Questions SolvingEquations

Solving Equations
1) Who is the variable?
2) Where is the variable? Is the variable on the right side or left side of the equal sign?
a) Combine like terms on the same side of the equation
3) What numbers are with the variable? (on the same side of the equal sign)
4) Which number is “furthest away” according to the Order of Operations? (P, E, M D, A S)
5) How is that number with the variable (added or multiplied)?
6) How do you get rid of that number? (Add opposite or Multiply by reciprocal)
7) Add the opposite or Multiply by the reciprocal to both sides of the equal sign!
8) Start over with question 1 until the variable has been isolated.
Make sure you check your answer to see that both sides of the equation have the same value,
which may but most likely will not be the same value as the variable.