Dennis Rader Memorial Scholarship

The Dennis Rader Memorial Scholarship
The purpose of the Dennis Rader Memorial Scholarship is to provide college scholarship support to students who have
participated in tennis activities in high school and in their communities in Franklin County, Kentucky.
The Scholarship is an annual one-time award of $500.00. All Scholarship awards will be paid directly to recipients upon
their acceptance and enrollment to the college or university of their choice. Applicants must be US citizens. Applicants must
have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA for their senior year. Funds must be applied within one year of award.
The Dennis Rader Memorial Scholarship is awarded without regard to race, gender, religion, or national origin.
The deadline for submission is May 30, 2014.
Applicant First Name ____________________________ Last Name _____________________________ M. I. _____
E-mail address___________________________________________________________________________________
Home Address ___________________________________________________________________________________
City /State /Zip __________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number ___________________________________________________________________________________
High School _____________________________________________________________________________________
City /State /Zip___________________________________________________________________________________
School Applicant will attend next fall_________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________
City /State /Zip___________________________________________________________________________________
Have you applied? ________________________
Have you been accepted? ________________________________
Major area of study _______________________________________________________________________________
What was your grade point average last semester (A=4.0)? ______________________________________________
What is your cumulative grade point average (A=4.0)? __________________________________________________
Did you play varsity tennis for your high school? _______________________________________________________
Have you played USTA Junior Team Tennis? ___________________________________________________________
Current and past school activities and honors: (Separate sheet if necessary)_________________________________________
Community activities and honors: (Separate sheet if necessary)_________________________________________________
I, ______________________________________, understand that I allow Dennis Rader Memorial Scholarship officials to review
my academic records, if necessary, and to discuss this application with coaches and officials at my high school. I understand
this application will be available only to people who will need to see it in the course of awarding this scholarship. Further, I
affirm the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
X___________________________________________________(Applicant) Date _______________________
X_____________________________________________________(Parent) Date _______________________