Copyright Transfer Agreement
Proceedings of Renewable Energy 2010 (RE2010)
Article title:
Presentation Number:
Copyright Transfer
I hereby assign to RE2010 Organizing Committee the copyright in the manuscript entitled above.
The copyright transfer covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the article, including
translations, photographic reproductions, microform, electronic form or any other reproductions. Authors
may self-archive an author-created version of their articles on their own website and their institution’s
repository, including their final versions. Please mark one of the boxes below.
I am the sole author or one author signing on behalf of all co-authors to the manuscript.
I am an employee of international or governmental organization and there is no
copyright to be transferred.
Name printed:
Please tick one if you would like to submit your paper to one of the journals listed below.
1. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
□1-1 Journal of Fluid Science and Technology□1-2 Journal of Thermal Science and Technology/□1-3 Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering/
□1-4 Journal of Environment and Engineering/□1-5 Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering/□1-6 Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials
Engineering/□1-7 Journal of System Design and Dynamics/□1-8 Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing/□1-9 Journal of
Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing/□1-10 Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing (TBD)/
□1-11 Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing (TBD)/□1-12 Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and
Manufacturing (TBD)/□1-13 Journal of Power and Energy Systems/□1-14 Journal of Computational Science and Technology/□1-15 Journal of Space
Engineering/□1-16 Journal of Mechanical Systems for Transportation and Logistics
□2. The Japan Institute of Energy : specialized for Biomass
□3. The Geothermal Research Society of Japan : specialized for Geothermal
□4. The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers : specialized for Marine
□5. The Electrochemical Society of Japan (TBD) : specialized for Hydrogen & Fuel Cell
I accept the terms in the memorandum of agreement on journals.
Author Warranties
I affirm that this article entitled above is original. I sign and accept responsibility for releasing this
material on behalf of any and all co-authors. After submission of this agreement signed by the
corresponding author, changes of authorship or in the order of the authors listed will not be accepted.
Name printed:
John Schubert1 and David Kato2
Institute, Pacifico Yokohama, Kanagawa, 220-0012 Japan
Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, 305-8500 Japan
The full proceedings of the Renewable Energy 2010 are to be published on CD-ROM. Please follow these
instructions carefully. Papers not meeting these guidelines may be excluded from the conference proceedings.
These instructions have been formatted in the manner in which you should prepare your manuscript, thus you may use
this document as an example. For details or clarification, please contact the RE2010 Abstract Secretaiat at the address
given at the conference official web site,
Keywords: renewable energy, solar energy, wind power, manuscript, paper size
The manuscripts are to be formatted using A4-size
paper (210 mm x 297 mm), single-spaced except for
headings and subheadings. The preferred font is Arial-9
point (shown here), or Times New Roman. Right-hand
justification should be used when available. Bold should
be used for the paper title and major headings.
Use a two-column format as illustrated by these
instructions. Each column is 80 mm wide with spacing
of 10 mm between columns (total width is 170 mm).
Margins to be used are the following: bottom 30 mm;
side 20 mm each; the title page should have a top
margin of 30 mm; for all subsequent pages, the top
margin is 20 mm.
Type the author’s name and affiliation in upper and
lower case letters (9-point, Arial or Times New Roman),
centered and double-spaced below the title. For
multiple organizations, use superscripted numbers to
identify organization and list the organizations after the
author list.
Begin the abstract of the manuscript 10 mm below
the last line of the organization as shown in this paper.
The abstract text is limited to 100 words.
For Keywords, use 9 pt and centered below the
abstract. Number of keywords is limited to five. Begin
the main text of the manuscript about 10 mm below the
Manuscript length and volume limits
Oral and poster papers are limited to four (4)
pages (including all figures) and 500 kB file size after
conversion to pdf file; plenary and invited papers are
limited to six (6) pages (including all figures) and 700
kB file size after conversion to pdf file. Manuscripts
exceeding page limits will be truncated at the limit.
Manuscript submission
Your electronic manuscript will be received
during the conference period. Late submission is not
permitted. Your manuscript must be saved by Microsoft
Word or pdf file in CD-R, or USB memory.
The title should appear in CAPITAL LETTERS (in
bold, Arial or Times New Roman, 12-point type)
centered across both columns without underlining.
Major headings are to be in capitals without
underlining, centered over one column and bold.
Subheadings should start at the left-hand margin on
separate lines. A blank line space should be placed
both before and after each heading or subheading.
Equations are to be numbered consecutively
throughout the paper. The equation number, in
parentheses, should be placed flush with the right-hand
margin of the column. When possible, use an equation
E  mc 2
Leave a blank line before and after equations.
References are to be listed and numbered at the
end of the paper. The text should show them as [1].
Titles of journals and books should be written in Italic
script. If italic script is not available, titles may be bold.
Volume numbers in references should be typed in bold.
A blank line should separate references in lists.
restriction of author’s right from the RE2010 Organizing
Committee side. If you have any doubts, or if you need
to use a different form, please contact us to avoid
difficulties at a later date. If the authors are employees
of governmental or international organization and they
have difficulties in copyright transfer, please mark a box
in the Copyright Transfer Agreement.
Correction of papers after submission
Figures and tables
Hand-written lettering on figures is not acceptable.
The use of color in figures and photos is recommended.
The printed out may be still be in black and white, thus
avoid graphics with dark backgrounds as they do not
reproduce well and consider the use of different line
styles (dashes, dots, etc.) in plots to ensure clarity.
Figures and tables should be identified by Arabic
numerals and positioned within the text. Illustrations
and graphics may be one- or two-columns wide and
should include captions or titles.
Fig. 1. Symbol of the RE2010.
Table 1. Latitudes of big cities.
When possible, use a table editor or tabs to create
tables. Please do not use spaces to align the columns
of your table. Also, do not use the “columns” feature to
create tables. When possible the table data should be
centered within a single column. If there is not enough
space left on the page to allow for your table, end your
page and continue on the next page.
Authors are required to submit a signed copy of
Copyright Transfer Agreement with their manuscript
during the conference period. It does not mean any
Correction of papers after submission is difficult.
Therefore, take the time to ensure accuracy before
submitting the manuscript.
[1] R. Renewer et al., “How to rearrange - - - - - - - -”,
Applied Physics Letters. 83, 2002, pp.234-238.
[2] D. Hadni and A. Yamada, “Relationship between - - - - -”, Proceedings of 8th international Conference on - - - - - - - -, 2001, pp. 1552-1562.