September 3, 2013 - DLB Laker Booster Club, Inc

September 3rd DLB Laker Booster Club Meeting
Meeting was brought to order at 8:02 PM. There were 19 people in attendance including
all four Board Members.
The August 5th minutes were read by secretary Sarah Glasoe. Jessica Rakness made
motion to approve, second by Sarah Fagerland. Motion carried.
Treasurer Report: Treasurer Cari Olson reported that there is currently $13,156.19 in
account to date.
Old Business:
All old business will be covered in committee reports.
New Business:
Date is set for movie night on January 3rd 2014. Details will follow. Jessica
Rakness just wanted to get approval from Principal Klein so we knew we were
good to go as time draws near. There will be no charge for movie but we will be
selling concessions.
We will be helping with Coronation on Thursday night before Homecoming.
Sarah Fagerland met with Mr. Ranum today and Student Council President to go
over what is expected of us. We will help with decorating and with whatever part
of ceremony that is needed.
Shoparoo! You can create an account with Shoparoo and scan your receipts in to
earn money for your school. For every 5000 points earned our school earns
$10.00 so it adds up fast, check it out!
It was brought up checking with appropriate faculty about possibly having a
men’s rec league basketball tournament one weekend in December (possibly the
second weekend). Tim Smith has someone that could get the information out to
teams and the Booster Club could help line up referees, work gate, minimal
concessions. There would be shirts/tanks ordered for teams and price would be
included in team entry fee. Details will be checked on dates, availability, etc., and
further discussed at next meeting.
Committee Reports:
Basketball Tournament 5th and 6th Grade: Amy Benno is chairing this event. Jessica
Rakness received approval for reserving the gym the weekend of December 5th and 6th for
the tournament. More details to follow.
Basketball Tournament 7th and 8th Grade: Matt Schaefer (Amy Schaefer) chairing this
event. Dates for 2014 are tentatively set for April 26th-27th. The gym is available to us
this weekend. More details to follow as time gets closer to event.
Calendars: Chair Cari Olson reported that to date most of the pre-ordered calendars have
been delivered and there are still some available that we will sell at upcoming events. At
open houses and registration there were $225 in calendar sales not including the pre-order
Laker Merchandise: Chair Amy Schaefer reported that so far there have been about
$4500.00 worth of merchandise orders (that is before our cost to purchase is taken out).
Some of the orders may be in this week and the special orders (names on merchandise)
will take a little longer. She is going to check at both schools on Friday for any
straggling order forms as they were due August 30th.
Box Tops for Education: Chair Jessica Rakness reported that she has a trophy being
revamped for the monthly winners! The winning class will be awarded the trophy at
monthly assembly. The next round will be collected at the end of September. She is
working on making a banner that will hang in the school to show goals, monthly
progress, etc., with the theme possibly being ‘Tops in Box Tops’.
Staff Appreciation: Co-chairs Jessica Rakness and Sarah Fagerland reported that there
have been many of the the teacher questionnaires turned in. Amy Muus volunteered to
take on the birthday cards for the faculty.
Fun Night: We had Fun Night tentatively scheduled for March 28th but the Junior class
and the Music Department contacted us to let us know they both want to do a Fun Night
fundraiser so further discussion will be tabled until more information comes our way.
Homecoming: Chair Sara Hughes reported that things are lining up well for the
festivities! She has many games planned and some volunteers down but a few more
needed. There is a DJ lined up for music, cupcake walk, football throw, tattoo booth,
three legged race, sack race, Norwegian golf, bean bag toss. There will be a sign for the
kids to sign that the football team will run through on their way out to the field. The
dodgeball tourney did not get approval from faculty. We will have pompoms andLaker
colored glow sticks for sale for $1 as well. The twenty year State Champion reunion that
was going to come out at halftime was rescheduled so looking into possible alternatives
to fill the time after the Homecoming Court is brought out for half-time. Sara is going to
work on a flyer to send home with all students about the events and it will also have a
float registration form for the parade. The parade will start at 4:30 by the post office in
DesLacs. The Booster Club will have a float and date and time of decorating will follow
closer to event. Checking into possibly lining up some convertibles for the King and
Queen to ride in. Trying to get the word out to all clubs, teams, classes to enter the
parade. Even if they can’t get a float lined up per se they could make a banner and walk
behind it as a group. Also looking to see if each class could decorate a poster that we
could hang up on the fence day of game. Lots of planning and activities for this!
Tentative set up for day of homecoming is 3:00 PM in DesLacs.
Raffle Tickets: Chair Sarah Fagerland brought the tickets to meeting to tonight so we can
start selling!
Memberships: There have been 19 new memberships since August 1st!
Meeting Adjourned at 8:56 PM
Next meeting will be held on Monday October 7th at 8:00 PM in the Burlington
Elementary School Library.