minutes of partners meeting held at

Gary Miller
Malcolm Salter
Amanda Strowger
Jane Pollock
Bryan Hall
Mark Lal
Margaret Holland
Jane Wallace
Jayne Casey
Chris Daniels (Minutes)
Minutes of Last Meeting
These were read, approved and signed by Gary
2. New member of Patient Group
Jane reported that she had received a letter from a patient, Diane Miles,
requesting to join the Patient Group. Members felt it would be a good idea to
meet Diane and Jane will arrange an informal meeting at the surgery.
Jane informed the Group that the practice has signed up for some research
projects with the PCRN. This would be optional for patients and may
involve performing blood tests. They would not involve any medication trials
although some could be sponsored by drug companies.
PK/ST Job Share
Due to Paul’s increased CCG workload Sarah Trigg has taken over two
sessions per week as a job share as from 1 September.
Patient Questionnaire
Members reviewed the previous year’s questionnaire with the additional
questions they had suggested and the report of the findings. New questions
suggested for the current year included those regarding the Pharmacy at
Rendlesham surgery and questions regarding the extended hours and
Tuesday evening and Saturday morning surgeries. The Patient Questionnaire
will be run at Rendlesham surgery this year as well as Wickham Market – to
take place in October.
This is still ongoing with the new doors being fitted at the present time. The
surgery has obtained a grant for an additional clinical room at the far end of
the waiting room. This would involve re-siting the bins to the position of the
cycle rack at the front of the surgery with a new rack being installed at the
rear of the building in the future. This is still in the early stages and planning
permission still had to be obtained.
3. Provision of Out of Hours for patients – Jane Pollock
Jane reported that the Saxmundham base was rarely manned and that the
service was not felt to be adequate.
4. Clarification of emergency appointment - Malcolm Salter
Malcolm asked for clarification of what was considered to be an emergency
appointment for the 11.30 surgery. Mark stated that this was anything that
the patient considered an emergency as the receptionists are not able to make
that decision for them. A triage service had been run in the past but this was
not felt to be effective.
5. Frequency of meetings and changes to times/dates – Margaret Holland
Mark apologised for the changes in meeting dates and times owing to various
events and we would try and avoid this in the future. The Group emphasised
that they would like to be more involved and pro-active. Jane asked if
Patient Group members would be prepared to attend flu clinic days as last
year and distribute flyers promoting on-line and telephone booking and also
take mobile numbers and e-mail addresses. Amanda and Margaret agreed to
6. Resignation of Pam Johnson:
Jane had received a letter of resignation from the Patient Group from Pam
Johnson. Gary asked if Jane would write a letter of thanks to her for her
contribution to the Group. It was agreed to place an advertisement for
another member in the next newsletter stressing that it is open to all ages and
7 Any Other Business
Mark reported that the surgery had applied for CQC (Care Quality
Commission) registration whereby the surgery would be inspected every 3
years. They would be speaking to doctors, patients and staff and the
Commission have the ability to close down the practice should we not meet
the required standards.
The flu vaccine has not been delivered as yet but as soon as the date of
delivery is known flu clinics will be set up which will be bookable on line.
Jayne to check if choice of time slots could be more user friendly. It was
suggested that dates of flu clinics could be placed on the new Co-op
noticeboard. Mark informed the group that the surgery is not allowed to sell
flu vaccine to anyone not eligible for one on the NHS.
It was suggested that a notice be inserted in the next newsletter that out of
date medication can be taken to the pharmacy. Gary also informed the
Group that it could also be handed into the hospital where it is delivered to
Third World countries.
Bryan reported that for £10 a year the Surgery can have a link on their
website to our website. Jane to follow up
8. Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 20 November 10am to 12noon – ML attending