Parish Treasurer - Volunteering in Parishes

Your church name
Ministry Description
Parish Treasurer
The Parish Treasurer supports the ministry of the PCC and the lay and ordained
ministers through ensuring that the financial affairs of the parish are correctly
ordered and through the support and encouragement of the Parish Gift Aid
The Parish Treasurer is responsible to the PCC, which remains corporately
responsible for the financial decisions of the Parish.
The Parish Treasurer is expected to work closely with the Incumbent, the Lay ViceChair of the PCC and the Church Wardens
The Parish Treasurer is an officer of the PCC, an official position serving the church
by providing financial leadership at a strategic level. He/she is appointed by the
PCC, with the support of the Incumbent and Church Wardens.
The Parish Treasurer is a member of the Standing Committee, chairs the Finance
Committee and will be an ex-officio member of any committee with a high impact
on PCC finance. [See Church Representation Rules 2004].
The Parish Treasurer must act as the first and primary tier of financial checks and
balances; and is responsible for the proper disbursement of PCC funds – both
restricted and unrestricted within policies established by the Charities
Commission, the Church of England and the PCC.
The specific duties of the Parish Treasurer are:
 To keep accounts of the Parish income and expenditure.
 To report to the PCC on the financial position of the Parish
 To ensure that cash and cheque donations/payments are correctly
counted and duly banked.
 To pay duly submitted invoices presented to the Parish.
 To advise PCC sub-committees of expenditure against budget as required.
 To support the Gift Aid Secretary and any Sub-Committee Treasurers.
 To chair the Finance committee and report back to the PCC.
The Parish Treasurer will have a formal review with the Incumbent (or the Rural
Dean in the event of an interregnum) and the Lay Vice Chair of the PCC in
September of each year of their service.
The Incumbent and Lay Vice-Chair are available for other discussion at any
reasonable time.
The Parish Treasurer is encouraged to avail themselves of training and support
offered by the diocese. The PCC will fund agreed training requirements.
The Parish Treasurer is appointed from the elected members of the PCC.
Members of the PCC can serve a maximum of two three year terms. The normal
initial length of service is therefore three years with a maximum of six years.
The previous role holder estimated that this requires 6 hours per week.
The increasing use of Standing Orders and On-Line donations, combined with the
use of internet banking and the dedicated finance software should help to reduce
Registered Charity Number: 1130544
The Parish Office, St Matthew’s Church, Drewery Drive, Wigmore, Gillingham, Kent ME8 0NX
Ministry Description, Parish Treasurer
• To receive and record income, control banking, and pay and record all items of
PCC expenditure, including individual clergy expenses.
• To keep clear, accurate and adequate records with supporting documentation.
 To prepare the PCC reports and accounts for each year, pass them to the
independent examiner (or registered auditor), and then present the verified
Annual Statement of Accounts etc. first to the PCC and then on behalf of the
PCC to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.
 To provide such information as is required by the PCC for setting and
monitoring an annual budget.
 To advise the PCC and the parish as necessary on the present and anticipated
state of all parish finances, and support the PCC in its efforts to provide
appropriate and clear information on parish finances to church members.
 To complete annual returns requested by the diocese in respect of stipends
and parish income and expenditure and submit them within the timescale
 To complete annual returns in respect of the Charity Commission and to submit
them within the timescale requested
 To provide any statements to clergy and other recipients of benefits or wages
as necessary under the tax self assessment or PAYE requirements.
 To provide general financial information to the PCC as required.
 To chair the Finance Committee (meets every two months.)
 To support the Gift Aid Secretary in their work.
 To organise the counting, recording and banking of collections and other
income, such as fetes, sales and one-off donations.
The PCC has a set of Financial Controls and procedures that you are expected to
work within. You will need to maintain:
• Cashbooks, (computer records must be backed up onto memory stick or similar
at least monthly and ideally continuously – using a ‘cloud’ server.)
• Records of collections at services, including via Gift Aid envelopes.
• Files of invoices/expenses relating to the current year
• Bank statements, investment records, carrying out reconciliations between PCC
records and bank records for each statement at least 3 monthly
• Files of budget papers and sets of annual accounts and working papers
• Files for general correspondence
• Prior year records (paying in books, cheque stubs, invoices paid, accounts
working papers) will be stored in the church office.
Other Areas of work
• To record gift aid contributions and to submit claims to HMRC at intervals not
less than 3 monthly (in collaboration with Gift Aid Secretary)
• To review staff contracts (in collaboration with Incumbent)
• To prepare monthly payroll for staff, PAYE and returns to HMRC (in
collaboration with the Parish Administrator)
• To be the first point of contact with the bank/CCLA/diocesan finance team
• To regularly review the PCC financial controls and procedures and risk register
• To carry out any other duties of a financial nature as assigned by the PCC
Ministry Description, Parish Treasurer
Summary of Activities:
• Check collections and one-off donations and bank.
• Prepare posting slip for cheque payment – attach bills, notes or expense
forms where received
• Prepare posting slip for direct debit payments on bank account
• Prepare posting slip for notified cash and cheque receipts - funeral and
wedding fees, donations, magazine sales
• Prepare posting slip for un-notified cash and cheque receipts
• Post receipts and payments to books of accounts – include fund account
• Raise cheques/BACS payments as necessary
• Despatch cheque/BACS payments – many may require remittance advice
• File all documents
• Pay in cheques received directly by Parish Treasurer
• Prepare wages slips for Administrator, Verger(s), etc. (LIST)
• Prepare posting slips for clergy expenses
• Post payments to books of accounts
• Reconcile bank accounts
• Print hard copy of all cash books and deposit accounts
• Prepare financial note for PCC meeting/Standing Committee – including
giving figures, expenditure figures, and other significant funds/projects
and any trends the PCC needs to be aware of
• With the Gift Aid Secretary, maintain list of pledged giving standing
orders for Gift Aid recovery and giving trend analysis
• Reconcile fund movements
• With Gift Aid Secretary, reconcile and prepare Gift Aid claim, analysing
across funds as necessary
• Review bank charges
• Reconcile all Investment and Deposit accounts (including CRF and DLF)
• Meet with Independent Examiner to discuss any current issues
• Prepare figures for PCC annual budget (November)
• Prepare new Service fee list and fees for weddings and funerals
• Prepare annual accounts and schedules for Independent Examiner
• Meet with Incumbent and Administrator to discuss Annual Report
• Prepare annual return for diocese (March)
• Prepare annual return for Charity Commission (May)
Prepared by: (Incumbent)
Reviewed by: (Lay Vice-Chair of PCC)
Reviewed by: (Parish Treasurer)