Waves, Spectral Lines, Bohr and Quantum Model Webquest

Waves and Quantum Model Webquest Name________________________________
Introduction: The essence of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity Theory states that all things are
actually waves…even particles like proton, electrons, atoms, baseballs, satellites all have wave
functions. So to better understand this mysterious concept, let’s use this online webquest to help.
Waves can be described by their speed, there wavelength and their frequency.
All electromagnetic waves move at the same speed, the “speed of light” which is 3.0 x 108 m/s, 186,000
miles/sec, or 670,000,000 miles/hr).
Wavelength, represented by (the Greek letter lambda) is the distance between crests in the wave.
Frequency, represented by (the Greek letter nu) is the number of wave cycles that happens per unit of
time. The SI unit for frequency is cycles per second called a hertz (Hz)
Vibrating Charges and Electromagnetic Waves = Radiation
Typically when something “shakes” it makes a wave. Use your mouse to drag the negative charge up or
down by different amounts, then let it go to start oscillating. Now use the slider to adjust the tension
which makes for quicker repeats of a cycle, this means a higher frequency. Read the discussion below
the wave animation and then answer the following question.
Q1: What happens to the wavelength as the frequency increases (having more cycles per sec)?
What happens to the wavelength as the frequency decreases?
The Electromagnetic Spectrum (ask Mr. Jasmann to play you the The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Song - by Emerson & Wong Yann for a good intro to EM Spectrum)
Momentarily use the chart above for the next questions, then revert back to the webpage.
Q2: Using the chart above, answer the following questions. List the 8 common names of
electromagnetic radiation in order of longest to shortest WAVELENGTH.
Q3: Which type electromagnetic wave has a wavelength that is about 10m to 1000m long?
Q4: What are the two types of waves that have the highest energy per photon? Do you think this has a
correlation to possible cell damage to humans? Explain why you’d think that.
Q5: What is the relationship between the frequencies and energy content of the waves?
Q6: Which waves are the human eyes able to detect or see? In your opinion, is this a large or small part
of the entire possibility of photon types (the entire electromagnetic spectrum)?
Back to the webpage…click on the “Quantum atom” link on the bottom right of the page which connects…
Spectral Lines at http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/quantumzone/index.html
Read this entire page and answer the following questions.
Q7: Physicists know that heating things causes the atoms to “wiggle”. What is ejected from atoms when
they wiggle?
Q8. Use the spectral line changer to view the visible spectral lines of at least 4 or 5 elements. Now
describe what spectral lines are in your own words? And why is it they could be described as
“signatures” or “fingerprints” of elements.
Click on the “Next” button which connects to…
Bohr’s atom http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/quantumzone/bohr.html
Q9: Define photons and quanta. How does this relate the “Quantum” Mechanical model of the atom as
we know today based upon the discoveries of Neils Bohr.
Click on the “Next” button which connects to…
Energy Levels http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/quantumzone/bohr2.html
We modified Bohr’s ideas to say that Bigger Orbits have higher energy electrons, so we now call the
rings of electrons located different distances away from the nucleus “Energy Levels”.
Q10: Describe what is required to allow an electron to jump to a high energy level?
Q11: Describe what happens when an electron returns to its lower energy level?
Click on the “Next button which connects to…
Atomic Spectra at http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/quantumzone/lines2.html
Atomic Spectra are the “signature” spectral lines released by specific atoms. Specific wavelengths are
released by each atom because only specific “jumps” between that atom’s energy levels can occur.
Experiment with jumping the electron in the Hydrogen atom to outer and inner orbits to see what
happens with the photons absorbed or released.
Q12: If you make the electron jump downward, then return it to the outer ring what do you notice about
the photon released or absorbed?
Q13: Start with the electron being highly energized in the outermost shell. Now click to allow it to drop
to each of the lower energy level one at a time. What happens….why are three new spectral lines
formed on the chart?
Click on “Making X-rays” button at the bottom which connects to…
Making X-rays at http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/xray/making_xrays.html
Q14: Use this page and your own intuition of what was just learned to explain how we make X-rays (a
very high energy photon of light) emit from Tungsten (a large atom with very high energy level
Now click the “Back” button at the top of your browser page to return to Atomic Spectra page
This time click on the “Heavier Atoms” link, then “Next” then find the “Periodic Table Applet” to click
on which brings you to
David’s Whizzy Periodic Table at http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/applets/a2.html
This interactive periodic table shows the first 4 periods (rows) of the periodic table. Notice that the
atomic emission spectrum of each element is also shown for each element as you click on them in the
table. The Bohr-type model on the left will also change with the pink dots representing electrons in the
1st energy level, the yellow dots representing the 2nd energy level electrons, green dots the 3rd, etc.
We will ignore the right side showing the ionization energy for now, but basically this will show that is
always requires the least amount of energy (around 10 eV, electronvolts) to remove which ever is the
outermost electron.
Click on 7 different elements to get an idea of what changes each time, just explore.
Q15: Now click on Li, lithium. Click on the “Nucleus View” and describe what you think is represented
Q16: Now click on the “Shell View” for Lithium and describe what you see in the left diagram? Be
specific about what the pink and yellow dots represent.
Q17: Normal Lithium has an atomic # of 3 and a mass # of 7amu. Do the diagram views agree with
this? explain.
Q18: Notice the atomic emission spectrum for Li, what color spectral lines does Li emit?
Q19: In order, click on the following elements: H, He, Li, Be, C, N, O, Cl, Ne, then Na, Mg. Describe
what happens every time you proceed down the horizontal row or period. What happens when you
jump down to the next row? Check out a few more and see if your pattern continues.
Q20: In order click H, Li, Na, K. Count the number of electrons in each energy level as you go down
this family or group. Remember from 1st (inner) to 4th (outer) energy level the colors go from pink
to yellow to green to aquamarine. What is similar about the number of valence electrons in each
and what is different about which energy level the valence e- is/are found in? Hint: you can
summarize the number of electrons in Na saying there are 2-8-1 in the 1st-2nd-3rd energy levels
Q21: In order click on He, Ne, Ar, Kr. What is similar about the number of valence electrons in each
and what is different about which energy level the valence e- is/are found in?
Q22: Notice that the sublevels of the electrons are listed on the right as s, p and d. You will learn later
what these mean, but for down that within each Energy Level these are 3 of the possible patterns or
sublevels that electrons can be in. Click on the largest atom shown Kr which has all of its Energy
Levels and sublevels maxed out. Count and list the maximum number of electrons found within
each of these 3 sublevels: s, p and d. Now check around on other elements on the chart to make
sure that none have more than this in any of their sublevels.
Q23: PREDICT before looking….what will be the similarities and differences in electron locations as
you click on F, Cl, Br? Now do it and see if your prediction is right.
Q24: Click on He- Li then Ne-Na and then Ar-K. Describe the general trend of what happens to the
next electron added after each Noble gas.
Q25: What is special about He, Ne and Ar in regarding to the “octet rule” of bonding (and electron
transfer)? These elements have been referred to as “inert” which means unreactive. This means
they do not accept or give away electrons. Explain why this would be the case.
Q26: Li, Na and K are likely to lose an electron. Why is this the case based upon the octet rule?
What electron would they lose (Be Specific)?
Li _____ Na ______ K ____
After losing this electron, what elements would their energy levels be identical to?
Q27: O, S, and Se are likely to gain two electrons. Why is this the case based upon the octet rule?
Where would the two new electrons go (Be Specific)?
After gaining these two electrons, what elements would their energy levels be identical to?
O _____ S ______ Se ____
Q28: Based on the examples you just did try to PREDICT before looking….how many electrons would
be lost or gained by Mg and by F. And what elements would their energy levels be identical to for
each after losing or gaining the electron(s)? Now check to see if you were right.
Summary of what was learned in this webquest. Please use complete sentences for these last ones.
Q29: Describe some reasons why our current understanding of the atom is known as the Quantum
Q30: Is there a systematic way in which the periodic table is organized that helps us to make good
predictions about what the electron configurations (the location of electrons) in atoms look like?
Describe some of these systematic patterns.