Chapter 10: Properties of Matter

Chapter 10: Properties of Matter
I. Lesson One: Matter: Main Idea- All substances can be described and
classified by their properties.
A. What is Matter?
1. Matter- Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass
2. Property- Properties are observable characteristics of an
object. Examples include; mass, volume, color, texture, shape, hardness,
magnetic attraction, and buoyancy.
3. Buoyancy- is the upward force of a liquid or a gas to keep
something afloat.
B. Is it Matter? :
1. Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Mass is measured
in grams (1000 grams = 1 kilogram).
2. Solid- The particles of matter in a solid are tightly packed
together and have a definite shape and take up a definite amount of space
3. Liquid- The particles in a liquid have more energy so can
move more than in a solid. Liquids lack a definite shape, but have a definite
4. Gas- The particles in a gas can move about freely, so a gas
has no shape or size.
C. What are Matter’s Characteristics? :
1. Matter has mass.
2. Matter has volume so it takes up space.
3. Matter has properties.
4. Matter can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas
D. What Happens to the matter We Use?
1. Reduce that amount of things you use that can become
2. Reuse things in different ways instead of just tossing them
into the trash.
3. Recycle things so they can be used again in a different way
and save energy.
II. Lesson 2: Measuring Matter: Main Idea- Matter can be measured using
standard units of measure.
A. How Can You Measure Matter?
1. Metric System- a worldwide system of measurement that is
based on units of 10. (Kilo, Hecta, Deka, M, Deci, Centi, Milli)
a. Meters measure length or distance
b. Grams measure mass
c. Liters measure volume and capacity
2. Length is the number of units along one edge of an object
(meters, inches, feet, yards, miles, etc.).
3. Area describes the number of unit squares that cover a
surface. It is found by multiplying the length by the width of a rectangle and
is measured in square inches or square centimeters, etc.
4. Volume describes how much space an object takes up. It is
found by multiplying the length times the width time the height of a
rectangular solid and is measured in cubic units.
B. Can Weight Be Measured?
1. Weight is the measure of the pull of gravity between an
object and the earth. Weight is measured using a scale and is measured in
C. What is Density?
1. Density is the amount of matter in a given space. It measures
how tightly packed matter is. It is found by dividing the mass of an object
by the volume. D = M/V
D. Why Set Standards?