Graphing instructions

Graphing with Excel: Using Scroll Bars to Change the Graphs
Linear, Quadratic, Square Root, Absolute Value, Cubic Functions
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Graphing with Excel: Line, Quadratic, Square Root, Absolute Value, and Cubic
DO NOT enter any numbers into
any of the cells. Use the scroll
bars to change the graph.
This Excel program will graph a
linear function in the window size
shown on the left.
The line y = x is stationary to be
used as a reference.
The line y = ax + b will change as
scroll bars slide to the left or the
SLOPE: Left click on the scroll
button and slide it to the right to
increase the slope in a positive
direction (up to the right); slide it
to the left to decrease the slope in
a negative direction (down from
the right).
Y-INTERCEPT: Left click on the
scroll button and slide it to the
right to increase the y-intercept in
a positive direction (move the line
up); slide it to the left to decrease
the y-intercept in a negative
direction (move the line down).
DO NOT enter any numbers into
any of the cells. Use the scroll
bars to change the graph.
The quadratic y = x2 is stationary.
The two functions f(x) and g(x)
will change as the scroll bars
slide left or right. Scroll bars are
in cells B6 through D7. Those in
cells B6 thru D6 change the a, h,
and k values for the f(x). Those in
cells B7 thru D7 change the a, h,
and k values for the g(x).
Graphing with Excel: Using Scroll Bars to Change the Graphs
Linear, Quadratic, Square Root, Absolute Value, Cubic Functions
2 of 2
DO NOT enter any numbers into
any of the cells. Use the scroll
bars to change the graph.
The square root function
y 
x is stationary.
The two functions f(x) and g(x)
will change as the scroll bars
slide left or right. Scroll bars are
in cells B6 through D7. Those in
cells B6 thru D6 change the a, h,
and k values for the f(x). Those in
cells B7 thru D7 change the a, h,
and k values for the g(x).
DO NOT enter any numbers into
any of the cells. Use the scroll
bars to change the graph.
The absolute value function
y = |x| is stationary.
The two functions f(x) and g(x)
will change as the scroll bars
slide left or right. Scroll bars are
in cells B6 through D7. Those in
cells B6 thru D6 change the a, h,
and k values for the f(x). Those in
cells B7 thru D7 change the a, h,
and k values for the g(x).
DO NOT enter any numbers into
any of the cells. Use the scroll
bars to change the graph.
The cubic function y = x3 is
The two functions f(x) and g(x)
will change as the scroll bars
slide left or right. Scroll bars are
in cells B6 through D7. Those in
cells B6 thru D6 change the a, h,
and k values for the f(x). Those in
cells B7 thru D7 change the a, h,
and k values for the g(x).