Board Meeting Action Items:

Board Meeting Action Items:
*Action Item: Bonnie Danni to pull together all staff compensation information – salary
adjustments, bonuses
*Action Item: Executive Committee/Personnel Committee – to hold meeting on
compensation - figure out ranges for salary adjustment each year and how that will be
determined, take a look at personnel policies – including salary and benefits
*Action Item: Executive Committee to review Executive Director personal goals to
ensure that they match up with needs of FWF and Jill
*Action Item: Jill to send out list of board members with their terms to all board members
*Action Item: Jill to look up federal government hourly rate for in-kind contribution of
time. Bonnie would like to see this rate.
*Action Item: Ann to send walkathon materials to the board by Tuesday. Ann will be the
point person for this event so if you have any questions, contact Ann.
*Action Item: All board members – Consider name for walkathon – Send thoughts and
ideas to Ann
*Action Item: Canadian Charitable Status Task Force - Jill will continue working with
Paul, Bonnie, Wendy, Mike and lawyer on Canadian charitable status and on figuring out
a way to talk about advocacy and the work that FWF does without using the word