive
Perth Close
The Downs
West Barnes Lane
Worple Road
St. Helier Ward
Bodmin Grove
Canterbury Road
Epsom Road
Morden Park House (Epsom Road)
Faversham Road
Glastonbury Road
St. Helier slip between Bristol Rd and Calder Rd
Trinity Ward
Garfield Road
Wycliffe Road
Quicks Road
Village Ward
Belvedere Grove
Camp Road
sarah chittock
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Church Road
Clifton Road?
High Street, Wimbledon Village
Marryat Road
Wimbledon Hill Road
West Barnes Ward
Burlington Road
Bleinheim Road
Barnscroft, westway
Claremont Avenue
Elm Walk
Grand Drive
Marina Avenue
Meadow Close
Meadowsweet Close
Seaforth Avenue
Shannon Corner
Stanley Avenue
Tennyson Avenue
West Barnes Lane
Wimbledon Park Ward
Haydons Road
sarah chittock
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