If you are an eligible person for reimbursement, you have to provide

The participants to Management Committee (MC) and Working Groups (WG) can only be reimbursed
under the following circumstances:
 maximum of two participants per eligible country (signatory of Action) – no reimbursement for
participants from Switzerland, Turkey, Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
 for MCs: only the MC members officially nominated by the National Coordinator or their
 MC chairs and invited experts are entitled for reimbursement
If you are an eligible person for reimbursement, you have to complete the enclosed form: “Application
for Reimbursement of Expenses”. Please prepare page 2 of this document before the meeting,
including your bank details (full address, bank code) and keep a copy for further meetings. For
reimbursement details, please refer to the reimbursement rules “Expenses covered for experts eligible
for reimbursement”, which you have already received. Should you not have the document handy you
will find it under http://cost.cordis.lu/src/documents.cfm.
NEW NOTE: Bank identification
As from 1.1.021, in order to register a new bank account (i.e. for the first payment by the
Commission into this account) or to amend banking data, the following must be submitted in
paper form to the meeting secretary:
- either a document (or copy) issued by the bank and containing the following data:
the number and holder of the bank account (account statement, proof of opening of the account,
account identification number), together with the attached financial information sheet duly
completed and signed by the account holder;
- or, if the above is not possible, the financial information sheet duly completed and signed by
the bank and the account holder.
This/These document(s) must be provided to enable the Commission to reimburse costs.
At the end of the meeting, the Scientific Secretary or the Meeting Coordinator will collect all the
documents (attendance list signed by all participants and application forms for reimbursement of
expenses) and will transmit them to the COST Secretariat, which is legally not allowed to add or change
anything on the signed document. It is therefore imperative that you hand in the complete information
requested. In your own interest, please keep all receipts and tickets until you have been reimbursed, in
case we need to get back to you.
Please note that, as these documents are batch processed, you would delay not only your own
reimbursement but also the ones of your colleagues in case of delivering incomplete forms or
missing/not matching receipts.
If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact your Scientific Secretary.
Please keep your ticket until you received your reimbursement
In accordance with Article 81a of Regulation No 3418/93 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of
certain provisions of the Financial Regulation of 21 December 1977 (OJ L 228, 24.8.2001, p. 8).
Copy of the plane and train ticket (if more than 100 km) attached?
Ticket prices (shown on ticket or separate invoice)?
APEX shown on ticket? - if you want Saturday or Sunday to be reimbursed
Signature on both sides?
Your full address?
Account holder name?
Account holder address if different from your address?
Full address of the bank, including street name and number?
Bank account?
Bank code?
Did you sign all attendance sheets?