African-American Alumni Society of The Ohio State University

African-American Alumni Society of The Ohio State University
Society Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The African American Alumni Society was called to order by President Daniel Nelson at
6:32 p.m. on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at Longaberger Alumni House
In attendance were the following Officers: Daniel Nelson (President), Harvey Pickrum
(Treasurer), Will Thomas, Paul Bayless
Society General Members: N/A
Conference Call: Shakita Trigg (Vice- President), Nadine Holmes, Tamara Moon, Ernest
Wilder, Ashlee Young,
Guests: N/A
President's & Program report:
Executive Body met in July to organize for the rest of 2009 and gear up for the
2010 reunion.
August 20 Final Thursday networking event is a joint event with the Franklin
County Alumni Club at the Winking Lizard on Bethel at Reed Road. There will be
a private room there which holds about 40 people. An announcement has been
sent and a reminder will be sent out in the morning
Sept. 5 - Ohio State vs. Navy - All but 2 of the 40 ticket allotment have been
sold. The Society will participate in tailgate with the Navy ROTC Society. The
tailgate will begin at 8:00 am in the south parking lot of Converse Hall (at Neil
and Tuttle) facing the stadium. Those who purchased the tailgate package have
already paid for the tailgate. Those who just ordered the ticket but would like to
attend the tailgate can participate for $10 if you want to each and drink while
there. If you just want to attend it is free.
Sept. 18 at 6:30 pm - Free networking event in Cleveland Ohio during the OSU
vs. Toledo game festivities. This event is sponsored by the Society and others
and will include a 50/50 raffle to benefit our scholarship fund, give aways and
guest personalities. A carpool is being organized for this event. A Facebook
announcement has been sent for this event and there will be additional
communications sent
Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2009 - AAAS Annual Meeting at 6:30 at the Longaberger
Alumni House. The meeting is open to all current and prospective members and
all student organizations. There will be a short program and refreshments.
Elections for Society board positions will be held during this meeting. A request
for nominations will be sent out before the meeting. Positions available are:
president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, members-at-large and 2 student
members (1 undergrad and 1 graduate student)
Reunion report:
Committee is working and the focus right now is on finance and sponsorship
Special guests invitation letter will go out next week as well as "Save the Date" to
all alumni
The committee is working with the Heritage festival to collaborate on some
events for Saturday afternoon of the reunion
Nadine noted that the Alumni Association will be assisting the Society with
communications for the reunion and will also help with the annual meeting
breakfast (or whatever is planned for the annual meeting)
Ernest has been tied up with some family commitments, but will get website
update finished and share it with Daniel for approval.
He will leave 2-3 pages for reunion information
Daniel shared with Ernest that we want to add a Pay Pal account to the site
Treasurer’s report
$3949.35 in the bank; $2680 for tickets; $290 for scholarship fund leaving a
balance of $979.35 for Society use.
34 paid members
Scholarship/Awards report
Nadine needs list of those who volunteered for the awards committee so she can
communicate with the joint scholarship/awards committee to set up initial
meeting with this group to discuss the awards process
The Society plans to award two scholarships during the reunion and that process
will be discussed with the committee when they meet
Shakita will put a call for volunteers in the newsletter and ask those interested to
respond to her at
Additional business:
The Society will participate in the African American student welcome week event
- Family Affair on September 22 (?). Ashley has a flexible schedule and can sit
at a table for the Society. Daniel will contact Christa Porter about the Society's
Shakita will follow-up with Mr. Williamson about a networking event with the
students and the Society. Ashley suggested that the Society collaborate with
some of Black student organizations that already have events planned rather
than planning a separate event. Ashley will contact CBSA to find out about
planned events and collaboration opportunities
Daniel reminded everyone that annual dues are $30 and everyone is encouraged
to pay their 2009 dues if they have not. A reminder will be sent out in the next
Daniel passed out AAAS pens to those in the room. These pens were donated
to the Society by Daniel and he has the information on ordering more for future
events. It was suggested that we have some at the Family Affair event in
Next AAAS Meeting: Tuesday, September 15th at 6:30pm in Longaberger Alumni
House. If you cannot join us physically, you can dial-in to our conference call - - 1-270696-1555 and punch in the Participant Access Code: 52803
Meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm by AAAS President Daniel Nelson
Respectfully Submitted,
Kimberly Lowe