Post Construction Runoff Control/Land Development Provisions

Post Construction Runoff Control/Land Development Provisions
The process of developing land into subdivisions, shopping centers, or office parks
typically has a tremendous impact upon the quality of streams in the vicinity of the
development both during and after the construction phase. Every time rain falls on a
development, it washes off oils, bacteria, litter, sediment, fertilizers, and chemicals from
streets, parking lots, lawns, dumpster pads, and metal roofs. Knowledgeable design of
developments can solve the problem of contaminated runoff at the source. Georgia’s
local governments can guide their new development to meet these concerns.
Some examples of land development provisions that can be made to protect Georgia
water quality include density and infill zoning, limiting the amount of impervious surfaces
in parking lots, roofs, streets, etc., limiting curbing of streets, incorporating vegetated
swales, treatment of “hot spots” such as dumpster pads, providing biking and walking
paths for non-automotive transportation alternatives, and using porous pavement
materials. Many of these land development provisions can be adopted into community
plans and implemented by modifying zoning ordinances.
Relevant Initiatives, Resources, and Contacts:
 Georgia Stormwater Management Manual. Volume One and Two: Stormwater
Policy Guidebook, Atlanta Regional Commission, 2000, (404) 463-3100 (404)
463-3205 (fax), On the web at
 Non point Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO) is a group of affiliated projects
that educate local land use decision makers about the relationship of land use to
natural resource protection. NEMO Project, University of Connecticut (860) 3454511, (860) 345-3357 (fax),
 Alliance for Quality Growth was formed to increase awareness and understanding
among Georgia policy makers, planners, developers, and the general public of the
wide variety of planning tools available for promoting efficient land use in urban
and suburban areas.
 Georgia Quality Growth Partnership web site has an on-line Toolkit containing a
number of relevant conservation fact sheets, model ordinances, and other tools for
agricultural buffers, conservation easements, conservation subdivisions,
transferrable development rights, and much more. Click on Toolkit at:
 University of Georgia Institute of Ecology, Office of Public Service an Outreach
has extensive information on education, research, publications, tools, and
community services related to land conservation and protection, quality growth,
greenspace planning, riparian protection, watershed studies and more:
 National Menu of BMPs for NPDES Storm Water Phase II contains over 100 fact
sheets describing both structural and nonstructural management practices:
 Also there is a USEPA Storm
Water Phase II Final Rule Hotline: 202-260-5816 or .
 The Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Georgia Planning web site
provides a variety of assistance to local governments designed to strengthen their
planning efforts, including guidance in developing local comprehensive plans
consistent with state planning requirements and providing technical and financial
assistance for implementing the plans:
 Georgia’s 16 Regional Development Centers (RDCs) assist local governments
with comprehensive planning, land and water protection, and much more.
Information and links can be found at:
 Local Government Environmental Assistance Network (LGEAN) has a “Toolbox”
containing information or links to information on many topics important to local
governments including stormwater management, urban forestry, smart growth,
wastewater, as well as, a consultants .
 Georgia Association of Stormwater Management Agencies has information on
NPDES Phase II requirements, TMDLs, BMPs, implementing stormwater utilities,
and how to involve/educate the public at
 Land Development Provisions to Protect Georgia Water Quality is a document that
discusses the many options available for developing land while reducing the
impact on water resources. It’s available online at: under “Engineering and Technical Support”