IFC Minutes 9.16.14 - Interfraternity Council

Interfraternity Council Agenda
September 16, 2014
8:30pm Koldus 144
Opening Comments
Roll Call
Alpha Gamma Rho
Alpha Tau Omega
Beta Theta Pi
Chi Phi
Delta Kappa Epsilon
Delta Sigma Phi
Delta Tau Delta
Kappa Alpha Order
Kappa Sigma
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Gamma Delta
Pi Kappa Alpha
Pi Kappa Phi
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Alpha Mu
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phi Epsilon
III. Guest Speaker- David Trigg
a. TAMU decals on cars
i. Makes it look like we choose our organizations over our university
b. Breaking records across the board
c. Fraternities on campus
i. Were not originally welcome, but we have made an impression and need to put TAMU
d. Campus relations need to be the best in the country
e. Embrace the similarities between the Corps and Greek Life
f. **Logan- Our organizations are as prevalent as they have ever been, and that puts the pressure
on us to follow the rules, and keep our status high
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
VI. Announcements
VII. Officer Reports
a. President- Logan Weissler
i. Aggie Greek Weekend
1. Third- October 24-25
2. Friday evening- Bethancorrt ballroom dinner
3. Every dollar goes back to Greek Life
4. Nominate people for the awards ceremony
We want an increase in sponsorships in the banquet
a. Don’t miss the opportunity to support Aggie Greeks
b. Alumni will be there, which will give us the opportunity for donors
ii. Bid Day Recap
1. Applause for Wayne
2. Had more guys on the database than the girls did
3. Numbers:
a. 1402- guys showed up
b. 504- received bids
c. 55- bids from multiple chapters
d. 90% acceptance rate
4. Chapters are starting to have stronger rushes, and therefore stronger pledge
classes and stronger chapters
5. How much are we willing got grow?
a. We will need to discuss the direction of Greek lIfe and it’s growth on
6. Bid day- smoothest we’ve ever seen, and it was foolproof
a. Will continue, much praise from the administration
b. Must continue, we have set a bar for ourselves
Executive Vice President- Evan Harmon
i. Tailgates
1. Had several arrests
a. Monitor underage members
ii. Recruitment/Bid Day
1. Open to suggestions on bid day and recruitment progress
2. Reached out to every single male freshman, which attributed to the numbers
iii. CR Director Applications
1. Will send out application tomorrow morning
2. Deadline is in about a week
VP for Interfraternal Relations- Will Tindol
i. Greek Weekend Plans
ii. Aggie/Corps game
1. Try to get that going
2. Meet with presidents and maybe Trigg to make it the best we have ever had
3. Softball fields on West Campus
4. Every fraternity could have a tailgate
5. **Trigg- trying to get sponsorship so it is no cost for us, and money will go to
our philanthropies
a. Has sucked in the past, so will be working alongside Tindol so it’ll be a
b. Start practicing so we can have a shot
6. Get presidents more involved in what’s going on in IFC
VP for Recruitment- Wayne Smith
i. Recruitment Recap
1. Were at every NSC with an information session
2. Facilities are starting to reach their maximums
a. Pledge classes are getting too big
b. Why about a third of rushes got bids
Bus system- worked, but we need to learn how to be more efficient
Open to comments/concerns about the Spring
**Logan- How many think you are hitting the pivotal point in your chapter?
a. Infrastructure needs to be discussed
e. VP for Finance- Travis Walters
i. Chapter Dues
1. Needs a roster including new members on spreadsheet with their names
a. Need that by next Tuesday, 9/23
2. Getting invoices in two weeks
3. Chapter dues due in four weeks
4. Penalty is $10 per member
ii. Budget Update
1. Budgeted $42,000 in chapter dues
2. Bid day was approximately $10,000
3. $12,888 recovered from the mariachi club
f. VP for Administrative Affairs- Brandon Clingman
g. VP for Public Relations- Jonathan Rahmani
i. Philanthropy Event: Movember
1. IFC-wide philanthropy event
a. Will be presented in two weeks
b. Come talk if you have any ideas
2. Let him know if you have any philanthropy events coming up
a. Need to promote chapters visiting other chapters’ philanthropy events
ii. Promo Video
1. Had GoPros at Bid day
a. Should be out in a week or two
2. Will have a promo video filming at the Ole Miss tailgate
3. Overall goal is to spread awareness for Greek Life and its involvement on
h. Parliamentarian- Walker Ryan
i. Constitution Revision
1. Hasn’t been done in several years
2. Starting the process with the new justices
3. No specific timeline on when we will be voting on new amendments
ii. New justices
1. Read off new justices’ names
2. Appointed earlier today
iii. Bid day
1. Appreciate the help from presidents with the bus situation on bid day
i. VP of Scholarship- Ross Miller
i. Professor Luncheon
1. Working with CPC to put
2. Each chapter gets to invite two professors the luncheon
3. Last year there was Fuego
VIII. Director Comments
a. Connor
b. Brock
c. Brian
d. AJ
IX. Advisor Comments
a. Melissa Williams
i. CPC advisors and our secondary advisor
b. Cameron Morrison
i. IFC advisor
ii. Wife is pregnant and is due at the end of the month, so he will be taking some time off
1. Melissa will be point of contact
iii. Bid Day
1. Did not have enough staffing at the buses
2. Planning to scatter buses
3. Need to tell bus drivers what to do because they were completely confused
4. Hand out official recruitment records
5. Survey
a. Sent out to all chapters to see how recruitment went
iv. List of presidents’ contact information for everyone to fill out
v. Director of Student Life will be coming to the next meeting
1. Dress will be business casual, possibly formal
vi. Perfect Party is this Thursday
vii. **Logan- committed to the image of IFC
1. Be conscious of what we are doing to our new members
2. Everything that happens in your chapter is a reflection of you and IFC, so make
sure you are following the rules
X. Chapter Announcements
a. KA
i. 42 guys through rush
ii. Induction is on Sunday, and parents are invited
iii. 5 rooms in their house
iv. Philanthropy golf tournament for Garrett Luce
1. Goes to wounded warrior project
2. Everyone is invited to come out and play
i. Best chapter in their region
ii. Looking forward to new pledge class
c. Delt
i. Cancelling fall philanthropy and doing it in the Spring
1. Barracks are renovating
ii. 48 kids from rush
d. Sigma Chi
i. 43 new members
ii. Back in their house
iii. Holds 37 guys
iv. Party on Thursday and everyone is invited
e. Pike
i. 33 new members
ii. New house
iii. Targets for Tourette’s philanthropy approaching
f. DKE
i. 15 new members
ii. Expanding on philanthropy, and will send out information
g. Delta Sigma Phi
i. Similar numbers as in the past
1. Continuing to enhance quality
h. AGR
i. 12-13 new members
ii. New house
iii. October 19, Mud Volleyball philanthropy
i. Pi Kapp
i. Philanthropy
1. Mid October
ii. Tailgate for Ole Miss
j. Sigma Nu
i. Renovated house
ii. Big philanthropy planned for the Spring
k. SAE
i. 48 new memebrs
ii. Renovated kitchen with meal plans
iii. Starting a program to add 2 additional weings to the house
l. FH
i. Softball tournament philanthropy (dates coming)
ii. Strengthening brotherhood
m. Beta
i. 35 new members
ii. Took home award from their national convention
n. Chi Phi
i. Painted the inside of their house
ii. Tutoring philanthropy with Sigma Chi
o. Sig Ep
i. Finished house
ii. Clay classic in the Spring with DZ
iii. Ole Miss tailgate
p. Phi Delt
i. ALS walk philanthropy
1. Spreading awareness
ii. House holds 4
iii. Setting goals for a new house
q. Kappa Sig
i. Unable to take pledge class
ii. Be careful with who you are letting into parties
iii. Haunted house for philanthropy
r. ATO
i. Under a year chartered
ii. Honorable mention at their national convention
iii. Boys and girls club event
1. Buying sports equipment for going next month
iv. Ole Miss tailgate
i. 53 new members
ii. Boys and girls club weekly philanthropy
1. Willing to facilitate other chapter members coming with us
iii. Career advancement for new members
iv. Share the spirit philanthropy
1. November 1st
2. Tailgate in Spence Park for kids
t. Harmon
i. Dress code- pants preferred because guests come
XI. Adjournment