College of Applied Sciences and Arts

College of Applied Sciences and Arts
Outstanding CASA Scholar Award Guidelines
Purpose. The Outstanding CASA Scholar Award recognizes and promotes outstanding
research and creative endeavors. It is acknowledgement of a faculty member’s
contribution of creative and artistic activity and/or scholarship in their respective discipline.
This award is permanent recognition of outstanding scholarship and is, therefore, awarded
only once to an individual.
Eligibility. All full-time CASA tenured or tenure-track faculty who are involved in
research and creative activities at the time of the original nomination are eligible for the
award. Once nominated, the nominee may remain eligible for consideration for two
additional years, if still a member of the CASA faculty. Re-nomination will require
agreement on the part of the nominee, to be obtained again by the nominator. The
nomination letter and supporting documentation may be updated at this time.
Criteria for selection. The Outstanding CASA Scholar Award is given only to those
who have made outstanding national and international contributions to their discipline and
have thus become widely recognized for their achievements by other scholars in the field.
Selection for the College award will be based on the nomination letter and attached
supporting materials. The award need not be made annually. The award should not be
granted to more than one individual during an academic year.
(4) Nomination process. Colleagues, associates, supervisors or subordinates of the
nominee may submit a nomination. A detailed statement of the nature and importance of
the accomplishments to be recognized should be stated in the nomination letter. Attach
relevant supporting documentation such as a curriculum vitae (prepared in the
standardized format used for promotion) and a separate and more detailed list of scholarly
and creative activities and special awards. Presentations should be identified as invited,
national or international. In addition, information should be provided that can be used as
ranking criteria for publications such as prestige of publication or impact. Nomination
letters and supporting documents are due the last Friday in October. The nomination
letter and supporting documentation should be forwarded to the Dean, College of Applied
Sciences and Arts, Mail Code 6604, Attention: Outstanding CASA Scholar Award
(5) Selection process. The Outstanding CASA Scholar Award Committee is to be
comprised of the three previous recipients of the award. To fill vacancies, active faculty
scholars from any CASA School or Department will be nominated by the following, in
ascending order: (1) Research Committee, (2) The Directors and Chairs, (3) the Dean.
This committee will draw up comprehensive procedures and standards to regulate all
areas of the selection process. Amendments to the statements set forth in this document
should be proposed by the selection committee for consideration by the Dean.
(6) Nature of award. A $3,000 check, a $3,000 research expense account and an SIUC
watch will be awarded to the CASA Outstanding Scholar. In addition to the monetary
award, a commemorative plaque will be provided to the recipient. The formal
announcement and presentation of the award will be made at an appropriate time such as
the CASA Research Colloquium. The award is made solely in recognition of creative,
scholarly activities; the recipient is not required to render future services to the College as
a condition of receiving the award.
(7) Nomination for SIUC Award. The recipient of the Outstanding CASA Scholar award
will automatically be nominated the following academic year for the SIUC Outstanding
Scholar award. This does not preclude other nominations for the University award. Keep
in mind that for the SIUC award, each nominator must provide (after consultation with the
nominee) a list of six (6) referees external to the University. No SIUC faculty should be
included in the list of referees for any nominee. The list of referees should include name,
address, phone number and, if available, email address along with a short biographical
sketch (2-3 paragraphs) for each referee. The nominee’s affiliation with referees should
be identified. Nominations and supporting materials for this award are usually due in
October as indicated in the guidelines for this award.
Revised 8/29/06