November 14, 2011 – Friends of Paul Sawyier Library Board Meeting

November 14, 2011 – Friends of Paul Sawyier Library Board Meeting
Members present: Russ Wright, Christina Evans, Arba Kenner, Ev Claffy, Stacy Klink, Judy
Stratton, Cloyd Stratton, Mary Lynn Collins, Janet Meyer, Carol Baughman, Libby Kadler, Donna
Jones, Donna Gibson, Gina Hagan and Mimi Gosney.
The meeting was called to order by President Russ Wright. He introduced Dudley Ellis, who will
be joining the Board in January 2012.
The minutes were approved as distributed via email.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Christina Evans reported balances as of today’s date: checking
account: $52,726.90, savings: $34,316.57 and $32.00 in the new account established for our
Amazon affiliation. Total in all accounts is $87,075.47.
Bookstore Financial Report: Cloyd Stratton reported the year-to-date total for the bookstore as
$42,443.15. October store sales totaled $3719.61, Internet sales were 284.42, Leeco
contribution $100, book sale receipts $1883.94 and $78.00 in memberships at the book sale for
a total of $6065.97. He also noted, in looking ahead toward our yearly goal of $50,000, the
bookstore took in nearly $1500 for the 5 days so far in November.
Bookstore Report: Judy Stratton reported the highest book sale total since we opened the
bookstore: $1883.94. She also reported next year’s book sales, beginning in February, will run 4
days, with set up on Tuesday, Friends night Wednesday and 3 additional sale days. The recent
30% off sale in the bookstore moved a lot of merchandise.
Mary Lynn Collins reminded us about the Book Lover’s calendars on sale in the bookstore, as
well as the on-line Amazon affiliation.
Library News: Librarian Donna Gibson reported literacy will be a major focus of the library in
the coming year. She hopes to have a “literacy bell” for children to announce to the community
when they learn to read. She also plans to purchase Kindles for circulation, complete with
books that will remain on the devices permanently. The library Media Box in the lobby is not
operational yet, but will hold 1400 DVD’s and games, similar to the Red Box concept, which will
be available for circulation directly from the box. She reminded us the library will be closed
Friday, November 18 for staff development day. She thanked the Friends for providing
refreshments for the Meet and Greet with Don and Bill Coffey.
Friends on Facebook: Steve Cohen has a name for the 50th “like” on the Friends Facebook page.
It was suggested we give a gift certificate to the bookstore as well as a Book Lover’s calendar.
Special Library Events: Nothing is currently planned, but Mary Lynn suggested the idea of a tea
for the various book groups in town. The Meet and Greet with the Coffeys was termed a
success and was well attended. The legislative Meet and Greet had a good overall turnout—
judged to be 50 to 60 people—although it was hoped more legislators would turn out.
Cable 10 Programming: The next taping is on the subject of e-books.
Trustees’ Art Committee: The young artist, Mr. Waldner, gave a good presentation, according
to Russ Wright. However, his idea to fashion a glass project placed on a pedestal was deemed
too risky by some. It’s likely he’ll submit a revised proposal.
KY Book Fair: Friends of KY Libraries got 15 new memberships at the event.
Project Proposal Committee Update: Cloyd Stratton reported $52,191 is still committed to
various projects. Carol Baughman plans to submit a proposal for assistance in funding a visit to
Frankfort by the biographer of Margaret Wise Brown, a children’s book author who is a
descendant of the Browns of Liberty Hall.
Volunteer Luncheon: Approval was given for a catered luncheon for volunteers of the
bookstore and the book sales. It is planned for December 2. Celebration Catering will provide
the lunch for $11 per person. Donna Gibson will decorate the tables, with assistance from Arba
Kenner and Ev Claffy, if needed.
Honorariums for Bill and Don Coffey: Cloyd Stratton proposed $100 honorariums for Don and
Bill Coffey for their presentations at the program “A Paul Sawyier Celebration.” Approval was
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 12 at 5pm.