Classification based on climate

Classification based on climate
Pedalfer: rich in Al, Fe – humid
Pedocal: rich in calcite (CaCO3)-deserts
Laterite: rich in Fe oxide – tropics
Tundra: permafrost – high latitude
Residual soils
Weathering of bedrock
Granite: quartz, weathered feldspar, clays
Shale: Clay rich
Limestone: CaCO3
Transported soils
River: Alluvial soil
Wind: Eolian – e.g. Loess
Ice: Glacial soils- e.g. Drift
Eruption: volcanic soil
Soil color
Dark soils: high organic content
Red/yellow: high Iron content
Red: good aeration/drainage
Yellow: poor aeration/drainage
White: high CaCO3 (caliche)
Soil Texture (grain size)
Sand (2- 0.05 mm)
Silt (0.05-0.002 mm)
Clay (less than 0.002 mm)
Loam: mixture of sand, silt, clay
Classification: % sand, silt, clay
• Laterites: tropical climates
• swampy conditions in rainy season; very hard in dry season
Not very fertile due to leaching
• Source of Aluminum ore- bauxite
Soil Problems- erosion
Soil non-renewable resource
Erosion: reduces crop yields
Puts pesticides and fertilizer into rivers
Erosion agents: wind and water
Wind: e.g. 1930 dust bowl – drought
Water: sheet erosion; rill erosion; gully erosion
Erosion causes
Bad agriculture practices
Off road vechicles
Good agricultural practices
Crop rotation
Winter groundcover
No-till farming
Other soil problems
Expansive soils: clays absorb water and expand – causes movement of foundations
Permafrost: thawing in summer causes subsidence, soil flows and landslides
Alaska pipeline- 800 mi; across permafrost – on stilts
Salinization : after intensive irrigation water table is raisedevaporation causes salt to be deposited in soil
Soil contaminants
Oil-field brines
Heavy metals
Cleaning agents (organic solvents)
Petroleum agents