Avery Templates - Alice Ferguson Foundation

No Units
mg/L (milligrams per Liter),
ppm (parts per million),
or % saturation
Number of bacterial colonies
per 100 mL of water.
Degrees Celsius
mg/L (milligrams per Liter),
ppm (parts per million),
or % saturation
mg/L (milligrams per Liter)
mg/L (milligrams per Liter)
(Jackson Turbidity Units)
mg/L (milligrams per Liter), or
ppm (parts per million)
Release of: fertilizers, detergents,
industrial wastes, animal wastes
Measures amount of
heat energy
The amount of oxygen
that is dissolved in water.
Cause disease in humans
other animals
0 - 6.9 = acidic
7.0 = neutral
7.1 - 14 = basic
Typical river = 100 - 2000 mg/L
Drinking water < 500 mg/L
Increased organic matter
Unpolluted water < 4.4 mg/L
High levels: mineral taste, laxative effect,
and osmotic irregularities
Low Levels: limit growth of aquatic life
Acid rain, dissolved minerals, spills,
agricultural runoff, sewer overflow
Increased photosynthesis
1. Algal bloom blocks sunlight to underwater
2. As nutrients are used up, excess plants die.
3. Bacteria use up DO as they decompose
4. Animals leave or die without oxygen.
Unpolluted, natural water = ≤ 5 mg/L
Animal wastes
Wastewater discharge into rivers = 8-150 mg/L
(Most permits specify ≤ 30 mg/L)
Natural bodies of water ≤ 1.0 mg/L
2-3 mg/L increase plant growth
and/or algal bloom
 Particles absorb heat, temperature
increases, DO decreases.
 Blocks sunlight
 Clogs gills, interferes with development of
eggs and young.
A nutrient essential for organism
metabolic processes and growth.
 As this parameter increases, DO decreases
 Affects photosynthetic rates, sensitivity to
toxic waste, parasites & disease, and
metabolic rates
sewage overflow
animal wastes into water bodies
When levels are low,
animals leave or die.
Drinking water < 0.5
Groundwater < 1.0
< 40
Removal of stream bank vegetation
Impounding water (e.g., dam)
Discharging heated water
Runoff from impervious surfaces
When aerobic bacteria consume
DO, there is little left for
other aquatic organisms.
For Most Species
5-6 mg/L are sufficient
< 3 mg/L is stressful
< 2 mg/L are fatal
Drinking water
= 0
Primary Contact
Secondary Contact <5,000
 Soil erosion – increased by removal of plants for
construction, logging, and agriculture.
 Waste materials – released by factories, towns
and individuals
 Ecosystem imbalance – bottom-feeding animals
stir up sediments
A necessary element
for plants
and animals
to build proteins and nucleic acids.
Stresses body systems of
aquatic organisms,
reducing reproduction,
and lowering biodiversity.
Measures how much oxygen
aerobic bacteria use
when decomposing organic matter
< 4-5 °C change in one mile stream reach
Warm = 20 - 25
Cool = 13 - 19
Cold = 5 -12
Increased salts, fertilizers
and other materials in runoff
Water should be 6.5 -8.5
for aquatic life.
For Most Species
5-6 mg/L are sufficient
< 3 mg/L is stressful
< 2 mg/L are fatal
Drinking water
= 0
Primary Contact
Secondary Contact <5,000
Measures the cloudiness
of the water
Increased salts, fertilizers
and other materials in runoff
Water should be 6.5 -8.5
for aquatic life.
Increase: Surface water disturbances,
aquatic plants, lower temperature
Hypoxia (low oxygen level) in
warm-blooded animals
“Blue baby syndrome”
(methomoglobinemia) in humans
The concentration of Hydrogen
ions (H+) in the water.
Decrease: higher altitude
The amount of
bacteria from animal wastes
in a water sample.
The amount of material
dissolved in water.
 Soil erosion – increased by removal of plants for
construction, logging, and agriculture.
 Waste materials – released by factories, towns
and individuals
 Ecosystem imbalance – bottom-feeding animals
stir up sediments
A necessary element
for plants and animals
to build proteins and nucleic acids.
Stresses body systems of
aquatic organisms,
reducing reproduction,
and lowering biodiversity.
Measures how much oxygen
aerobic bacteria use
when decomposing organic matter
< 4-5 °C change in one mile stream reach
Warm = 20 - 25
Cool = 13 - 19
Cold = 5 -12
Measures the cloudiness
of the water
Increase: Surface water disturbances,
aquatic plants, lower temperature
Decrease: higher altitude
The amount of
bacteria from animal wastes
in a water sample.
Hypoxia (low oxygen level) in
warm-blooded animals
“Blue baby syndrome”
(methomoglobinemia) in humans
The concentration of Hydrogen
ions (H+) in the water.
The amount of material
dissolved in the water.