Residence Halls Association Student Government

Residence Halls Association Student Government
Directorship Information
Directorships are open to all students who intend to live in the residence halls for the 2009-2010 academic
years. Below is a brief description of several of the available positions. However, we are not limited to
those positions. If you feel there is a need for another position, we encourage you to describe it to us.
Finance: Maintains the financial budget of RHA. Keeps the books and SOA authorization card for RHA.
Writes check requests and authorizes reimbursements. Performs audits of the center’s financial records
each year and has the authority to perform spontaneous audits of any center if necessary. Excellent position
for finance or accounting majors, as well as individuals who have experience with bookkeeping.
Student Services: Coordinates all RHA fundraising. Advertise RHA Student Services scholarships.
Organize and be an active member of a scholarship selection committee to award all RHA Student Service
funded scholarships and grants. Maintain a good working relationship with vendors and maintain
communication with them. Renegotiate contracts with vendors and renew when necessary. Seek vendors
and services that have a demonstrated interest among students. Find current movies to show on the IU
movie channel. This position is suitable for someone who is interested in working on the business side of
Executive Assistant: Provides assistance at meetings and with daily tasks. Take minutes during General
Assembly, Executive Board, and Funding Board meetings. Post minutes online after meetings. Maintains
the RHA office, including ordering supplies and assists with cleaning. Collects information and articles on
RHA from the IDS and other resources. Regularly check RHA email and voicemail messages. Responsible
for maintaining RHA website and corresponding websites for the eleven residence halls. Also responsible
for making sure that the websites are updated and functional. This may include adding events and pictures
to the website but not limited to.
This is a good position for someone who wants to be generally involved without the stress of planning
programs or interacting with numerous groups.
Philanthropy: The director of philanthropy will be in direct communication with the VP of Programming
as well as center level philanthropy directors to plan philanthropic events. The director also works with
local charities and not-for-profit organizations to provide students living in the residence halls the
opportunity to participate in volunteer work in the Bloomington community. In addition to those
responsibilities it is the responsibility of the director of philanthropy to work closely with the Non-forprofit initiative between RHA and RPS.
Environmentalism: Responsible for various projects concerning environmentalism. Works to distribute
and sell the “Go Green” bottles sold in the book store. Chairperson of the environmentalism committee
made up of the directors of environmentalism from the 11 residence halls. Makes sure recycling and other
in center programs are being run properly.
National Communication Coordinator: Is the contact person for other RHA organizations to reach IU
RHA. Receives information about local, regional and national conferences, which RHA has been invited to
attend. Is expected to attend regularly scheduled executive and General Assembly meetings.
Campus Involvement: is responsible for assisting the partnership in IUDM. Is expected to help with
connecting RHA to campus events of Homecoming, IUSING, and Little 500. Also works with various
campus organizations to create collaborative programming. Campus Involvement is to serve as a resource
to residents about these opportunities.
Arts and Culture- Works to bring and promote programming and learning opportunities of a diverse and
cultural background. Works to bring various forms of art to the residence halls and works with various
organizations and departments, such as Canvas, SOFA, and Jacobs School of Music.