Convention Reports

Chapters, Colonies, Alumnae Associations, and National Officers
The Grand Council
March 2010
2010 Theta Phi Alpha National Convention
Convention Reports
The 2010 Theta Phi Alpha National Convention will be held July 14-17, 2010. The
National Convention is the supreme governing body of Theta Phi Alpha. Business
sessions are held during Convention to review and to act upon matters brought to
the Convention body by the Grand Council, as well as by any chapter, association, or
individual member. The voting members of the Convention body include each
eligible chapter and alumnae association, the Past National Presidents, and the
members of the Grand Council.
At each National Convention, the Convention body is presented with a
comprehensive set of reports that outline the Fraternity’s activities for the biennium.
The presidents of colonies, chapters, and alumnae associations and all national
officers (other than Chapter Advisors and Colony Advisors) are to submit a report to
the Convention. The biennium report should cover the period from July 2008
through June 2010.
Please submit your report electronically to the Theta Phi Alpha National Office at on or before May 1, 2010. The report should not be
longer than a single page in length (front of the page only). Margins should not be
less than one-half inch. Your chapter, association, or colony name should appear at
the top of the report. If you are a national officer, the title of your office should
appear at the top of the report.
Possible topics and questions are provided on the attached pages to give you ideas
to use in writing your report. The questions are comprehensive, as they were written
to apply to all chapters, associations, colonies, and officers. Choose the questions
that apply to your group or position; omit any that do not apply or for which you
have nothing to report. Be sure to emphasize your strengths. You can follow an
outline format, as in the first example, or choose a narrative style, similar to a report
for The Compass, as in the second example.
The reports are printed as submitted, so please proofread your report carefully,
checking for grammar and spelling errors. The report should be well-written and
positive in tone. A chapter might consider asking its Advisory Board Chairman,
Conference Director, or Conference Administrator for ideas or to review the report
before submittal. Likewise, Alumnae Associations may contact Cathy Billoni, National
Vice President - Alumnae, for assistance. National Officers may contact Laura Foley,
the National Executive Secretary or the officer to whom they report for guidance.
Additionally, you can contact the National Office to request a copy of the report
from your group or office from the prior biennium.
Sample topics for chapters and colonies (choose any that apply or add your own):
MEMBERSHIP: What is your chapter size? Are you at total on your campus? How many
recruitment events were held during the biennium? How many new pledge sisters joined or
what percentages of bids were accepted? Did you obtain more pledge sisters than in previous
years? Than the other sororities on campus? What changes and improvements did you make to
your recruitment process or events? What was your most successful party theme? Who were
your Recruitment Chairmen during the biennium?
PLEDGE SISTERS: What percentages of pledge sisters were initiated? How did the pledge sisters
enjoy My Sister, My Friend? What are some of their favorite activities or memories? Who were
your Pledge Sister Educators?
FUND RAISING: Did your chapter or colony have any super fund raisers this biennium? What was
the event? How much money was raised? What was the money used for?
PHILANTHROPY: Did your chapter or colony conduct any special philanthropic projects? What
did you do for Glenmary or The House that Theta Phi Alpha Built? What other groups did you
help? How many of your members helped? How many hours were spent helping? How much
money did you donate to the Theta Phi Alpha Foundation? How much money was collected
during the Founders’ Day Roll Call (remember to count both years!)? Should any of your
members be recognized for their participation in your projects?
HONORS/AWARDS: Has your group received any awards, honors, and achievements this
biennium? Did you win Greek Week or Homecoming events? Have any of your members
received special honors or scholarships?
SCHOLARSHIP: How is your chapter grade point average? How many members (or what
percentage) made the dean’s list? Did you try any particular projects to improve scholarship?
Were they effective? Did any sisters receive scholarships from the Theta Phi Alpha Foundation or
from other sources? Did any sisters receive fellowships or other academic honors?
CAMPUS: How well does your college panhellenic (or Greek Council) operate? How is your
chapter’s relation with your Greek Advisor and Faculty Advisor? In what ways do you keep him
and/or her involved in and informed of your activities?
OTHER: What projects or goals were accomplished during the last two years? Did you revise
your bylaws? How did your Standards Board operate? What were the highlights of your TEC
Sample topics for alumnae associations (choose any that apply or add your own):
MEMBERSHIP: What is your membership? How many chapters do they represent? Were any
special membership drives held this biennium? What were the results? How do you recruit
potential members?
ACTIVITIES: What activities did your association hold?
PHILANTHROPY: Did your association conduct any special philanthropic projects? What did you
do for Glenmary or The House that Theta Phi Alpha Built? What other groups did you help? How
many of your members helped? How many hours were spent helping? How much money did
you donate to the Theta Phi Alpha Foundation? How much money was collected during the
Founders’ Day Roll Call (remember to count both years!)? Should any of your members be
recognized for their participation in your projects?
INTERACTION WITH COLLEGIANS: What chapter(s) is in your area? In what ways do you support
or participate with these chapters? How many of your members volunteer as advisors to the
COMMUNICATION: How do you keep in touch with your members? Do you have a newsletter or
phone tree? Should any of your members be recognized for their participation in your
communication efforts?
FUND RAISING: Did your association have any super fund raisers this biennium? What was the
event? How much money was raised? What was the money used for? Should any of your
members be recognized for their participation in your communication efforts?
OTHER: Did you sponsor a Founders’ Day? How many of your members volunteer on a national
level? What percentage of your membership contributes to the Century Fund?
Sample topics for national officers (choose any that apply or add your own):
How would you summarize your work for Theta Phi Alpha over the past biennium? What goals
for your office did you set? What was your progress toward them? What improvements were
realized in your area? What are targeted goals for the future in your area? Should any of your
members be recognized for their assistance in your efforts? What statistics in your area might be
interesting to other sisters – report compliance, etc.?
University of Michigan
July 2008 to June 2010
We held six recruitment events this biennium – the best in our
recent history -with 85% of potential members accepting our
invitations to membership. We reached total for the first time in
our history! We added a Fun with Philanthropy party that was very
successful during which we decorated flower pots to bring to a
nursing home near our campus. May Ryan and Dorothy Caughey
did a great job!
Our successful recruitment processes made life very busy for our
Pledge Sister Educators Mildred Connolly and Katrina Caughey! In
the past two years, we have initiated 32 new sisters! Everyone
loved the My Sister, My Friend program, especially the Sisters True
video and learning the songs. Our favorite event was the Big
Sis/Little Sis retreat and Ceremony.
Our chapter donates time regularly to several charitable events on
campus and in the community. Each term, our members donate
time to special projects, such as a local housing project and
gathering canned goods for a food shelter. We held a volleyball
tournament each year, raising a total of $850 for Glenmary. We
also sent $1,100 to the Theta Phi Alpha Foundation for
scholarships and educational programming during this biennium.
The chapter had the second highest GPA on our campus this last
semester –a big jump from sixth place, which is where we were
two years ago! We won three events during Greek Week. Our
president, Otilia Leuchtweis, was crowned Homecoming Queen.
We were very successful in numerous fund raising efforts, the
proceeds of which went to upgrading our ritual equipment,
reframing our charter, and the remainder to general operations.
We also worked to revise our chapter bylaws. We also very much
enjoyed our visit with TEC Eva Stroh.
Alpha Chapter has enjoyed a wonderful two years and we have
grown in sisterhood and in size. We are looking forward to the
next biennium, during which we will celebrate our 90th anniversary!
We also want to thank Amelia McSweeney, our CD, for all of her
help during this biennium!
University of Michigan
July 2008 to June 2010
Alpha Chapter has had a very eventful two years!
We held six recruitment events – the best in our recent history -with 85% of potential members
accepting our invitations to membership. We reached total for the first time in our history! We
added a Fun with Philanthropy party that was very successful during which we decorated flower
pots to bring to a nursing home near our campus. May Ryan and Dorothy Caughey did a great
Our successful recruitment processes made life very busy for our Pledge Sister Educators
Mildred Connolly and Katrina Caughey! In the past two years, we have initiated 32 new sisters!
Everyone loved the My Sister, My Friend program, especially the Sisters True video and learning
the songs. Our favorite event was the Big Sis/Little Sis retreat and Ceremony.
Our chapter donates time regularly to several charitable events on campus and in the
community. Each term, our members donate time to special projects, such as a local housing
project and gathering canned goods for a food shelter. We held a volleyball tournament each
year, raising a total of $850 for Glenmary. We also sent $1,100 to the Theta Phi Alpha
Foundation for scholarships and educational programming during this biennium.
We had the second highest GPA on our campus this last semester –a big jump from sixth place,
which is where we were two years ago! We won three events during Greek Week. Our vice
president, Selma Gilday, was crowned Homecoming Queen.
We were very successful in numerous fund raising efforts, the proceeds of which went to
upgrading our ritual equipment, reframing our charter, and the remainder to general operations.
We also worked to revise our chapter bylaws. We also very much enjoyed our visit with TEC Eva
Alpha Chapter has enjoyed a wonderful two years and we have grown in sisterhood and in size.
We are looking forward to the next biennium, during which we will celebrate our 100th
anniversary! We also want to thank Amelia McSweeney, our CD, for all of her help during this
Respectfully submitted,
Helen Ryan, President