Barbara Prodgers, CPA President - Christina Education Association

Barbara Prodgers, CPA President
Text of Speech to Christina BOE 7/11/06
My name is Barbara Prodgers. I am president of the Christina Paraprofessionals Association and an
instructional paraeducator at Brookside Elementary School where I am currently working in the REACH
I can’t tell you how angry I am….
Angry at the disrespect for what paraprofessionals do for the students and families in this
Angry that we who do so much for the neediest of children are the ones you think should
pay for your mistakes
Angry that you think that it is o.k. to tell us that no permanent paras will be laid off, and
then tell us last week that up 79 of us will be laid off.
And angry that you don’t seem to understand that federal and state-mandated education
programs, instructional programs dealing with Special Education students and Students
with Disabilities will put the district in jeopardy, without paraprofessionals.
Angry that you think that a teacher can do his/her work and the work of the paras.
Instructional paras work with single or groups of students while their teacher works with
other students. We spend time giving extra help or attention to particular students while
the teacher is working with the rest of the class. Teachers cannot teach their class AND
give special help to a small group of students at the same time. One group or another
will suffer. It is this focus on individual students that is helping us close the
achievement gap of lower-performing students.
I’m angry and sad that I’ve had to witness my colleagues in tears at the prospect of losing
their positions. These are crushing, life-changing decisions you are making.
I’m most angry that the logic of what we are saying tonight and what we’ve said
previously, has not persuaded you to show us what fat has been cut from the budget; and
how the state units are now properly aligned with the positions and people. There’s no
way that we can tell if all of these cuts are necessary. We believe that they are not, but
there’s no way for any of us here to know unless you are more forthright with us about
this financial crisis.
Are you aware that you are RIFing paras that have been here as far back as 15 years.
Many paras have even spent their own money to become Highly Qualify to meet the
needs to the District and the NCLB Act.
I do know that the paraeducators do necessary and valuable work. And I know that
balancing the budget on their backs is not the right thing to do. The people who are
responsible should be held accountable.
I urge you to take this into consideration and seriously reconsider the direction you are taking.