Link to selected publications and patents

34. Q. M. Zhang, H. Wang, N. Kim, and L. E. Cross. Direct Evaluation of Domain Wall and
Intrinsic Contributions to the Dielectric and Piezoelectric Response and Their Temperature
Dependence of PZT ceramics. J. Appl. Phys. 75, 454-459 (1994).
61. Q. M. Zhang, J. Su, C. Kim, R. Ting, R. Capps. An Experimental Investigation of
Electromechanical Responses in a Polyurethane Elastomer. J. Appl. Phys. 81, 2770-2776
62. J. Su, Q. M. Zhang, and R. Y. Ting, Space Charge Enhanced Electromechanical Response
in Thin Film Polyurethane Elastomers. Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 386-388 (1997).
63. Q. M. Zhang and J. Zhao, Polarization Responses of Lead Magnesium Niobate Based
Relaxor Ferroelectrics. Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 1649-1651 (1997).
64. H. You and Q. M. Zhang, A Diffuse X-ray Scattering Study of Lead-Magnesium-Niobate
Single Crystals. Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 3950-3952 (1997).
65. R. E. Newnham, V. Sundar, R. Yimniru, J. Su, and Q. M. Zhang, Electrostriction --Nonlinear Electromechanical Coupling in Solid Dielectrics. J. Phys. Chem. B101, 1014110150 (1997).
66. V. D. Kugel, Baomin Xu, Q. M. Zhang, and L. E. Cross, Bomorph-Based Piezoelectric
Air Acoustic Transducer: Model. Sensors and Actuators, A69, 234-242 (1998).
67. Volkmar Mueller and Q. M. Zhang, Threshold of Irreversible Domain Wall Motion in Soft
PZT-Piezoceramic. Ferro. 206/207, 113-122 (1998).
68. Volkmar Mueller and Q. M. Zhang, Shear Response of Lead Zirconate Titanate
Piezoceramics. J. Appl. Phys. 83, 3754-3761 (1998).
69. J. Zhao, A. Glazonove, Q. M. Zhang, and Brian Toby. Neutron Diffraction Study of
Electrostrictive Coefficients of Prototype Cubic Phase of Relaxor Ferroelectric
PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3. Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 1048-1050 (1998).
70. Volkmar Mueller and Q. M. Zhang, Nonlinearity and Scaling Behavior in Donor Doped
Lead Zirconate Titanate Piezoceramic. Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 2692-2694 (1998).
71. J. Su, Q. M. Zhang, P. C. Wang, A. G. MacDiarmid, and K. J. Wynne, Preparation and
Characterization of Electrostrictive Polyurethane Films with Conductive Polymer
Electrodes. Polym. Adv. Technol., 9, 317-321 (1998).
72. Q. M. Zhang, Vivek Bharti, and X. Zhao. Giant Electrostrictive Response and
Ferroelectric Relaxor Baehavior in Electron Irradiated Polyvinylidene FluorideTrifluoroethylene Polymer. Science, 280, 2101-2104 (1998).
73. A. E. Glazounov, Q. M. Zhang, and Ch. Kim. Piezoelectric Actuator Generating Torsional
Displacement from the Shear Strain. Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 2526-2528 (1998).
74. R. E. Newnham, V. Sundar, R. Yimmirun, J. Su, and Q. M. Zhang. Electrostriction in
Dielectric Materials. Ceramic Trans. Vol. 88, 15-39 (1998).
75. X. Zhao, Vivek Bharti, Q. M. Zhang, T. Ramotowski, F. Tito, and R. Ting. Electromechanical
Properties of Electrostrictive P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymer. Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 2054-2056
76. Vivek Bharti, X. Zhao, Q. M. Zhang, T. Ramotowski, F. Tito, and R. Ting. The Field
Induced Strain and Polarization Response in Electron Irradiated Poly(vinylidene fluoride
-trifluoroethylene) Copolymer. J. Mater. Res. Innovations 2(2), 57-63(1998).
77. R. Liu, Q. Wang, Q. M. Zhang, and L. E. Cross. Piezoelectric Pseudo-Shear Universal
Actuator Made by L-Shape Joint Bonding. J. Mat. Sci: Mat. in Electro. 9, 453-456 (1998).
78. J. Zhao, A. E. Glazounov, and Q. M. Zhang. Change in Electromechanical Properties of
0.9PMN-0.1PT Relaxor Ferroelectric Induced by Uniaxial Compressive Stress Directed
Perpendicular to the Electric Field. Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 436-438 (1999).
79. Xuecang Geng and Q. M. Zhang, Resonance Modes and Losses in 1-3 Composites for
Ultrasonic Transducer Applications. J. Appl. Phys. 85, 1342-1350 (1999).
80. J. Zhao, Volkmar Mueller, and Q. M. Zhang. The Influence of External Stress on the
Electromechanical Response of Electrostrive 0.9PMN-0.1PT in the DC Field Biased State.
J. Mater. Res. 14, 948-956 (1999).
81. Z.-Y. Cheng, T.-B. Xu, Vivek Bharti, Shexi Wang, and Q. M. Zhang. Transverse Strain
Response in the Electrostrictive P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymer. Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 19011903 (1999).
82. Z.-Y. Cheng, S. Gross, J. Su, and Q. M. Zhang. Pressure-Temperature Phase Diagram for
A Polyurethane Elastomer. J. Polym. Sci. 37, 983-990 (1999).
83. A. E. Glazounov, S. Wang, Q. M. Zhang, and C. Kim. High Efficiency Piezoelectric
Motor Combining Continuous Rotation with Precise Control Over Angular Positioning.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 862-864 (1999).
84. Z.-Y. Cheng, Vivek Bharti, T. B. Xu, Shexi Wang, Q. M. Zhang, T. Ramotowski, F.
Tito, and R. Ting. Transverse Strain Responses in Electrostrictive P(VDF-TrFE) Films
and Development of a Dilatometer for the Measurement. J. Appl. Phys. 86, 2208-2214
85. R. Liu, Q. M. Zhang, and L. E. Cross. Experimental Investigation of Field Induced Direct
Piezoelectric Properties in Polyurethane Elastomer Under Quasistatic Condition. J. Appl.
Polym. Sci. 73, 2603-2609 (1999).
86. Volkmar Mueller, Horst Geige, and Q. M. Zhang. Nonlinear Ferroelectric Domain Wall
Response. Ferro. 222, 295-302 (1999).
87. Vivek Bharti, Z-Y Cheng, S. Gross, T. B. Xu, and Q. M. Zhang. High Electrostrictive Strain
under High Mechanical Stress in High Energy Electron Irradiated Poly(vinylidene
fluoride-trifluoroethylene) Copolymer Films. Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 2653-2655 (1999).
88. Q. M. Zhang and Jianzhong Zhao. Electromechanical Responses of Lead Zirconate
Titanate Piezoceramics Under the Influence of Mechanical Stresses. IEEE Trans. UFFC
46, 1518-1526 (1999).
89. Hai-Sheng Xu, Z.-Y. Cheng, Q. M. Zhang, Pen-Cheng Wang, and Alan MacDiarmid.
Conduction Behavior of Doped Polyaniline Film at High Current Density. J. Poly. Sci.
B37, 2845-2850 (1999).
90. Qing-Ming Wang, Q. M. Zhang, Baomin Xu, Ruibin Liu, and L. E. Cross. Nonlinear
Piezoelectric Behavior of Ceramic Bending Mode Actuators Under Strong Electric
Fields. J. Appl. Phys. 86, 3352-3360 (1999).
Cited 108 (Web of Science), ? (Google Scholar).
91. Hai-Sheng Xu, Z.-Y. Cheng, Vivek Bharti, Shexi Wang, and Q. M. Zhang. All-Polymer
Electromechanical Systems Consisting of Electrostrictive Poly(vinylidene fluoridetrifluoroethylene) and Conductive Polyaniline. J. Appl. Poly. Sci. 75, 945-951 (2000).
92. Vivek Bharti, H. S. Xu, G. Shanthi, Q. M. Zhang, and Kuming Liang. Polarization
and Structural Properties of High Energy Electron Irradiated P(VDF-TrFE)
Copolymer Films. J. Appl. Phys. 87, 452-461 (2000).
93. A. E. Glazounov, Q. M. Zhang, C. Kim. Torsional Actuator Based on Mechanically
Amplified Shear Piezoelectric Response. Sensors and Actuators A79, 22-30 (2000).
94. Yu Lu, Z.-Y. Cheng, E. Park, S. F. Liu and Q. M. Zhang. Linear Electro-optic
Effect of 0.88Pb(Zn 1/3 Nb2/3)-0.12PbTiO3 Single Crystal. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 39,
141-145 (2000).
94. H. S. Xu, Z. Y. Cheng, Q. M. Zhang, A. MacDiarmid. Influence of High-energy
Electron Irradiation on the Conduction Behavior of Doped Polyaniline Films in the
High Current Regime. Synthetic Met. 108, 133-137 (2000).
96. Q. M. Zhang, Z. Y. Cheng, and Vivek Bharti. Relaxor Ferroelectric Behavior in High
Energy Electron Irradiated P(VDF-TrFE) copolymers. Appl. Phys. A70, 307-312 (2000).
97. Z. Y. Cheng, V. Bharti, T. Mai, T. B. Xu, Q. M. Zhang, K. Hamilton, T. Ramotowski, K. A.
Wright, and R. Ting. Effect of High Energy Electron Irradiation on the Electromechanical
Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluorethylene) 50/50 and 65/35 Copolymers.
IEEE Trans. UFFC 47, 1296 (2000).
98. A. E. Glazounov, S. Wang, Q. M. Zhang, and C. Kim. Piezoelectric Stepper Motor with
Direct Coupling Mechanism to Achieve High Efficiency and Precise Control of Motor.
IEEE Trans. UFFC, 47(4), 1059-1068 (2000).
99. Haisheng Xu, G. Shanthi, V. Bharti, Q. M. Zhang, and T. Ramatowski. Structural,
Conformational, and Polarization Changes of P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymer Induced by High
Energy Electron Irradiation. Macromolecules, 33, 4125-4131(2000).
100. Shizhuo Yin, Q. M. Zhang, K.-W. Chung, R. Yang, Z. Y. Cheng, and Yu Lu. Investigation
of the Electro-optic Properties of Electron-irradiated P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymer. Opt. Eng.
39, 670-672 (2000).
101. Y. Bai, Z.Y. Cheng, V. Bharti, H. S. Xu, and Q. M. Zhang. High Dielectric Constant
Ceramic Powder Polymer Composites. Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 3804-3806 (2000).
102. T.B. Xu, Z-Y. Cheng, Q. M. Zhang, R. Baughman, C. Cui, A. Zakhidov, and J. Su.
Fabrication and Characterization of 3-Dimensional Periodic Ferroelectric Polymer-Silica
Opal Composites and Inverse Opal. J. Appl. Phys. 88(1), 405-409 (2000).
103. Y. Barad, Yu Lu, Z. Y. Cheng, S. E. Park, and Q. M. Zhang. Composition, Temperature,
and Crystal Orientation Dependence of Linear Electro-optic Properties of PZN-PT Single
Crystals. Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 1247-1249 (2000).
104. A. E. Glazounov, Q. M. Zhang, and C. Kim. Torsional Actuator and Stepper Motor Based
on Piezoelectric d15 Shear Response. J. Intel. Mater. Syst. & Struct. 11, 456-468 (2000).
105. Vivek Bharti, Z.-Y. Cheng, T, Mai, Q. M. Zhang, T. Ramotowski, K. A. Wright. High
Electromechanical Coupling Factor and Electrostrictive Strain over a Broad Frequency
Range in Electrostrictive Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) Copolymer.
Japn. J. Appl. Phys. 40, 2613 (2001).
106. Vivek Bharti and Q. M. Zhang. Dielectric Study of Relaxor Ferroelectric P(VDF-TrEF)
Copolymer System. Phys. Rev. B63, 184103 (2001).
107. Q. M. Zhang, H. S. Xu, Fei Fang, Z.-Y. Cheng, Xia Feng, and H. You. Observation of
Critical Thickness of Crystallization in Spin Cast Ferroelectric Thin Films. J. Appl. Phys.
89, 2613 (2001).
108. F. Xia, H. Xu, F. Fang, B. Razivi, Z. Y. Cheng, Yu Lu, Baoming Xu, and Q. M. Zhang.
Thickness Dependence Behavior of Ferroelectric Switching in P(VDF-TrFE) Spin Cast
Films. Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 1122 (2001).
109. Z.Y. Cheng, Vivek Bharti, T.B. Xu, Hansheng Xu, T. Mai, and Q. M. Zhang,
Electrostrictive P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymers. Sensors and Actuators A. Phys. 90, 138
110. H. Xu, Z.Y. Cheng, D. Olson, T. Mai, Q. M. Zhang, and G. Kavarnos. Ferroelectric and
Electromechanical Properties of P(VDF-TrFE-CTFE) Terpolymer. Appl. Phys. Lett.
78, 2360 (2001).
111. Vivek Bharti, G. Shanthi, H. Xu, Q. M. Zhang, and K. Liang. Evolution of Transitional
Behavior and Structure of Electron Irradiated P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymer Films. Mater.
Lett. 47, 107-111 (2001).
112. Vivek Bharti, H. S. Xu, Z. Y. Cheng, T. Mai, and Q. M. Zhang. Quantitative Analysis of
Structural, Relaxational and Electrostrictive Properties of P(VDF-TrFE)/PMMA Polyblends
Films Irradiated with High Energy Electrons. IEEE Trans. Diel. & Elect. Insu. 8, 718-724
113. Yu Lu, D.-Y. Jeong, Z. Y. Cheng, Q. M. Zhang, H. Luo, Z. Yin, and D. Viehland. Phase
Transitional Behavior and Piezoelectric Properties of the orthorhombic Phase of PMN-PT
Single Crystals. Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 3109 (2001).
114. Y. Lu, Z.-Y. Cheng, Y. Barad, and Q. M. Zhang. Photoelastic Effects in the Tetragonal
PZN-PT Single Crystals near the Morphotropic Phase Boundary. J. Appl. Phys. 89, 5075
115. Y. Lu, Z.-Y. Cheng, D.-J. Jeong, T. Shrout, and Q. M. Zhang. Phase Stability of
“Morphotropic” Phases in PZN-PT Single Crystals. Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 1918 (2002).
116. Z.-Y. Cheng, Dana Olson, Haisheng Xu, Feng Xia, J. S. Hundal, and Q. M. Zhang, Fred B.
Bateman, G. J.Kavarnos, T. Ramotowski. Structural Changes and Transitional Behavior
Studied From Both Micro and Macro- Scales in the High-Energy Electron-Irradiated
Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) Copolymer. Macromolecules 35, 664 (2002).
117. T. B. Xu, Z. Y. Cheng, and Q. M. Zhang. High Perfromance Micromachined Actuators
Based on Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) Copolymer. Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 1082
118. Z.-Y. Cheng, T.-B. Xu, Q. M. Zhang, R. Mayer, Jr. D. Van Tol, and J. Hughes. Design,
Fabrication, and Performance of A Flextensional Transducer Based on Electrostrictive
P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymer. IEEE Trans. UFFC. 49, 1312 (2002).
119. Xia Feng, H. Xu, Fei Fang, Babak, Razavi, Z.-Y. Cheng, and Q. M. Zhang. Interface Effect
on Polarization Switching and Critical Thickness of Crystallization in P(VDF-TrFE) Films.
Ferroelectrics, 273, 377 (2002).
120. Feng Xia, B. Razavi, H. S. Xu, Z-Y. Cheng, and Q. M. Zhang. Dependence of
Threshold Thickness of Crystallization and Film Morphology on Film Processing
Conditions in P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymer Thin Films. J. Appl. Phys. 92, 3111 (2002).
121. Z.-Y. Cheng and Q. M. Zhang. Vogel-Fulcher Dielectric Behavior in the High-Energy
Electron Irradiated P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymer. J. Appl. Phys. 92, 6749 (2002).
122. Feng Xia, Z.-Y. Cheng, Haisheng Xu, and Q. M. Zhang, G. Kavarnos, R. Ting, G. AbdulSedat, K. D. Belfield. High Electromechanical Responses in Terpolymer of
Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene- chlorofluoroethylene). Adv. Maters. 14, 1574
123. D.-Y. Jeong, Y. H. Ye, and Q. M. Zhang, Effective Optical Properties Associated with
Wave Propagations in Photonic Crystals of Finite Length along the Wave Direction.
J. Appl. Phys. 92, 4194(2002).
124. Q. M. Zhang, Hengfeng Li, Martin Poh, Haisheng Xu, Z.-Y. Cheng, Feng Xia, Cheng
Huang. An all-organic composite actuator material with high dielectric constant. Nature, 419,
284 (2002).
125. Shujun Zhang, D.-Y. Jeong, Q. M. Zhang, T. Shrout, Electromechanical and Electrooptic Properties of xBiScO3-yBiGaO3-(1-x-y)PbTiO3 Dingle Crystals. J. Cryst.
Growth, 247, 131 (2003).
126. Yong-Hong Ye, D.-Y. Jeong, Theresa S. Mayer, and Q. M. Zhang. Finite size effect on
highly dispersive photonic crystal optical components. Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 2380 (2003).
127. Feng Xia, Y. K. Wang, Hengfeng Li, Cheng Huang, Y. Ma, Q. M. Zhang, Z.-Y. Cheng,
Fred B. Bateman. Influence of the Annealing Conditions on the Polarization and
Electromechanical Response of High Energy Electron Irradiated Poly(vinylidene
fluoride-trifluoroethylene) Copolymer. J. Poly. Sci. A. Poly. Phys. 41, 797-806 (2003).
128. V. Bobnar, B. Vodopivec, A. Levstik, Z.-Y. Cheng, and Q. M. Zhang. Glass Dynamics
in Electron-irradiated P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymer System. Phys. Rev. B67, 94205 (2003).
129. Cheng Huang, Q.M. Zhang, and Ji Su. High dielectric constant all-polymer percolative
composites. Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 3502 (2003).
Cited 100 (Web of Science), 129 (Google Scholar).
130. Shujun Zhang, L. Lebrun, D.-Y. Jeong, C. Randal, Q. M. Zhang, and T. Shrout. Growth and
Characterization of Fe-Doped PMN-PT Single Crystals. J. Appl. Phys. 93, 9257 (2003).
131. Feng Xia, Z.-Y. Cheng, and Q. M. Zhang. In-air and Underwater Performance and
Finite Element Analysis of a Flextensional Device Having Electrostrictive P(VDFTrFE) Polymer as the Active Element. IEEE Trans. UFFC 50, 932 (2003).
132. Cheng Huang, Q. M. Zhang, and A. Jakli. Nematic Anisotropic Liquid Crystal Gels-Selfassembled Nanocomposites with High Electromechanical Responses. Adv. Func. Maters.
13, 525-529 (2003).
133. V. Bobnar, B. Vodopivec, M. Kosec, A. Levstik, B. Hilczer, and Q. M. Zhang.
Dielectric Properties of Relaxor-like Vinylidene Fluoride-trifluoroethylene-base
Electroactive Polymers. Macromolecules 36, 4436-4442 (2003).
134. D.-Y. Jeong, Y. Lu, and Q. M. Zhang. Linear Electro-Optic Properties of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)PbTiO3 Single Crystals. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 42, 4387-4389 (2003).
135. Rob J. Klein, J. Runt, and Q. M. Zhang. The Influence of Crystallization Conditions on the
Microstructure and Electromechanical Properties of Poly(vinylidene fluoridetrifluoroethylene-chlorofluoroethylene) Terpolymers. Macromolecules 36, 7220 (2003).
136. Cheng Huang and Q.M. Zhang. Enhanced Dielectric and Electromechanical Response in
High-Dielectric-Constant All-Polymer Percolative Composites. Adv. Funct. Mater. 14, 501
137. F. Bauer, E. Fousson, Q. M. Zhang, and L. M. Lee. Ferroelectric Copolymers and
Terpolymers for Electrostrictors: Synthesis and Properties. IEEE Trans. Diel. & Elec. Insu.
11, 293-298 (2004).
138. Cheng Huang, Feng Xia, Hengfeng Li, R. Klein, and Q. M. Zhang, Francois Bauer, Z.-Y.
Cheng. Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) Based High Performance Electroactive
Polymers. IEEE Trans. Diel. & Elec. Insu. 11, 299-311 (2004).
139. V. Bobnar, A. Levstik, C. Huang, and Q. M. Zhang. Distinctive Contributions from
Organic Filler and Relaxor-like Polymer Matrix to Dielectric Response of CuPc-P(VDFTrFE-CFE) Composite. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 47604 (2004).
140. Yong-Hong Ye, J. Ding, D.-Y. Jeong, I. C. Khoo, Q. M. Zhang, Optimization of coupledresonator optical waveguide in finite one-dimensional photonic crystals for optical delay
line applications. Phys. Rev. E69, 56604 (2004).
141. J. Wang, D. Shen, C. Yang, and Q. M. Zhang. High Dielectric Constant Composite of
P(VDF-TrFE) with Grafted Copper Phthalocyanine Oligomer. Macromolecules 37, 22942298 (2004)
142. Yong-Hong Ye, D. Jeong, and Q. M. Zhang, Fabrication of strain tunable infrared
frequency selective surfaces on electrostrictive poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene)
copolymer films using a stencil mask method, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 654 (2004).
143. JiangYu Li, Cheng Huang, and Q. M. Zhang, Enhanced electromechanical properties in
all-polymer percolative composites, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 3124 (2004).
144. Cheng Huang, Q. M. Zhang, Gal deBotton and Kaushik Bhattacharya, All-Organic
Dielectric-Percolative High-Dielectric-Constant Three-Component Composite Actuator
Materials with High Electromechanical Response. Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 4391 (2004).
145. J. Su, T. Xu, S. Zhang, T. Shrout, and Q. M. Zhang, An Electroactive Polymer-Ceramic
Hybrid Actuation System for Enhanced Electromechanical Performance. Appl. Phys. Lett.
85, 1045 (2004)
146. Dae-Yong Jeong, Yong-Hong Ye and Q. M. Zhang, Electrical Tunable Fabry-Perot
interferometer using a PVDF based terpolymer, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 4857 (2004).
147. Dae-yong Jeong, Y. K. Wnag, M. Huang and Q. M. Zhang, G. Kavarnos, F. Bauer, Electrooptical Response of the Ferroelectric Relaxor Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene
chlorofluoroethylene) Terpolymer, J. Appl. Phys. 96, 316 (2004).
148. B. Vodopivec, V. Bobnar, A. Levstik, and Q. M. Zhang. Dielectric Properties of Relaxorlike P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) Terpolymer. Ferro. 304, 857-859 (2004).
149. Feng Xia and Q. M. Zhang. Schottky Emission at the Metal/Polymer Interface and Its
Effect on the Polarization Switching of Ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) Copolymer Thin Films.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 1719-1721 (2004).
150. V. Bobnar, A. Levstik, C. Huang, and Q. M. Zhang. Intrinsic Dielectric Properties and
Charge Transport in Oligmer of Organic Semiconductor Copper-Phthalocyanine. Phys.
Rev. B71, 041202 (2005).
151. J. W. Wang, Q. Shen, H. Bao, C.-Z. Yang, and Q. M. Zhang. Microstructure and
Dielectric Properties of P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) with Partially Grafted Cu-Pc Oligomer.
Macromolecules 38, 2247 (2005)
152. R. Klein, F. Xia, and Q. M. Zhang. Influence of Composition on Ferroelectric Properties
of P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) Terpolymers. J. Appl. Phys. 97, 094105 (2005).
153. C. Huang and Q. M. Zhang, Fully Functionalized High-Dielectric-Constant Nano-Phase
Polymers with High Electromechanical Responses. Adv. Mater. 17, 1153 (2005).
154. Yiming Liu, Kailiang Ren, Heath F. Hofmann and Qiming Zhang, Investigation of
Electrostrictive Polymer for Energy Harvesting. IEEE Trans. UFFC 52, 2411 (2005).
155. Shihai Zhang, Nanyan Zhang, Cheng Huang, Kailiang Ren, Q. M. Zhang. Microstructure
and Electromechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube –P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) Composites.
Adv. Mater 17, 1897 (2005).
156. Cheng Huang and Q.M. Zhang, JiangYu Li, Manese Rabeony. Colossal dielectric and
electromechanical responses in self-assembled polymeric nanocomposites. Appl. Phys.
Lett. 87, 182901 (2005).
157. Shihai Zhang, Rob J. Klein, Kailiang Ren, Baojin Chu, Xi Zhang, James Runt, and Q.
M. Zhang, Normal-Relaxor Ferroelectric Transformation in Fluorinated Polymers and the
Relaxor Dynamics. J. Mater. Sci. 41, 271 (2006)
Feng Xia, Srinivas Tadigadapa and Q. M. Zhang. Electroactive Polymer Based
Microfluidic Pump. Sensors &Actuators A125, 346 (2006).
159. Shihai Zhang, Baojin Chu, Bret Neese, Kailiang Ren, Xin Zhou, and Q. M. Zhang, Direct
Spectroscopic Evidence of Field-Induced Solid State Chain Conformation
Transformation in A Ferroelectric Relaxor Polymer, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 044107 (2006).
160. Kailiang Ren, Yiming Liu, Xuechang Geng, H. F. Hofmann, and Q. M. Zhang. Single
Crystal PMN-PT /Epoxy 1-3 Composite for Energy Harvesting Application. IEEE
Trans. UFFC 53, 631 (2006).
161. S. Zhang, C. Huang, Z.-Y. Cheng, F. Xia, R. Klein, Q. M. Zhang, V. Bobnar, A. Levstik,
and F. Bauer. Relaxor Ferroelectric Polymers, Ferro. 339, 1723-1731 (2006).
162. Baojin Chu, Xin Zhou, Bret Neese, and Q. M. Zhang, Francois Bauer, Relaxor
Ferroelectric Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorofluoroethylene)
Terpolymer for High Energy Density Capacitors, IEEE Trans. Diel. & Ins. Mater. 13,
1162 (2006).
163. Xin Zhou, Baojin Chu, and Q. M. Zhang, Complex notation for the dielectric response of
ferroelectric materials beyond the small sinusoidal fields, IEEE Trans. UFFC 53, 1540
164. Shihai Zhang, Bret Neese, Kailiang Ren, Baojin Chu, and Q. M. Zhang, Microstructure
and electromechanical responses in semicrystalline ferroelectric relaxor polymer blends,
J. Appl. Phys. 100, 044113 (2006).
165. Qin Chen, J. Lee, Yong Wang, M. Lin, S. Yin, and Q. M. Zhang, Investigation of
Tuning Characteristics of Electrically Tunable Long-Period Gratings with a Precise
Four-Layer Model, Journal of Lightwave Technology 24(7), 2954-2962 (2006).
Shihai Zhang, Bret Neese, Kailiang Ren, Baojin Chu, Feng Xia, T. Xu, Srinivas
Tadigadapa, Qing Wang, Q. M. Zhang, and F. Bauer, Relaxor Ferroelectric Polymers,
Thin Film Devices, and Ink-Jet Microprinting for Thin Film Device Fabrication.
Ferro. 342, 43-56 (2006).
Baojin Chu, Xin Zhou, Kailiang Ren, Bret Neese, Minren Lin, Qing Wang, F. Bauer,
and Q. M. Zhang. A Dielectric Polymer with High Electric Energy Density and Fast
Discharge Speed. Science 313, 334 (2006) .
Baojin Chu, X. Zhou, B. Neese, and Q. M. Zhang. Relaxor Ferroelectric Polymer –
P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) Terpolymer High Electric Energy Density and Field Dependent
Dielectric Response. Ferro. 331, 35 (2006).
Yingying Lu, Jason Claude, Bret Neese, Q. M. Zhang, and Qing Wang, A Modular
Approach to Ferroelectric Polymers with Chemically Tunable Curie Temperatures and
Dielectric Constants. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 8120-8121 (2006).
V. Bobnar, A. Levstik, C. Huang, and Q. M. Zhang, Dielectric Properties and Charge
Transport in All-organic Relaxorlike CuPc-P(VDF-TrFE-CTE) Composite and Its
Constituents, Ferro. 338, 1523-1532 (2006).
F. Bauer, E. Fousson , Q. M. Zhang. Recent Advances in highly Electrostrictive P(VDF-TrFECFE) Terpolymers. IEEE Trans. Diel. & Ins. Mater. 13, 1149 (2006).
Q.Chen, M.R.Lin, J.E.Lee, Q.M.Zhang, and S.Yin, Nanocomposite with very
large electro- optic effect and widely tunable refractive index. Appl. Phys. Lett.
89, 141121 (2006).
Yingying Lu, Jason Claude, Q. M. Zhang, and Qing Wang, Microstructures and Dielectric
Properties of the Ferroelectric Fluoropolymers Synthesized via Reductive Dechlorination
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213. Sheng Liu, Yang Liu, Hülya Cebeci, Roberto Guzmán de Villoria, Jun-Hong Lin, Brian L.
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214. Yang Liu, Sheng Liu, Junhong Lin, Dong Wang, Vaibhav Jain, Reza Montazami, James R.
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216. F. Li, Z. Fang, Q.M. Zhang and S. Datta, Low frequency voltage mode sensing of
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217. S. G. Lu, B. Rožič, Q. M. Zhang, Z. Kutnjak, Xinyu Li, E. Furman, Lee J. Gorny, Minren
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218. S. G. Lu, B. Rožič, Q. M. Zhang, Z. Kutnjak, R. Pirc, Minren Lin, Xinyu Li and Lee
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220. Rozic, B., Malic, B., Ursic, H., Holc, J., Kosec, M., Neese, B., Zhang, Q. M., Kutnjak, Z.
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221. Xin Zhou, Qin Chen, and Q. M. Zhang, and Shihai Zhang. Dielectric Behavior of Low
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222. R. Pirc, Z. Kutnjak, and R. Blinc and Q. M. Zhang. Upper bounds on the electrocaloric
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223. Junhong Lin, Yang Liu, Q. M. Zhang. Charge Dynamics and Bending Actuation in
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224. Zhao Fang, Ninad Mokhariwale, Feng Li, Suman Datta, and Q. M. Zhang. Magnetoelectric
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225. H. F. Li, Q.M. Zhang, and Z.W. Liu, Holographic Imaging of Electric Breakdown in Air.
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226. S. G. Lu, B. Rožič, Q. M. Zhang, Z. Kutnjak, Bret Neese, Enhanced Electrocaloric Effect
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227. Reza Montazami, Sheng Liu, Yang Liu, Dong Wang, Q. M. Zhang, and James R. Heflin.
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229. Jiezhu Jin, S-G. Lu, C. Chanthad, Q. M. Zhang, M. A. Haque, and Qing Wang.
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230. Xinyu Li, Xiao-shi Qian, S. G. Lu, Jiping Cheng, Zhao Fang and Q. M. Zhang. Tunable
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231. Shan Wu, Minren Lin, S.G. Lu, Lei Zhu and Q. M. Zhang. Polar-fluoropolymer Blends
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232. Brigita Rozic, Marija Kosec, Hana Ursic, Janez Holc, Barbara Malic, Q. M. Zhang, Robert
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234. Chen Zou, Q. M. Zhang, Shihai Zhang, Douglas Kushner, Xin Zhou, Richard Bernard, and
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235. B. Rozic, B. Neese, S. G. Lu, Q. M. Zhang, and Z. Tutnjak, Direct Measurements of the
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236. B. Rozic, S. G. Liu, Z. Kutnjak, B. Neese, and Q. M. Zhang. Electrocaloric Effect in the
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237. S. G. Lu, J. Z. Jin, X. Zhou, Z. Fang, Q. Wang, and Q. M. Zhang. Large magnetoelectric
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238. Junhong Lin, Yang Liu, Q.M. Zhang, Influence of the Ionic Polymer Membrane Thickness
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239. S. G. Lu, B. Rozic, Q. M. Zhang, Z. Kutnjak, R. Pirc. Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric
Polymers. Applied Physics A106(4) (2012). (Invited) (DOI 10.1007/s00339-012-6830-9)
240. Yang Liu, Ran Zhao, Junhong Lin, Sheng Liu, Q. M. Zhang, Hülya Cebeci, Roberto
Guzmán de Villoria, Brian Wardle, Reza Montazami, Dong Wang, James R. Heflin.
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Actuators Containing Ionic Liquids. Sensors and Actuators. A 181, 70 DOI:
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241. Gokhan Hatipoglu, Yang Liu, Ran Zhao, Mitra Yoonessi, Dean M. Tigelaar, Srinivas
Tadigadapa and Q. M. Zhang, A Highly Aromatic and Sulfonated Ionomer for High
Elastic Modulus Ionic Polymer Membrane Micro-actuators. Smart Mater & Struct, 21,
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242. Yang Liu, Ran Zhao, Mehdi Ghaffari, Jun-Hong Lin, Minren Lin and Q. M. Zhang.
Enhanced Electro-mechanical Responses of P(VDF-CTFE) based Actuators. DOI:
10.1021/ma300591a Macromolecules 45, 5128 (2012).
243. V. Bobnar, X. Li, G. Casar, A. Erste, S. Glinsek, X. Qian, and Q. M. Zhang. Tailoring
electrically-induced properties by stretching relaxor polymer. J. Appl. Phys. 111, 083512
244. Shihai Zhang, Chen Zou, and Q. M. Zhang. Semicrystalline Polymers with High Dielectric
Constant, Melting Temperature, and Charge-Discharge Efficiency. IEEE Trans. Die. &
Insulation Mater. 19, 1158 (2012).
245. R. Pirc , B. Rozic , R. Blinc , Xinyu Li , Q. M. Zhang, ELECTROCALORIC EFFECT
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246. Xiang-zhong Chen, Xiao-shi Qian, Xinyu Li, S.G. Lu, Haiming Gu, Minren Lin, Qun-dong
Shen, and Q. M. Zhang. Enhanced electrocaloric effect in poly(vinylidene fluoridetrifluoroethylene)-based terpolymer/copolymer blends. Appl. Phys. Lett. 100. 222902
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249. Thomas Levard, Paul J Diglio, Sheng-Guo Lu, Christopher D Rahn, and Q M Zhang. Corefree rolled actuators for Braille displays using P(VDF–TrFE–CFE). Samrt Mater. Struct.
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250. S. G. Lu, B. Rozic, Q. M. Zhang, Z. Kutnjak, and R. Pirc, Electrocaloric effect in
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251. Z. K. Liu, Xinyu Li, and Q. M. Zhang. Maximizing the Number of Coexisting Phases
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Ferroelectrics. Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 082904 (2012).
252. K. Ren, W. L. Wilson, J. E. West, Q. M. Zhang, and S. M. Yu, Piezoelectric property of
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253. Xinyu Li, Xiao-shi Qian, Haiming Gu, Xiangzhong Chen, S. G. Lu, Minren Lin, Fred
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poly(vinylidenefluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymers near a first-order ferroelectric
transition. Appl. Phys. Lett. 101(13), 132903(2012).
254. R. Su, J. K. Tseng, M. S. Lu, M. Lin, Q. Fu, Q. M. Zhang, and L. Zhu, L. Ferroelectric
behavior in the high temperature paraelectric phase in a poly(vinylidene fluoride-cotrifluoroethylene) random copolymer. Polymer. 53, 728-739 (2012).
255. Yang Liu, Caiyan Lu, Stephen Twigg, Mehdi Ghaffari, Junhong Lin, Nicholas Winograd,
Q. M. Zhang, Direct Observation of Ion Distributions near Electrodes in Ionic Polymer
Actuators Containing Ionic Liquids. Scientific Reports, 3, 973 DOI: 10.1038/srep00973
256. Xinyu Li, Sheng-Guo Lu, Xiang-Zhong Chen, Haiming Gu, Xiao-shi Qian and Q. M. Zhang.
Pyroelectric and electrocaloric materials, J. Mater. Chem. C. 1, 23 (2013) (Feature Article,
DOI: 10.1039/c2tc00283c (Invited))
257. Xiao-Shi Qian, S. G. Lu, Xinyu Li, Haiming Gu, L-C Chien, Q. M. Zhang, Large
Electrocaloric Effect in A Dielectric Liquid Possessing A Large Dielectric Anisotropy Near
the Isotropic-Nematic Transition. Adv. Funct. Mater. 23, 2894–2898, DOI:
10.1002/adfm.201202686 (2013).
258. Shan Wu, Weiping Li, Minren Lin, Quinn Burlingame, Qin Chen, Andrew Payzant, Kai
Xiao, and Q. M. Zhang. Aromatic Polythiourea Dielectrics with Ultrahigh Breakdown
Field Strength, Low Dielectric Loss, and High Electric Energy Density. Adv. Mater.
25, 1734–1738 (2013). DOI: 10.1002/adma.201204072
259. S. Wu, M. Shao, Q. Burlingame, X. Chen, M. Lin, K. Xiao, and Q. M. Zhang, “A high-K
ferroelectric relaxor terpolymer as a gate dielectric for organic thin film transistors,” Appl.
Phys. Lett., 102, 013301, (2013).
260. Lianyun Yang, Xinyu Li, Elshad Allahyarov, Philip L. Taylor, Q. M. Zhang, and Lei Zhu.
Novel Polymer Ferroelectric Behavior via Crystal Isomorphism and the Nanoconfinement
Effect. Polymer, 54, 1709-1728 (2013).
261. Feng Li, Rajiv Misra, Zhao Fang, Yufei Wu, Q. M. Zhang, Peter Schiffer, Srinivas
Tadigadapa, and Suman Datta. Magnetoelectric Resonant Gate Transistor with NanoTesla
Sensitivity. JMEMS, 22, 71-79 (2013).
262. Quinn C. Burlingame, Shan Wu, Minren Lin, Q.M. Zhang “High Energy Density Aromatic
Polythiourea Thin Films with High Dielectric Breakdown Strength and Low High-Field
Loss” Adv. Energ. Mater, 3, 1051 (2013).
263. Xiang-Zhong Chen, Xinyu Li, Xiao-Shi Qian, Shan Wu, Sheng-Guo. Lu, Hai-Ming Gu,
Minren Lin, Qun-Dong Shen, and Q. M. Zhang. A polymer blend approach to tailor the
ferroelectric responses in P(VDF-TrFE) based copolymers. Polymer, 54, 2373 (2013).
264. Haiming Gu, Brent Craven, Xiaoshi Qian, Xinyu Li, Ailan Cheng, S. C. Yao, Q. M. Zhang.
Simulation of electrocaloric refrigerator with high cooling-power density. Appl. Phys. Lett.
102, 112901 (2013).
265. Haiming Gu, Xiaoshi Qian, Xinyu Li, Brent Craven, Wenyi Zhu, Ailan Cheng, S. C. Yao,
Q. M. Zhang. A Chip Scale Electrocaloric Effect Based Cooling Device. Appl. Phys. Lett.
102, 122904 (2013).
266. Mehdi Ghaffari, Yue Zhou, Haiping Xu, Minren Lin, TaeYoung Kim, Rodney S. Ruoff and
Q. M. Zhang. High Volumetric Performance Aligned Nano-Porous Microwave Exfoliated
Graphite Oxide (A-aMEGO)-based Electrochemical Capacitors. Adv. Mater. 25, 4879-4885
(2013). DOI: 10.1002/adma.201301243.
267. Goran Casar, Xinyu Li, Jurij Koruza, Qiming Zhang, Vid Bobnar, Electrical and Thermal
Properties of Polymer Systems With Coexisting Ferroelectric and Relaxor States. J. Mater
Sci. doi 10.1007/s10853-013-7602-4 (2013).
268. Xiang-Zhong Chen, Xinyu Li, Xiao-Shi Qian, Minren Lin, Shan Wu, Qun-Dong Shen, and
Q. M. Zhang. A nanocomposite approach to tailor electrocaloric effect in ferroelectric
polymer. Polymer, 54, 5299 (2013).
269. M. Ghaffari, Y. Zhou, W. Kinsman, S. Murali, Q. Burlingame, M. Lin, R. S. Ruoff and Q.
M. Zhang. Aligned Nano-Porous Microwave Exfoliated Graphite Oxide (A-aMEGO)
Actuators with Ultrahigh Strain and Elastic Energy Density Induced Under A Few Volts.
Adv. Mater. 25, 6277-6283 (2013) DOI: 10.1002/adma.201301370.
270. Yue Zhou, Yang Liu, Mehdi Ghaffari, Minren Lin, Ethan Parsons, Brian Wardle, and Q. M.
Zhang. High Performance Supercapacitor Based on Ultra-high Density Aligned Carbon
Nanotubes with Controlled Nanomorphology. Electrochimica Acta 111, 608 (2013).
271. Mehdi Ghaffari, Suppanat Kosolwattana,Yue Zhou, Noa Lachman, Minren Lin, Dhiman
Bhattacharya, Karen K. Gleason, Brian L. Wardle,and Q. M. Zhang. Highly Efficient
Hybrid Supercapacitor Materials from Conformally Coated Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
with Poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene). Electrochemical Acta, 112, 522 (2013).
272. Sheng-Guo Lu, Hui Xiong, Aixiang Wei, Xinyu Li and Q. M. Zhang. Electrocaloric and
electrostrictive effect of polar P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) terpolymers. JOURNAL Of ADVANCED
DIELECTRICS, 3, (2013) 1350015.
273. Xiao-Shi Qian, Hui-jian Ye, Ying-Tang Zhang, Haiming Gu, Xinyu Li, C. Randall, and
Q.M. Zhang. Giant Electrocaloric Response in Modified BaTiO3 Ceramics Over A
BroadTemperature Range. Adv. Funct. Mater. 24, 1300, (2014) (featured in backcover
image of the vol. 25 issue).
274. Shan Wu, Minren Lin, Quinn Burlingame, and Q. M. Zhang, Meta-aromatic polyurea with
high dipole moment and dipole density for energy storage capacitors. Appl. Phys. Lett. 104,
072903 (2014).
275. P.H. Hu, Y. Shen, Y.H. Guan, X. H. Zhang, Y. H. Lin, Q. M. Zhang, C-W Nan
Topological-Structure Modulated Polymer Nanocomposites Exhibiting Highly Enhanced
Dielectric Strength and Energy Density, Adv. Funct. Mater. 24, 3172, DOI:
10.012/201303684, (2014).
276. Lu, SG; Tang, XG; Wu, SH; Q. M. Zhang, Large Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric
Materials, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 29, 6-12 (2014).
277. Minho Kim, Fan Xu, Jin Hong Lee, Cheolsoo Jung, Soon Man Hong, Q. M. Zhang, Chong
Min Koo. A Fast and Efficient Pre-doping Approach to High Energy Density Lithium-Ion
Hybrid Capacitors. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2, 10029 (2014).
278. Noa Lachman, Haiping Xu, Yue Zhou, Mehdi Ghaffari, Minren Lin, Dhiman
Bhattacharyya, Asli Ugur, Karen K. Gleason, Q M. Zhang, and Brian L. Wardle. Tailoring
Thickness of Conformal Conducting Polymer Decorated Aligned Carbon Nanotube
DOI: 10.1002/admi.201400076 (2014).
279. Yue Zhou, Noa Lachman, Mehdi Ghaffari, Haiping Xu, Dhiman Bhattacharya, Pouria
Fattahi, Mohammad Reza Abidian,fShan Wu, Karen K. Gleason, Brian L. Wardle and Q.
M. Zhang. A high performance hybrid asymmetric supercapacitor via nano-scale
morphology control of graphene, conducting polymer, and carbon nanotube electrodes. J.
Mater. Chem. A. 2, 9964 (2014).
280. G. Casar, X. Li, Q. M. Zhang, and V. Bobnar, Influencing dielectric properties of relaxor
polymer by blending PVDF-TrFE-based terpolymer with a ferroelectric copolymer. J.
Appl. Phys. 115, 104101 (2014).
281. M. Ghaffari, Y. Zhou, M. Lin, Chong Min Koo and Q.M. Zhang, High electromechanical
responses of ultra-high-density aligned nano-porous microwave exfoliated graphite
oxide/polymer nanocomposites ionic actuators. Intern. J. Smart & Nano Maters. 5, 114122 (2014).
282. Haiming Gu, Xiao-Shi Qian, Hui-Jian Ye, Q. M. Zhang, An electrocaloric refrigerator without
external regenerator, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 162905 (2014).
283. Hui-Jian Ye, Xiao-Shi Qian, Dae-Yong Jeong, Shujun Zhang, Yue Zhou, Wen-Zhu Shao,
Liang Zhen, and Q. M. Zhang. Giant electrocaloric effect in BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3 thick film. Appl.
Phys. Lett. 105, 152908 (2014).
284. Yue Zhou, Haiping Xu, Noa Lachman, Mehdi Ghaffari, Shan Wu, Yang Liu, Asli Ugur,
Dhiman Bhattacharya, Karen K Gleason, Brian L Wardle, and Q. M. Zhang, Advanced
Asymmetric Supercapacitor Based on Conducting Polymer and Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
with Controlled Nanomorphology. Nano Energy, 9, 176-185 (2014).
285. J-X Ye, Jian-nan Ma, J. Ma, J. M. Hu, Zheng Li, M. Feng, Q. M. Zhang, and C. W. Nan.
Temperature dependence of magnetocaloric coupling in FeBSiC/PZT/FEBSiC laminates. J.
Appl. Phys. 116, 074103 (2014).
286. S. Pamir Alpay, Joseph Mantese, Susan Trolier-McKinstry, Q. M. Zhang, Roger W. Whatmore,
Next Generation Electrocaloric and Pyroelectric Materials for Solid State Electrothermal
Interconversion. MRS Bulletin 39, 1099 (Dec. 2014) (Invited review article).
287. Wu, S ; Burlingame,; Cheng, ZX; Lin, MR ; Q. M. Zhang. Strongly Dipolar Polythiourea
and Polyurea Dielectrics with High Electrical Breakdown, Low Loss, and High Electrical
Energy Density. JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 43 (12), 4548-4551 (2014)
288. G. Casar, Xinyu Li, B. Malic, Q. M. Zhang, and V. Bobnar, Impact of structural changes on
dielectric and thermal properties of vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-based
terpolymer/copolymer blends, Physica B. 461, 5-9 (2015).
289. Qin Chen, Yang Shen, Shihai Zhang, Q. M. Zhang, Polymer-Based Dielectrics with HighEnergy Storage Density. To be published in Annual Review of Materials Research (August,
2015). (Invited review article).
290. Chad Welsh, Y. Zhou, M. Ghaffari, M. Lin, Chong Min Koo, Q. M. Zhang, Giant Strain
Response in Ionic Nanoporous Graphene Actuator with Hierarchical Structures, IEEE TDEI, accepted
291. Hui-Jian Ye, Dae-Yong Jeong, Jinhuang Lu, Xiao-Shi Qian, Haiming Gu, Shujun Zhang,
and Q. M. Zhang, The dielectric and polarization properties of BaZr 0.2Ti0.8O3 bulk ceramic and thick
film with sintering aids. IEEE TDEI Accepted (2015).
292. Guangzu Zhang, Qi Li, Haiming Gu, Shenglin Jiang, Kuo Han, Matthew R. Gadinski, M.
A. Haque, Q. M. Zhang, and Qing Wang. Ferroelectric Polymer Nanocomposites for
Room-Temperature Electrocaloric Refrigeration. Adv. Mater. 27, 1450-1454, DOI:
10.1002/adma.201404591 (2015).
293. Yash Thakur, Minren Lin, Shan Wu, Zhaoxi Cheng, D.-Y. Jeong and Q. M. Zhang.
Tailoring the dipole properties in dielectric polymers to realize high energy density with
high breakdown strength and low dielectric loss. J. Appl. Phys. 117, 114104 (2015).
294. Meng-Chien Lu, Lei Mei, Dae-Yong Jeong, Jing Xiang, Huaqing XIE, and Q. M. Zhang.
Enhancing the magnetoelectric response of Terfenol-D/Polyvinylidene-fluoride/Terfenol-D
laminates by exploiting the shear mode effect. Appl. Phys. Lett, 106, 112905 (2015).
295. Xiaoshi Qian, Shan W, Eugene Furman, Ji Su, and Q. M. Zhang, Ferroelectric polymers as
multi-functional electroactive materials: Recent advances, Potentials, and Challenges, MRS
Communications, submitted (2015).
1. Electroactive Polymers, Q. M. Zhang, T. Furukawa, Y. Bar-Cohen, and J. Scheinbeim.
Editors (Materials Research Society, Vol. 600, 1999).
2. Electric Polymers, Q. M. Zhang and J. Scheinbeim, in Electroactive Polymer
Actuators as Artificial Muscles (Ed. Y. Bar-Cohen, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, WA,
2001), Chapter 4.
3. Electroactive Polymers and Rapid Prototyping, Y. Bar-Cohen, D. Chrisey, Q. M. Zhang,
S. Bauer, E. Fukada, and S. Danforth. Editors (Materials Research Society, Vol. 698,
PVDF and Its Copolymer with TrFE, Q. M. Zhang, V. Bharti, and G. Kavarnos, in The
Encyclopedia of Smart Materials Vol. 2 p 807-825 (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2002).
Materials and Devices for Smart Systems, Y. Furuya, Q. Quandt, Q. M. Zhang, and K.
Inoue. Editors (Materials Research Society, Vol. 785, 2003).
Electric Polymers, Q. M. Zhang C. Huang, F. Xia, and J. Su, in Electroactive Polymer
Actuators as Artificial Muscles (Ed. Y. Bar-Cohen, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, WA,
2004), Chapter 4
Electro and Acousto-Optical Properties of Relaxor Single Crystals , Q. M. Zhang and
Dae-Yong Jeong, in Ferroelectric Single Crystals published in 2004.
8. Electroresponsive Polymers and Their Applications, Vivek Bharti, Yoseph Bar-Cohen,
Zhong-Yang Cheng, Q. M. Zhang, and John Madden, editors (Proc. Mater. Res. Soc. Vol.
889, 2005).
Electropolymers For Mechtronics and Artificial Muscles, Q. M. Zhang and Z.-Y. Cheng,
Chapter 9 in Handbook of Organic Electronics and Photonics (American Scientific
Publishers, 2008), ed. H.S. Nalwa.
10. Ferroelectric Relaxor Polymers As Intelligent Soft Actuators and Artificial Muscles, Q. M.
Zhang, Baojin Chu, and Z.-Y. Cheng, Chapter 10 in “Intelligent Materials” (Royal Society
of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2008), eds. M. Shahinpoor and Hans-Joerg Schneider.
11. Polymer-Based Smart Materials – Processes, Properties, and Applications, S. Bauer, Z-Y.
Cheng, Debra Wrobleski, and Q. M. Zhang, editors (Materials Research Society, Vol. 1134,
12. Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Sensors, Y. Bar-Cohen and Q. M. Zhang, Guest
editors, MRS Bulletin, Vol. 33(3), Materials Research Society, March 2008.
13. Electrocaloric Effect (ECE) in Ferroelectric Polymers Near Room Temperature, David SG. Lu, B. Rožič, Z. Kutnjak, Q. M. Zhang, Chapter 6 in Ferroelectrics, edt. I. Coondoo,
(InTech, 2010, ISBN: 978-953-307-439-9).
The Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric Polymer Films, David S-G. Lu, Q. M. Zhang,
Z. Kutnjak, Chapter 15 in Thin Film Growth: Physics, Materials Science, and Applications,
ed. Z. Cao (Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK, 2011).
15. Electrocaloric Polymers, Xinyu Li, Sheng-Guo Lu, Xiaoshi Qian, Minren Lin, and Q. M.
Zhang. Chapter 5 in Electrocaloric Materials: New Generation of Coolers. Tatiana Correia
and Qi Zhang, Ed. Springer (2014).
16. Q. M. Zhang, Mehdi Ghaffari, S. G. Lu, Yue Zhou, Chong Min Koo, and Josh Michalenko,
Advanced electroactive polymers (EAPs) with high electroactuation strain and ultra-high
elastic energy density, Chapter 5 in Soft Materials for Electromechanical Actuators and
Sensors, Zhongyang Cheng and Reimund Gerhard, eds. Wiley-VCH (2014).
17. Y. Zhou, M. Ghaffari, C. Welsha, Q. M. Zhang, Ionic Electroactive Actuators with Giant
Electromechanical Response, Chapter for Advances in Ionic Polymer Metal Composites. M
Shahinpoor ed., Royal Society of Chemistry (2015).
A Proposal to DARPA in 2004 on electrocaloric effect