Ref. :

Please contact the Higher
Education department at
6880 7823 for any questions
related to this form. Visa
enquiries, however, would
have to be addressed to the
Visa Section.
Both pages of this form must be filled and signed
 Mr  Mrs  Miss ______________________________________________________
Date of birth_____________________ Nationality ________________________________
Tel ___________________________ Email _______________________________________
Highest education obtained  undergraduate
 bachelor
 master
 PhD
 others __________________________
institution / country__________________________________________________________
Area of study  fundamental science (physics, chemistry, biology)
 applied science (engineering)
 language
 fashion
 political science
 cuisine
 finance
 management & business
 others _________________________
Studies to be undertaken in France
Duration of studies in France _______months. Specify the period ___________________
French institution, city _______________________________________________________
Area of study  fundamental science (physics, chemistry, biology)  political science
 applied science (engineering)
 finance  management & business
 language
 fashion
 cuisine
 others _________________
Will you receive a qualification from your French institution ?  yes  no
Qualifications to be obtained  undergraduate
 bachelor
 master
 PhD
 others ___________________________
institution / country ___________________________________________________________
SCHOLARSHIP Do you have a scholarship ?  yes  no. If yes, please indicate
Type of scholarship  government  French _____________  Singaporean ___________
 NUS ______________  NTU _____________ SMU ____________
 others _____________________________________________________
Name of the scholarship __________________________________ Duration _____________
EXCHANGE PROGRAMME Going on exchange ?  yes  no. If yes, please indicate
Type of exchange :  NUS DDP
 others __________________
Duration _______months. Specify the period _____________________________________
Signature_________________________________ Date _______________________________
As one of the privileged few to study in France, we would like to keep in contact with you upon
your return to Singapore. We hope to have you join the FIVE!Club, a network of professionals
like you with experience of France.
The FIVE!Club is part of a wider programme called FIVE (the French Innovative and Vibrant
Experience, launched in 2013. FIVE provides a match between
Singapore based French MNCs seeking to recruit and students from higher education institutions
in Singapore and professionals (whether in the F&B domain or business management etc.)
looking to join dynamic and fast-growing leaders in their field.
Cost of joining the FIVE!Club
It is FREE for you. To join, you simply have to indicate your agreement to allow us to pass your
contact details to the relevant French company who may be interested in your profile. We will
not use this information other than for this purpose.
Please submit an up-to-date CV (2 pages maximum) and a letter of motivation (1 page
maximum) together with this application. This is necessary to complete your subscription.
Would you like to join the FREE FIVE!Club?
If yes, please proceed to fill in ALL of the following :
 Yes, I want to join the FIVE !Club. Sign me on !
 Mr  Mrs  Miss ______________________________________________________
Date of birth_____________________ Nationality ________________________________
Tel ___________________________ Email _______________________________________
Date of earliest availability for an interview / job start date (specify the actual date if known, otherwise
the month and year) ________________________________(dd/mm/yy)
I enclose my CV and letter of motivation
I, _______________________________________(full name) of ____________________ (nationality)
passport n° ________________, hereby authorize the Institut Français de Singapour to diffuse
my contact details, CV and letter of motivation to Singapore based French companies who may
be interested in my profile.
Signature_________________________________ Date _______________________________
If you do not wish to join the FIVE!Club, please tick the statement that applies
 No, I do no wish to join
 No, I do no wish to join now but I may be interested later. Please contact me after
_____________(dd/mm/yy) by telephone _______________ or email _______________________
Full name : _____________________________
Signature_________________________________ Date _______________________________
Please check that you have signed Page 1 and the relevant box in Page 2