PUMA Step-downs and Discharges QRG

PRTF Admission template/requirements:
Up/Down at Different Facility (not a discharge to OP)
Scenario: Completing a pre-authorization review for the PRTF LOC.
Effective Date: 12/01/2015
*Please type
A valid CON must be attached
Name/phone number of the requestor
Name/phone number of the legal guardian
Anticipated d/c plan (from PRTF) to include anticipated residential placement
Anticipated family involvement (willingness to participate)
History of PRTF treatment with dates (or other out of home placement i.e. TGH, NMGH, TFC, detention,
History of inpatient stays/days/dates
History of outpatient providers with detailed explanation of why outpt has failed (why is less restrictive
LOC not indicated)
Diagnosis (to include psych, SA, DD, personality, medical)
Current medications
Medical Hx/special needs (who is the PCP)
CSOC involvement (do they support this level of care) with clear documentation from the WAA that they
support PRTF
Full scale IQ
History of OCDD involvement/status of referral (if applicable)
Risk factors (family History of MI,SA, abuse (victimization vs. perpetration), trauma, SI/HI, psychosis)
Legal Hx and current legal issues
Compliance related issues
Current mental status with most recent psych eval (within the last 30 days)
Behaviorally measurable goals/expected outcomes from the PRTF stay
For additional days requested:
 Identify specific POC (what goals have been met, what goals are left, why continue at this LOC)
 Family involvement (family sessions held/pending/progress made)
 MSE/behavior/participation
 Med changes/compliance
 Change in Diagnosis
 School participation/attendance
 Specific d/c plan
 Anticipated LOS
 Coordination of care activity