Summary of Meeting Wed 23 Oct 14 Monitoring

Summary of F&PCI Monitoring Task Group meeting
Wednesday 23rd October 2013
FBA, East Stoke, Dorset
Suzy Witt- EA
Richard O’Connely- EA
Ben Rayner- EA
John Davy-Bowker- FBA
Patrick Armitage- FBA
Iwan Jones- QMUI
Geneveva Esteban- Bournemouth University
Dave Jones- Wessex Water
Paul Stanfield- Wessex Water
(Coordinating/Facilitating- Fiona Bowles- Wessex Water & Zoe Pittaway- F&PCI)
Key Messages:
Targets need to be translated into something that we can measure
Need to know that there has been an environmental change- monitoring required to detect these changes
Ecology underpins all of the 5 key issues within the catchment (not currently a separate issue)- needs to be
considered when assessing the monitoring requirements/needs for all of the issues
Need to link the monitoring work to the delivery mechanisms in the catchment
For example, CSF should be targeted based on the evidence base- how will the delivery measures
improve environment?
1. NITROGEN (Nitrates)
Current F&PCI Nitrogen Targets:
The nitrogen load passing through Poole Harbour needs to be reduced to 1730 tonnes/N/Year
(Strategy for Managing Nitrogen in Poole Harbour Catchment)
To achieve this it is estimated that a reduction of 550 tonnes/N/Year will be required from agricultural
diffuse sources
All new developments should not result in any net increase in nitrogen- requiring a 21 tonne/year nitrogen
reduction based on population estimates for human wastewater affecting Poole Harbour by 2035
WFD- The WFD targets for N align with Drinking Water Directive Standards- (50mg/l)
What monitoring is needed?
Need a consistent and agreed way of monitoring macro algae and Water Quality in Poole Harbour
Source Protection- Soil Nitrogen leaching, Ground Water (EA, Wessex Water)
Nitrate Peaks- impact on sample frequency
Issues that need addressing:
Should the target for improvement in the catchment be a specific Nitrogen load?
Do the current nitrogen monitoring sites tell us where the worst problem is?
Are we just dependent on Poole Harbour as an indicator of success?
Don’t have a baseline for Nitrogen in the headwaters of the catchment- all concentrated in Poole
Water Quality of Rivers- need specific targets for rivers
Any ecological measures that can be used?
Understand historic nitrogen loads- (QMUI- Paleo surveys)- what are the loads in the ground water and what
are the loads in the rivers?
Use SAGIS/SIMCAT to model and support decision making/environmental changes
What happens to all of the water that drains from urban areas of Poole into the Harbour?-Currently no
monitoring of direct run off from roads that drain into rivers
2. PHOSPHORUS (Phosphates)
Current F&PCI Phosphorous Targets:
Ortho-phosphate is less than 50 ug/l as a summer average and 60 ug/l as an annual average at Holme Bridge
on the River Frome by 2020
(Not applicable to the whole catchment- only River Frome?)
WFD target- get all water bodies in the catchment to ‘Good’, unless they are heavily modified
(Phosphate targets are being reviewed by UK TAG & dependent on alkalinity and altitude)
What monitoring is needed?
Need a measurable target- need clear WFD targets to get ecology into a good status as part of WFD water
body designations
EA Catchment Walk Overs- what are the results of these- where have they been captured? Good at
highlighting pollution problems but not as good for targeting
New EA Phosphate monitoring will not be consistent with historic sampling- changing from Ortho-Phosphate
to filtered (SRP) Soluble Reactive Phosphate
Issues that need addressing:
Peaks in phosphates should be monitored (potential to track individual polluters). However, peaks should
not be used as a target. The frequency of sampling should be considered, more important to investigate the
average summer peak in phosphates than average for the whole year
Encourage farmers/fishermen to participate in self- monitoring
Are we seeing trends in the data that is being collected?
Current F&PCI Sediment Targets:
Suspended solids are less than 10mg/l as an annual average and less than 5mg/l as a summer average at
Holme Bridge on the River Frome by 2020
Sediment load is less than 2 tonnes per km2/year (depends on biological evidence- a load of 5 tonnes per
kn2/year may be acceptable)
What monitoring is needed?
Need to monitor for both sediment load (deposited) and type (organic) to obtain the full picture
Sediment Traps- capture the spatial/temporal problems and the loads
Fingerprinting- allows sediment to be traced back upstream to cause
Invertebrate PSI (QMUI have a methodology- ratio of eroding/deposition on silt levels) RHS surveys
could be used?- composition of sediment
Paleo Work- look at Poole Harbour records?
Turbidity- Continuous monitoring sites- where has LOCAR data been collected previously?
Need to speak to Adrian Collins and formulate a work plan to address sediment issues within the catchmentidentify the best way forward- need sediment targets- gap analysis required?
Issues that need addressing:
Who is measuring suspended sediment?- (Deposited sediment causing fish failure)
Where is sediment being monitored?
Are we looking at levels of sediment being deposited or the impact of the sediment?
How do we measure change in sediment?
Do we have a good enough understanding of sediment in the catchment to target measures?
Current F&PCI Flow Targets:
Appropriate abstraction, flow allocation and flood management such that:
All surface water bodies within the catchment reach WFD good ecological status by 2027
The River Frome and Bere Stream SSSI achieve favourable condition by 2020
WFD specifies that flow conditions should be sufficient to support biological quality elements in surface waters.
Both the quantity and dynamics of flow should be considered.
No direct guidance
Environmental Flow indicators are being developed
What monitoring is needed?
Big gaps in discharge data for:
River Sherford, Tadknoll Brook, Furzebrook Stream (Spot samples being taken?)
Corfe area
Water Levels need monitoring- issue relating to public of potential flooding and flow in streams
Look at the CAMS (EA?)
Gaps in flow data- tertiary areas
Ground water models can estimate flow in headwaters
Issues that need addressing:
Is there an understanding of water flow on chalk streams in comparison to tertiary streams?
Current F&PCI Channel & Habitat Targets:
Improvements to river channel to achieve Good Ecological status under WFD for all surface water bodies
within the catchment by 2027
Favourable condition for channel morphology and associated wetland habitat on the River Frome SSSI by
What monitoring is needed?
Channel shape- geomorphological audit required?
RMHI has been stopped
Focus monitoring work on Project areas- understand ecological impact/change before and after restoration
work has been completed
Macro Invertebrates
Fish- WFD targets? Temporal coverage not adequate?
Gap- Fishing Club data?
Salmon- historic data sets of high value
Build up a proposal for a community projects- review photographic evidence and learn about historic
ecology and habitats
Issues that need addressing:
Need to review the gaps in the ecological data
How do we know the River Frome Restoration Strategy is working?- has there been ecological improvement
to the river?
Historic RHS surveys could be compared to a new RHS survey- monitor if there has been any change?