
Creighton Students Union Committee Meeting
Monday, September 21, 2015 | 5:15 pm | Skutt 105
Present: Lulu Alvarez, Shravan Atluri, Aditi Dinakar, Hailee Domagalski, Delaney
Ellfeldt, Claire Ellis, Jenny Fleegel, Sarah Huddleston, Haley Kavanaugh, Nina Kelley,
Sara Knowles, Sarah Knust, Clarie Liang, Ty Medd, Mina Mirzaie, Chad Nieri, Emily
Pass, Nick Wilsdorf, Kayman Nixon, Zach Pierce, Alex Kubicek, Mattie Smyth, Julia
Neppel, Katie Kelsey, Michelle Bogard
Not Present: Christopher Ceresa, MJ Kirk, Ryan Lunn, Vinny Salazar
Opening Ceremonies
a. Call to order (5:16 pm)
b. Invocation (Julia Neppel)
c. Roll Call (Claire Ellis at 5:18)
d. Approval of Minutes
i. 4.20.15 Approved
Committee Time (15 minutes) (5:20-5:35)
Executive Reports:
a. President: Mr. Kayman Nixon
i. Career Fair Prep Event
b. Survey going out tomorrow (9/22), sign up to volunteer
c. September 30 11am -2pm
d. Need for models to volunteer career wear (one male and one female)
i. Papal Event
a. All volunteers met
b. Will be showing in Skutt
e. Executive Vice President: Mr. Zach Pierce
i. Weekend Recap and Future Events
a. Jaywalk- thank you, raised $5,500
b. More outreach to help/ talk to students to involve
f. Vice President for Finance: Mr. Alex Kubicek
i. Appropriations Reports
a. Vietnamese Student Association: Requested-$150
Approved- $150
 No questions or call for rep review
b. Nursing Senate: Requested- $13,720 Approved$5,745
-Fall Picnic
- Heart Clinic
- Retreat
 No questions or call for rep review
c. Deglamn Hall Requested $500 Approved $200
-Social no alcohol alternative
 No questions or call for rep review
d. Swim Club: Requested- $4,132 Approved- $4,132
-Cover hotel
 No questions or call for rep review
e. Rock Club: Requested $1,500 Approved- $1,000
- Help off set dues
 No questions or call for rep review
ii. Elections
All terms end
Have to rerun if want to continue
Attend meetings Skutt 104 (20-30
minutes) September Thursday 24th
at 8 pm, Tuesday 29th at 5 pm
g. Vice President for Programming: Ms. Mattie Smyth
i. Homecoming Recap
A. Successful Homecoming
week and Thank you
B. Marty Kyler and Sam Staver
king and queen
ii. Ticket Giveaway
a. Wednesday, 23, ticket giveaway, Skutt 209
b. Required event
iii. Matt Glowacki
Diversity Speaker, According to South Park and Family Guy
September 30th at Fire Place
h. Speaker of the Board: Ms. Julia Neppel
i. Rep Spotlight
-Sarah Knust
- Nina Kelley
ii. Committee Updates
Intercampus Relations: Good Samaritan policy
Public safety, rides after the shuttle ends
Marketing: What brought them to CSU and make them more approachable, Guava and
Campus Planning: Campus Parking, Legistlation, Public safety and Survey
External Affairs: Ideas to approaching change, how other schools approach them, Labs
being one credit
iii. Coffee with CSU
- Hard to grab attention with students
at WAC
- Implementing event of coffee in the
- One day on the main strip of the mall
- One by law
- October 5, 7:45am- 9 am
- October 7 or 12 for grad students,
time to be determined
iv. Social Event
September 28th: food 4:45, mingle, meeting, more food after
v. Student Organization Responsibilities
- Split up organizations, 6-8 groups, give them form for any
questions, show support
Open Discussion
Medd: Question: Starbucks opening? Michelle Punch list, missing items,
training, final inspections
Huddleston: Library hours, survey to extend more
Fleegel: Extended dead week hours
Medd: Advertise Harper hours
Kubicek: Look at other Jesuit schools library hours
Student Organization Announcements
Future meetings bring information to show support
Old Business
New Business
a. Advisor’s Update
Inauguration of president
- Support at week events
- More details to follow in email
b. Upcoming Funded Events
Adjournment (6:03)
Final Thank you from Neppel.
Respectfully Submitted by Claire Ellis